MIDI Synch Volca Bass and hardware

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by freerider197, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. freerider197

    freerider197 Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Hello everybody,

    i recently purchased a korg volca bass and i've to say it's a damn small and powerful machine.
    But i have a problem (or maybe it's just my ignorance), i can't get it synced with my Arturia Minibrute and Roland Tr-8.
    The Tr-8 sends midi clock to minibrute midi in and everything is fine, but i don't know how to connect and sync the volca to the brute. Does i need a MIDI box with MIDI through or something similar, or i can use the CV out of the brute?

    Thanks :bow:
  3. santillana

    santillana Kapellmeister

    Jul 30, 2015
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    You should be able to send midi clock from the tr8 midi out into the midi in of the volca bass. It's all about how you want your set up.

    The Minibrute does not have clock input as a minijack but it does have midi out so another way to set it up could be:
    Minibrute as Master that sends "Midi Out" to TR8 'Midi In" then TR8 "Midi Out" into Volca Bass "Midi In" - All you need for this is 2 midi leads.

    Minibrute has a firmware hack that can change the arp into a step secuencer, this way you could have it all sync at once.

    Make sure if you do this to set up the TR8 to only listen to Clock IN and OUT so you don't get midi note information from the MInibrute that could end up playing your tr8 drums while you playing the keybard and the tr8 playing bass notes in the korg volca.

    Have a go and let us know how are you getting on :)

  4. freerider197

    freerider197 Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Thanks for your advice.

    That could be a solution, but as i understand correctly i can't use my old setup (TR-8 -> minibrute -> volca) because the clock don't come out from the minibrute, only notes. Or there is a way to let the midi clock signal pass through Minibrute and than into the volca?

    I've tried to search on the net but it seems that the MIDI out of the Minibrute cannot be changed to a midi through..