Maschine Improvements

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Bassmonsta, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Hi everyone!

    I hope everyone is enjoying the new AudioSex as much as I am. I just wanted to get a thread going in this super cool dedicated Maschine section.

    I'm a self obsessed Maschine addict. I use it loads and loads in my production work.
    But no matter how much I use it, I always find myself bouncing my work out to another DAW.
    Even though the workflow in Maschine is streamlined I find the software dam right annoying at times.
    Automation I find is a real pain in the butt.
    Also another massive gripe of mine is non separation of 3rd party VST'S.
    Does anybody else here find it bloody annoying if not impossible to navigate your installed plug-ins.
    I mean, in Maschine 1 we had 3rd party plug-ins separated. Now I find myself scrolling through tons of plug-ins just to find the right tool for the job. It would be really nice if Native Instruments brought back the separated 3rd party option for ease of use right?
    I really think the software has improved vastly in the last few years. Some of the new features are really cool the Chord and Scale and Arp are awesome.
    I just can't work out for the life of me why the hell they have gone backwards with some of these updates.

    And why the hell can't we import the Mp3 format yet??? lol
    Its really annoying that this still isn't incorporated yet. Having to convert file formats before starting work is a pain.

    I really could name lots and lots of other improvements I would like to see made in further updates.

    I would really like to hear everyones else's points views and suggestions on this topic.
    What do you guys really think of Maschine? Was it really a game changer?
  3. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Contact NI, Doubt they will listen. But worth the shot.
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  4. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    We all have little details and unique ways of making music. Having Maschine for years, I don't think it's still up to par. I always try to knock the dust off of it and retry it, but always put it back in the closet. Usable? Yes, but not quick enough for my workflow. However, it's only version 2.
  5. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Just want to chime in as well. I love maschine. I have a maschine studio. It's a shame I haven't learned all the functions of it. But I think it's partly because of what you mentioned. Some things feel weird while using the maschine software...such as arranging, finding plugins, I use maschine inside logic x and saved a template that I just recall for every project. Anyway, as far as advice, I believe you can use Auganizer (on mac) to use inside maschine and it will organize your plugins. Also download Audio Ease's Snapper, it has a drag and drop feature that shows you a song's waveform the moment you click on it. From there, you can and drag it and import any audio files onto maschine. No use of a mp3 converter or anything of that sort.

    Hope that helps,

  6. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    i mentioned this in the other Maschine thread...

    I sold mine after a few months and went back to Acid...people say its wack and old but it can do some serious beatmaking shit!

    The actual track view annoyed me in little lego blocks that had no relation to the audio or midi contained in these shitty lego blocks...

    everything is done in a separate window, where on acid i can see the actual drum parts, samples etc in the actual track...

    if i want to move a hihat a little bit on maschine i had to go to another window and work out which lego block contained the drum pattern etc etc...

    its shiny and looks great with lots of lights and buttons but for hardcore beatmaking it just wasnt for me...

    I can see why the EDM heads use it tho...
  7. K33F

    K33F Newbie

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Yea, it is essentially just a midi controller for me now. All my sampling is done through Ableton
  8. Tech Tone

    Tech Tone Newbie

    May 11, 2015
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    To Bassmonsta The numbered tabs that selected the sequences in version one was great also.
  9. priNceJ

    priNceJ Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    damn remix I thought I might be the only one still using Acid. lol. Acid is just so simple and easy and the browser at the bottom of the screen makes life so much easier when browsing samples.
    Maschine..I hate the feel of the pads on the hardware unit. I know u can get a 3rd party soft pad upgrade kit. Anyone tried this? I feel like I'm still learning maschine. I love the chord mode on the new 2.3 update. Navigation on the hardware can be tedious and interferes with the workflow like mentioned before. I hope the software grows on me eventually. I just create so much quicker in Acid or FLstudio and get inspired. All the great songwriters will say there greatest works were written in minutes or just in a matter of just messing around with an idea thrown against the wall. Songs I've written with maschine feel a little fabricated.
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