Studio One v2 vst help needed

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by tek909, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Hi, I am pretty new to this forum. I have question that hopefully, someone here can help me with.
    I've been a Ableton Live user now for about 8 years or so now and recently, I been using S| v2.
    It seems like a amazing DAW so far, but I am having this issue. When I start Studio One, I notice
    that a bunch of my plugins are not there and are not viewable? Has anyone else had this problem? Hopefully someone can help me out.
    Thanks for your time.
  3. djchon

    djchon Guest


    When this happens to me I usually check the follow steps:

    1.- Vst and Vsti's are in the correct vst folder "program files/vstplugins" (for me)
    2.- In settings I add the vst folder (Im spanish so I can't tell you the correct form to acces to that section), but maybe "Settings -> Locations -> Plugins Vst" there you can edit and check the vst configuration.
    3.- Perhaps your plugins are for 64bits, however, Studio One 32bits can add them too, so this can´t be your problem.
    4.- Some vst's are not accepted by Studio One, when you launch the program, ¿warning messages appears?
    5.- There are 2 sections for Instruments and Effects... (I wish ableton copy that nice function)

    and this is all I know.. hope you can find them.

    Sorry my bad english
  4. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Reset the blacklist , then scan again, I had a few plugs not show up and that seemed to help with a few
  5. hopemusic

    hopemusic Newbie

    Dec 29, 2011
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    hi mate,i hope that you can find the solution for your problem,

    So ,i want to ask you about studio one,that i want to try(im ableton user too^^)
    -do you like more than ableton?
    -please ,do you can tell me a few differences ??and some advanteges??
    -and if you can told me anything about workflow it would be great

    i hope that you can help me and
    _Have a nice Day!!
  6. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Do you have software from Magix and Intelligent Devices installed ?
    I had problems too and solved them by uninstalling them both.
    Did clean the blacklist, restarted and all was there.

    I tried reinstalling those Magix and Intelligent Devices effects and had same problems again.
    Now I don't have them again and actually can live without.
    The funny part is, that I have no clue why that happened.
    All other VST's work perfect and never crashed me even once(had that only with Reason so far) !

    Regards advances of Studio One vs. Live:
    -S1 is stable in all situations - Live is not !!!
    -S1 works at half CPU ! 50% less means, you can work with more tracks,synth or effects.
    -All VST's sound much better in S1 and you can work at 64bit even on a 32bit OS.
    (there is a fight at Ableton-forum about Live's sound quality all the time, and I agree the sound is not adequate)
    -The effects are amazing in S1 and Top-Quality. EQ, Comps and so on are awesome.
    -You can work in S1 just like in Live.
    Drag and drop effects, synth and samples like in Live, having the same workflow.
    -S1 has it's own Master-Section.
    You can drag a saved song into a project and S1 opens it automatically,
    and exports the mix-down into the master section.
    You don't have to open a project to export, it does that on it's own.
    When you think you wann change something quick in the song, you open it from the master section and close it,
    The new mixdown gets exported automatically to update the project.
    You should watch the tutorial videos to get a better idea of that feature. AMAZING !!!
    -Melodyne is now fully integrated into S1 !!!

    Disadvantages in S1 are:
    -No Midi effects - but you can Rewire Live to have them in S1 and using it's better sound engine.
    -Lives Sampler is my most missing part in S1 - again, I ReWire to use it !
    -MAX devices are funny and nice to experiment. - Oh, I ReWire that too...!

    You know what ? Live is now my biggest plugin and the serious work is done in Studio One.
  7. hopemusic

    hopemusic Newbie

    Dec 29, 2011
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    carface!! only thanks!
  8. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Just an add-on regards ReWire into Studio One:
    You'll find the Software with ReWire-Icon in the Browser at the right side.
    You drag that into the workspace and it automatically opens a track.
    A little activation window opens too and you just tick the one that tells you to open the software.
    Studio One opens the Software(Live/Reason..whatever) automatically.
    You can also close it this way, after you saved your work with that software.

    It's a step forward that you don't have to open the ReWired software by yourself, isn't it !?!

    Have Fun !!!
  9. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Thanks for all of your input/help. I got it working now.
    I did have software from Magix and Intelligent Devices installed.
    Now it's uninstalled. Also, I had a issue with a demo,
    that needed to be uninstalled.

    Thank you,