Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I hate to bother you Introninja, and pollute thread, i sent you a pm with a quick question, appreciate your help and sage advice!
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Oh didn't know you already sent a PM. Sorry Intro, now you're gonna get two on the same subject. :rofl:
  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Great minds think alike lol :mates:

    Now you guys check yours lol :bow:
  4. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Just wanted to drop in and publicly thank introninja (and catalyst!) for their help on getting this all up and running for me. I am finally able to try out some libraries I have been lusting after, but as an owner of legit Komplete, was afraid I might mess my system up.

    One easy workaround (for osx users at least, not sure if it works same on pc), is what I did. I simply downloaded the latest R2R version 5.4.2 (which was different from my updated version via service center (5.4.3.))...

    1. Drag and dropped the standalone to another folder I created in my apps folder called "Native Instruments Kracked"
    2. Drag and dropped the vst from the same release to my VST for Ableton ONLY folder... (Ableton allows you to make a VST folder only seen by that software, so you don't have to have 1000 vsts, just the ones you want, or the releases that are VST only), since I primarily use AU's simply because I was mainly a Logic user before.
    3. Batchmodded the Standalone app.
    4. Booted standalone... all good.
    5. Bootled Ableton, instantiated KontaktK (however, it did not show a different name, just said Kontakt5, but I knew since I did not have my legit Kontakt in the ableton only vst folder, that that indeed was the k'd version...
    6. Added lsome libraries I wanted to check out.
    7. Sat back with unmitigated joy as I was finally able to test out Outout REV and SMACK and some other libs I have wanted to try...

    I'm not sure if this helps anyone out, but if you are using Ableton on OSX, it was painless, and worked. Now I just have to remember to open the correct Kontakt depending on what I want to use.

    Service Center will show the libs you have added, but that's no big deal, as NI doesn't give a crap, so that's no big deal.

    But again, thanks Introninja for your continued help to everyone here, great service to the community friend! :bow: :bow: :wink: :wink:
  5. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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    just to be sure understood correctly - you had a legit 5.4.3 as do i and managed to use standalone crack 5.4.2 with simply replacing vst etc... ? i assumed 5.4.3 needs to be replaced by 5.4.3 crack not lower.
  6. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Hi Introninja

    I've tried to read through all the threads, but forgive me if this has been discussed already…

    I understand that creating a .nicnt file for a lib that already has that info encoded will corrupt the lib - a definite no-no. But what about when you're trying to combine several such libs in one tab to condense the list? I've done so successfully in several cases (all the NI pianos, all the Chris Hein Winds, all the 8Dio Adagio Strings) and they've loaded without incident. But today I was trying the some process to create multi-tabs all the Westgate solo winds and of the various Symphobia libs, and I accidentally left the same SNPID number in both .nicnt files and I ended up with the irritating situation when after you fix the number you have to repeatedly delete both prefs and the XML for both libs and they somehow keep remembering the link and refusing to load…

    Actually I still haven't yet got both libs to load at once, and the Westgate collection when it does load is giving me the "unlicensed" message. Now I'm not sure if it's because I just haven't managed to stomp out the last vestige association between the two libs, or because by trying to load an encoded lib with a separate nicnt file I've corrupted it.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  7. studiocraig

    studiocraig Newbie

    Feb 27, 2015
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    I'm having the same problem when adding Cine Voxos Library to Kontakt 5.4.2 it shows can't be loaded because encrypted . All the other libs seem fine. any solutions ?

    Thanks to everyone , I'm learning a lot about the structure of Kontakt
  8. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    dear all,

    WOW....I've been reading all these messages and I must say....Introninja really is KONTAKTGURU. If there ever would be handed an award for knowledge and willingness to help out people, he's the sole and only legitimate candidate to receive this one. Imagine the free time spent on solving problems of others.....I'm just saying so any applicant for help realizes this well.
    Just taking the time and the opportunity to give a BIG THANKS to this guy!
    have a good weekend y'all.
  9. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I've sent you an PM, Thanks

    Is everything working now?
    Your welcome and knowledge is power

    Thank you, i really mean it, i love to see great messages like this for honorable people.

    But there's no me without you, so let's help each other.
  10. studiocraig

    studiocraig Newbie

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Hi Introninja,
    Voxes lib still is showing up as encrypted in Kont 5.2.4 and won't open and I can't still seem to find a solution yet . Could you possibly send a PM . any insight would be greatly appreciated .

  11. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Hi Introninja - did you PM me? If so something messed up somewhere, I haven't seen any incoming msgs
  12. wavesequence

    wavesequence Newbie

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Venezia - Mestre
    Sorry if this subject was already discussed... I did my best to read thoroughly but I'm clueless...

    I bought Komplete 9 Ultimate, expecially for Kontakt 5.x. Although the installation was successful, I wasn't able to reload all my non-legit libraries I got during all these years.

    Actually I have latest Kontakt version under Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9.5 and I'm wondering how to retrieve all my libraries I was using before under Snow Leopard and an old non legit Kontakt (that although wasn't able to load all the libraries).

    Until now I understood just that I have to substitute my legit Kontakt with a R2R release and must create/edit .nictn files...
    What about .nkc, .nkx and .xml files that are needed to correctly load an unregistered sample library?

    Please help,
  13. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    As far as I understand it, you can't have a legitimate and cracked copy of kontakt running at the same time. And you can only run legitimate licensed libraries in your official kontakt. There are threads here in the kontakt forum that explain how to create the files you are looking for. Good Luck
  14. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I am using MAC 10.8.5 and Kontakt 5.5.0. I have read and read on here and on external sites how to fix this Apollo Cinematic Guitars library that keeps disappearing. Simply deleting the xml file in Service Center and rebooting doesn't work. Copying info doesn't work since the NICNT and XML files are the same. Has anyone run into this issue with a newer library? I just haven't seemed to figure this out.

  15. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Introninja, You've done so much for the audio community, from supplying wallpapers to breaking down complex issues. I'm thanking you for them and myself. I'll take Cat's advice to pay it forward and help out here when I can.
  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I have both legit and non legit running on osx 10.8.5, but I may be in a certain subset... I use ableton live as my primary "instrument"... so I have a designated folder for Ableton VST's (which you can select in Ableton prefs)... there resides my handy R2R K'd Kontakt, and in my components AU folder I have legit Kontakt... even different versions, (i think 5.4.2 and 5.4.3)... and they are coexisting just fine.... I have been hesitant to upgrade to Kontakt 5.5.1, just out of precaution, IntroNinja can probably show some light on this...

    But absolutely. thanks to IntroNinja for his continued support and help to members here. He is an invaluable resource to us all.
  17. peterand

    peterand Newbie

    Jul 26, 2015
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    First time posting on this forum, firstly… thanks very much of all the really useful advice here. Would have been totally lost without it and it has fixed many problems for me previously.

    There's only one that I just can't solve. Been reading through the instructions on this forum and have done all instructed in the first post on this thread, reinstalled a new Kontakt etc. Deleted all traces of previous ones before doing that with 'EasyFind.' Made sure the new Kontakt is cracked etc.

    I'm trying to get a downloaded version of 'Output Signal' working on my Mac. It's a 10.6.8 operating system. I changed the CoreServices previously to install a cracked Kontakt 5.3.0 onto it and have it working via Ableton fine but no matter what I do I still get the 'This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the respective….' message. On the torrent I sourced this from there are comments that it works with windows and there is a setup to delete the key/registery and xml.. On the first post on this thread I think I understand it as that is the alternative way of doing that for a mac. However despite following that set up 3 or 4 times it just isn't working for me sadly. It still get the error message… I've tried adding through the 'add library' and the 'file' tab on Kontakt.

    I'm a bit of a loss at what to do at this stage. I've attached a list of pictures of the issue here is that would help.

    Wonder if anyone could advise please. Would be hugely appreciated.

  18. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Haven't heard from Introninja for a while - he's obviously your best resource on such things. But for what it's worth here are a couple of things to try:
    - some things we try to get around this frustrating block can in fact corrupt certain files, so that even if we eventually manage to resolve the original issue we don't know we have, since the corrupted files still preclude successful loading. The small info files in particular seem vulnerable, but are easy to replace from the original rars if you have them (eg "Chris Hein Horns Solo DE_info.nkc", and .nkr)

    - Some libs also seem to be scripted differently as to where these info files are expected to be. I've had success after changing their location, eg moving them from a dedicated samples folder into the main folder for that lib. Often once they're seen in the right place things open up, as though the bouncer has suddenly recognized you and let you in the VIP entrance.

    - If you have a lib that needs a separate .ninct file (and make SURE it actually does before you add one - this can cause corruption as mentioned above), be careful what SNPID # you assign to it. These numbers are used not only for the libraries themselves, but for various other components in the NI world, and choosing one that's already in use can be hard to diagnose and even harder to clean up after. Also, I've found some devs sensitive about contiguous numbers for their libs - eg if you assign 738 to "Rat Farts Volume 1" and 739 to "Rat Farts Volume 2". They seem happier if you spread them out a bit. Not sure if it's the dev or some other circumstance, but it seems to matter. Intronija has posted a good tutorial for generating a list of SNPID#s in your system.

    Hope this helps - I'll post any other suggestions as they occur to me. Please let me know if you come up with any solutions of your own - we're all figuring out this puzzle as we go.

  19. studiocraig

    studiocraig Newbie

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Well I still can't seem get Cine Voxos to load because of the encryption. Introninja can possibly PM me if you have a solution . Thanks!
  20. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    man, I have had no issues with Kontakt; however, I dont use it as much as I used to... either way, fuckn huge thanks Intro!!


    I mean seriously... nice work!! :D
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