Why do/did R2R release music software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by farao, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's a combination of the challenge but the actual act of releasing to the public is to support the artists which they've been doing for a very long time now. Sadly P2P was never going to lead to anything good, so it's very much like communism in that sense and things are out of balance. This has been predicted by the original scene for a long time and it's clear as day that this isn't working and will never work. Mercurysoto really hit the nail on the head with his comment so much respect to him. People devolve in the same way that spoiled rich brats do when they have everything catered to, they begin to feel that they are somehow now entitled and this is where all the problems begin. Not everyone but enough people to give the teams a reason to curtail their activities. Supplies are meager but demands and complaints are always overflowing. We've been lucky to have been taken care of for so long in the first place and now we have pretty much anything we could ever want as you said so yourself. It's really amazing to me that they lasted as long as they did because if it were me I would be done a long time ago. Step into their shoes and imagine how you would handle it particularly when reading some of the idiotic comments that are posted like the one I am responding to below. The truth is none of us could imagine the kind of demanding and often thankless position that they're in. On top of it the kind of disrespect they encounter on a daily is just inane. Honestly ask yourself if you would be willing to deal with it. My bet is that most of us wouldn't and that's why it takes a special kind of person to walk the walk and not just talk or critique. Any asshole can do that and most do exactly that. And I mean that generally and not directed at you of course. I hope I've answered your question to your satisfaction. If you have any others then let me know. :wink:

    Thanks for being a shining example of why the P2P should be dismantled: people like you. I always say that you can find out who people really are when the chips are down and it's clear that the years of support from the teams has been completely lost on you. You're giving them, they're giving you? If you haven't given shit then do us all a favor and just stfu. I'd bet my life that you haven't given anything to anyone ever much less to the teams. The facts are that most supplies to the teams come from other teams so as usual it's all talk about things you know nothing about. The idiocy of even having the balls to talk about greed when referring to teams that have supported the public for years and years, often at personal cost (and risk) is only something a self-centered megalomaniac could ever dream up. And this nonsense about them watching people die is as stupid as it gets. Reality check: this isn't medicine, it's warez. What utterly infantile analogies.

    Some encourage others to support the developers. Imagine that. That is far from your statement which I have never seen said to anyone in the history of the site. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, we just try to remind people that it's important to support the devs if we hope that they will have the incentive and desire to continue releasing those products that we enjoy. Almost all teams did the same thing. And this nobody understands the plight of the poor bs is such tired drivel. I knew a guy here (Frito Zanzibar) that was writing his music while he was homeless and starving in California. I even reached out to send him some money because I really felt for the guy who was a talented musician and an amazing person but he would never take it. Haven't heard from him in about 2 years and for all I know he could be dead by now and I've reached out countless times over that span. Oh but wait that can't happen in America. People starve irrespective of where they reside and believe it or not you're not the only person in the universe that got a raw deal. Who are you to tell people to shut up and live life silently especially when ironically you make enough noise for everyone. Completely blind to your own hypocrisy. Now somehow being poor has become an excuse for unbridled entitlement.

    And I hear this wannabe bullshit thrown about which is always good for a laugh. What do you think we wanna be exactly? You? That would be all too simple. I figure all we need is a lobotomy and a massive stick to shove up our nether regions. You come to our sites to download, to make use of our collective work and to read what we post and then talk of others being wannabes. If you're so cool and original why don't you fuck off somewhere else and enjoy your content. The fact that you show up to supposed wannabe portals really says it all to me because in the end actions always speak louder than words and yours are as empty and vapid as you are. Better to be a supposed wannabe than a neverbe like you. Don't like it, don't come here. It's real fuckin' simple so next time save the diatribe. You simply don't have the courage of your convictions. That would at least be something I could respect. However you're only good at critique because that's something that requires no investment in anything and that's why there are always infinitely more critics than there are those that are either in the scene, or running and moderating a site. Speaking of the death of AudioZ but yet signing on daily. If AudioZ would die, so would most of the free shit that you enjoy. If AudioZ is so irrelevant then I wonder why you visit the site at all. I don't even see the point in your comment. What do you think you're gonna insult your way to more releases? All you're accomplishing is reaffirming why the decision was made and reminding anyone else that might try their hand at some reversing that they should keep their work to themselves. And if you had any dignity you wouldn't be making an argument that sounds like it comes from a 5 year old child.

    First of all until a few years ago AudioZ didn't even have moderation which is asinine for a public warez site. Second of all believe it or not the only moderator there also administrates here and has a demanding full-time job. There are also tens of thousands of members and one person to manage them. In spite of that somehow we've managed to improve a million areas of the site from the security to the platform itself. Don't blame me for the bottomless pit of human arrogance and stupidity. I committed three years to helping people here from moderation and administration to designing features, resolving bugs and providing content on both sites. I've done your reups, I've answered your questions, I've given away coupons and I've helped in any way that I could. Beyond that the staff have lives too and don't revolve around removing comments from the imbeciles that frequent there. I've done all I could in the hopes that it would go private and create an environment that could easily be managed and would prosper. Since that hasn't happened then the community will get the environment they deserve and we will find other avenues to support each other and other good people. If members want to roll around in the shit then let them. I've been spending less time on the site, copy barely comes by anymore, many others too. In the end it will be the community's loss and not ours. We can get by just fine as is and have more than we could ever hope to utilize. Many of us were only there to help out in the first place and it wasn't because we were looking for extra work or extra hassle. We just felt that instead of complaining about what isn't right we would put in effort to make things better, an infinitely more valuable pursuit. And we did as most people would agree. In fact the most respected scene teams from the past have expressed their bewilderment that we even deal with this garbage day in and day out because very few of you would be up to that challenge. Many teams quit simply because they could see where things were only heading. Imagine now when we've arrived there.
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  2. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Sorry man. It wasn't a direct dig at you. I didnt read your post properly. please accept my sincere apology.
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    R2R stopped publishing?

    I guess I didn't notice, too busy using and learning the zillions of prior releases..

    Self check... Open up ur Daw.. and go thru ur plugins, I guarantee not many , if any of us have even delved into 5% of what we've been given and really used, learned them to their full potential.

    My God, If there were no more releases by anyone.. ever... we would have 100X more than we need to make any type of music, 1000 times over.
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  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You said it mate. I actually think this is a blessing for many of us that have never had the excuse to take the time to really get to know the gems that we have at our disposal. I'm spending so much time just on one synth lately and I feel like there's so much about it that I could still learn. And all from teams that would rather see us die than help. Yet somehow most of the stuff I have in my arsenal are due to them and their unwavering support all these years. What can I say? R2R and all other legendary teams: I am forever in your debt. One day I plan to relay what your work has meant to me and for it I am and always will be truly grateful, no matter what you guys decide to do. So thank you, with no strings attached. :bow:

    By the way One Reason we have a special feature that has been incorporated into the new AudioSex that was included with you in mind (and others that would appreciate it of course). Not long now until you find out exactly what it is. :wink:
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    First thanks for taking the time to answer :thumbsup:

    - Don`t get me wrong; my post was not a "rant" directed at You as a person.
    I have a high estime of You, Your personality, and Your work.
    It was rather directed at the community that have taken over that site (AudioZ)

    Is it possible that with every release, there have to be a circus in the replies ????
    Can`t people just say thanks, or comment the software, or make a joke or two, or help someone that is having some trouble installing or understanding the release, without crucifying him ???
    is it so hard to be polite and have a joyful conversation with someone ???

    That place is become worst that Youtube in the comment section... it makes me puke.
    No surprise that some teams gave up releasing; I wouldn’t neither.

    What kind of "people" are those ??? from what mountain they came down ???

    I have released tons of my own work (not cracked, nor protected) for free, for the enjoyment of good "kids" on other domains than audio; and I always had pleasure doing it, just for the sake of sharing, and to see the communities growing and having a good time.
    But never I saw such a "shit hole" as is currently on AudioZ

    What a stinky world has this become in just a few years... or was I blind before ?!? :dunno:
    Are You guys (active on AudioZ) not able to control Yourself and behave like a normal person without a "Policeman" ? are You so fucked up ???
    Flush down the toilet all the crack, pills, anti-depressives and shit, and go back to the good old joint if this is the cause

    ...anyway, I still hope that there is common sense among You.
    Make that place a comfortable corner on the net, where You can spend some good time, share some knowledge, learn something, learn someone, enjoy Your time with toys that You like, and let people that knows how to defy protection, to have a nice public place where to enjoy showing to the world what they are able to do.


    Sorry my language... I am not a natural English speaker :bow:
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @ farao i wasnt trying to be ignorant was trying to be funny
    what zeus and Rhodes said is more than likey the right answers.

    @Rhodes what you said there, you shared your own work
    and it made you feed good thats the sort of reason people do things
    is know big mystery unless you make it into one like whats happen here a few time,

    Then there is a other parth were you share other peoples work
    you taught at the time it was the right thing to do
    but one day you realize the stuff your shared
    is what people are trying to make a liveing of
    and rely on it to feed their families and have a good life,
    thats were second thoughts come in about what you are doing,

    say if one person buys something they would of never had of
    it was wort it for everyone,
    but if what you shared stops one person from buying
    something they would of its the opposite situation,

    so its realy up to each one of us to make this a good or bad thing
    make some great music that you would of never had the chance to make
    buy the software you use and its a happy ending if more do than dont,
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  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I withdraw that comment. I guess irritation is just a knee jerk reaction to these sorts of threads because they often create nothing but problems. I'm too quick to jump off with an argument, and usually a few hours later I don't even know why I did it. So my apologies to you, and anyone else that got pulled into that bit of negativity.

    Serious question here: DanielFaraday said something like "this community deserves retards like hydro and union"

    I get that hydro shows up to flame everyone all the time. What did Union ever do? All I've seen from them is good releases.
  8. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    catalyst, you are an impressive human being.
    thanks for the work you do and the wisdom you dispense.
    It reminds me why I liked this site in the beginning (admittedly not that long ago for me)

  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Haha.. well, that's nice to hear.. What is it.. a GUI Complain-0-Meter? :rofl:

    Look forward to whatever it is *yes*
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  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @Catalyst Thank you for answering. I've sent you a pm.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    haha for sure, i am good right now, started using older tools and also getting comfortable with them.

    i think to much new stuff kills that.
  12. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I cannot speak for him to explain, but I can definitely relate:

    For several years, I have lived in a small low-income housing complex ironically situated in an affluent neighborhood. Since a lot of people move out of the neighborhood during spring–summer, dumpster-harvest season is high then. I go out and collect things from dumpsters - all sorts of food, utensils, furniture, clothings, shoes, and consumer electronics - and bring it back home with me. A lot of it I distrubute to neighbors in my complex, and often when I find something in a dumpster I'll think, "So-and-so might need this," or, "So-and-so wears this size of shoe." In addition to feeding myself and furnishing my own apartment, for years, I have thoughtfully contributed to the domestic comfort of my neighbors, and even helped them to keep from going hungry. Why? Because I can; it's what neighbors should do; I hate to see perfectly-edible food and perfectly-usable goods go to waste. However, I have almost always been the only resident of my complex to go out and seach the dumpsters in the neighborhood. Why? Maybe because they're lazy. Does anyone ever come to my door with something they'd found or which they thought I could use? No.

    Today I found outthat I was turned down for a lucrative job doing something I do well, and which would have turned my life around and enabled me to move out of this crummy apartment complex populated by lazy people who barely do anything for themselves, let alone for anyone else, and I suddenly don't feel like taking it upon myself to supply them with accoutrements for their domiciles and yummy foodstuffs that thet can't afford to buy. I feel as though it has become my karmic role to supply and to provide; such that no one considers to help me out nor what really goes into producing the results I have yielded for so long.
  13. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    If no release appear in Christmas, I will believe that the scene is dead, for outcasted anyway.
    If the only thing that we actually can change is ourselves, why spentd time with that?
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  14. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    R2R he will be always respected and welcome in my house!:beg::break::keys: thanx for the 5-6 great years of exploring through the new horizon of sound, instruments and daws :drummer:
  15. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    because they wanted to share the love with everyone, and also decided to step up to the plate to continue bring products to everyone is why they did.:beg:
  16. Gaiana

    Gaiana Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    As a composer/producer who has actually released music using some of these warez, i am of course very grateful for the work all the many teams have done since decades. For me this goes back to the twilight series (NL) in the late 90'ies.

    I don't feel bad releasing music using warez, because there simply is so little money in releasing music these days, almost nobody buys music anymore. There is this general mentality that it's ok to spend 5$ for a coffee which took 2 minutes to make and will give you 5 minutes of enjoyment, but it's too much to spend 1$ for a track that took months to craft and can last you a lifetime.

    Especially for my style and scene, it's just not sustainable anymore, it's barely even economically viable enough to renew or upgrade hardware, so warez have enabled me to continue producing using high quality plugins.

    The warez scene has been supporting and sustaining many artists like me and enabling us to continue with this passion of ours, so their decision to stop this will have consequences for the music scene as well, especially for the more underground and non-commercial non-mainstream scenes.

    I understand the frustration, but (and i say this with the utmost respect and gratitude) to react in this way seems rather childish. I would have thought these guys would stay above the level of all the morons and trolls that infest the internet.

    I'm just wondering if there is any alternative; a more closed-circle way of sharing these warez and continue supporting the music scene?
    We can leave the ingrates and trolls at the gate, starving, but at least give access to people who are actually really doing something with this software.

    Anyways, to the teams: thanks for all the work you've done, it's very much appreciated and i hope knowing that a lot of music out there today is only there because of the work you guys did will be enough to give you some satisfaction and pride as well.

  17. dirkdiddler

    dirkdiddler Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Dude you were not simply asking a question as you now are trying to claim you were...
    because you have obviously downloadded some R2R releases before then you surely have read at the bottom

    "...Support the good developer if you like it. We would like to support you for free as long as you understand what you are doing and what it means."

    So you already knew why they were releasing (they wanted to support us and the developers)
    but you stated.....

    "I used to think R2R wanted to supply tools for people to try and to be able to create music"

    "I thought the philosophy behind it all was that poor people would not be able to buy this"

    "I tought this because of the info files... "

    So you were making several statements that said you no longer think that what R2R said they did things for is true and it is because they do not release anymore...
    And by trying to pose what you were trying to disguise as an honest question you basically said that you no longer believe them (we believe us btw) and that perhaps they werent really doing it for the reasons that they said they were....
    Thats insulting so dont act so surprised bc people are taking offense....

    As Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it."
  18. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    @ farao
    who gives a flying fuck if R2R quit releasing... there is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much shit available now, you have everything you could ever hope for X 1,000,000.

    Download all the dope-ass shit that's already been released. Get hooked on new software you didn't previously own, download, some more... then, realize you have too much shit... Pick the stuff you always use (that is, IF there is any), and delete all the rest.

    Then, you won;t give a shit what r2r does. :dunno:


    P. Fuckn.S.

    This site looks ABSOLUTELY DOPE!!!

    Huge thanks to Cat and all his minions for hookin' us up wit' dis bad-ass new experience!!!!!!

    (your tremendously time-consuming, hard work will not go unnoticed by this guy!!)
  19. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Guess it must be his ghost who has been releasing since his death. :bleh:
  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    You obviously did not read or understand my post(s). But I'll answer you anyway since you probably are a nice guy. I did not start this discussion to discuss why R2R stopped releasing, rather to understand why they did release stuff to the public in the first place. You seem to not have made this distinction since you are not addressing the question at hand. Furthermore, sure I would like to see R2R happily release again, but not because I need or want any more tools making music myself.

    You seem not to care about R2Rs intentions at all because you have all the tools you need? Thats all fine even though it has little to do with the intended topic.