AudioSex Reloaded

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by Catalyst, Jul 24, 2015.


Do You Like The New AudioSex?

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  3. I was so blown away by the pure awesomeness of it all that I seem to have forgotten where I am

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Are you ready for something new? You better be because a new era has arrived front and center. To say that this iteration of AudioSex is simply a step up wouldn't really do it justice because the changes are so massive that it's literally an evolutionary leap. It's really been a lot of fun designing and testing these features with SAiNT and I'm very excited to share some of them with you folks. So without further ado allow me to walk you through some of the exciting changes:
    • Better Out Of The Box SEO: What does this mean? It means our community is going to grow a lot faster than ever before because of better search engine optimization. With the amazing new platform, you can count on many new members joining AudioSex which will help us offer an even better and more diverse member experience.
    • Comment-Related Updates: See at a glance which comments are new by their tag. You can also even look through the history of edits that a member has made to their comment. Or if you're the one making the edits, you can prevent history information from being retained by silently updating. You're in control.
    • Community Feedback: Now there is so much more you can do besides simply thanking a post. Everything from Agreeing/Disagreeing, Liking/Disliking to marking it as Funny, Winner, Informative, Friendly, Useful, Optimistic, Creative, Old, Bad Spelling, Dumb. This opens up a lot of avenues for feedback. You can even mark a comment as the best answer to your question so it will be more useful to everyone. You can also keep track of those ratings that you've received and those that you've given from your profile page.
    • Comprehensive Alert System: Now there is so much more to be notified about than just when you've received a PM. You'll now get alerts in many other different scenarios such as when someone likes or replies to your comment, tags you in a message, posts on your profile or comments on your status. And thanks to our comprehensive settings you can fine-tune the exact scenarios in which you receive notifications. This really makes AudioSex a much greater interactive community experience.
    • Drafts: Never lose another comment again thanks to our time-saving new Drafts feature automatically working in the background to retain any text that you've recently typed. We all know that feeling when you type a ton of stuff only to find out that the member's inbox is full or you close the tab accidentally. Never again.
    • Embedding Improvements: You can now maximize YouTube videos without having to watch them on YouTube. It's a small change but I know for many of us it's a most welcome one. This allows the AudioSex experience to be more fluid and immersive than ever before. And you'll never have to ask how to embed Soundcloud or YouTube videos again because there is no more removing the S in HTTPS so I can finally stop repeating myself like a robot. You simply paste the link and off you go. No need to even use the Media button on your toolbar for YouTube videos either (only Soundcloud). Easy embedding, every time.
    • Follow Members: Maybe you've met someone on AudioSex that you want to keep updated on. If you follow them then your news feed will list their recent status updates as well as their other recent activity.
    • Less Bugs: From our initial testing there seemed to be less bugs than ever before. Surely some will crop up here and there but the basic features should all work seamlessly. If you discover one please contact us so I can put it on my bug list for later resolution. Let's work together to make AudioSex the best that it can be.
    • Moderation Improvements: For our dream team staff moderation will be a lot easier than ever before on this new platform. There is now a post approval queue so no more browsing through the board to see what needs approval. Also you can give out a warning that will be removed after a predetermined length of time. No need to remember who you warned so in a month you can come back and remove it. Now it can be done automatically leaving you free for other tasks. Also no need to fill in the reason unless it's custom. Simply select from the choices on offer. You can also delete the content easily on the same screen rather than issuing a warning and then having to also delete the content. On a side note please show your appreciation to our staff members. They all donate their time to help make AudioSex a better experience for all of us even when touched by personal tragedy such as the horrific car accident that Zeus was involved in. Also their job isn't simply giving out warnings. They also perform a lot of the routine tasks that keep the forums organized and more useful for all of us and attend to your concerns. I'd like to extend my personal thanks to these guys because without them we couldn't do our job.
    • Profile And Settings At A Glance: Now it's easier than ever before to find and customize the changes that are important to you whether it be changing your password, updating your profile, posting a new status update, finding your content, changing your alert or privacy settings and so much more. The profile menu is your gateway to crafting your very own personalized AudioSex experience.
    • Quick Navigation: Wherever you are, it's easy to get where you want to go. If only life could be so easy. The Quick Navigation menu button in the upper right corner (the grid looking one) will allow you to easily navigate the forums through the board list, go to your profile, your account, conversations or your news feed. So everything is tied together for a more cohesive experience.
    • Real-Time Chat System: You read that right. Now you can connect with the people that matter to you in real time. This addition is massive because many of us have been making do with messages even in situations where we need to quickly relay information but we don't have to anymore. So there's never been a better time to get to know the awesome members of our thriving community or just write about how much you love AudioSex. It's okay, we know. I can already see those neurons firing so let me indulge you my friends: yes we can restrict access to chats via user group and passwords. The possibilities are endless.
    • Search Has Been Greatly Improved: This has been a priority item because our old search left a lot to be desired. Now it's more accurate than ever before and there are more options than ever before. Great combination. You can even search through profile posts. So it's never been easier to have all of our content right within your reach.
    • Similar Threads: Now when you're about to open a thread you can see which threads are similar saving you from wasting your precious time and ours. Never double post again.
    • Site Customization: Since you guys are central to AudioSex you can now customize your experience like never before. Don't want to see member signatures (One Reason cough cough) then it's just a setting away. Or perhaps you'd like to maximize the chat window, enable sounds or even disable the whole thing altogether. You can do any of those things. You can even change styles if you so choose. The community is central to this site and so now you can truly design your own AudioSex experience. It's like a dream come true.
    • Smileys Reloaded: More smileys than ever before and now we have a great way to organize them in tabs so this feature can easily be expanded in the future. Finally we can evolve past what we've been using and those are pretty stale at this point. So bring on the freshness. I've sent over my first batch of selections from my own collection and we'll be expanding them in the future as well. SAiNT will integrate them later today.
    • Spammer Tools: There's a lot of new tools to fight spammers such as our new reCAPTCHA system so we can be more effective at protecting our community and keeping it resilient. A lot of this stuff works on the back end too so there's less for staff to have to worry about.
    • Superior Mobile Experience: We haven't tested this feature out yet because we needed to go live first. The experience should be superior to what you're used to. AudioSex will work better across all the devices you use.
    • TLS Comes To AudioSex: Now that we have many avenues for interacting with each other, we wanted to improve security in this time of censorship and systems of surveillance and so we brought TLS here as well. Your privacy and the security of your data matter to us and we're doing everything we can to ensure that it remains safe. So rest easy because your time with us is now even more secure.
    • Two Different Methods For Composing and Editing Your Threads: The old method of using bbcodes and now we finally have a WYSIWYG editor. I've wanted to implement this feature for a long time because it really gives a lot more flexibility in post composition and the best part is you don't have to worry about bbcodes. You'll notice that a lot when using the site. The features are intuitive and things just work like you expect them to. You know what else it means? It means you can simply copy an image from anywhere on the web and drop it in your post. No more clicking on the image button, pasting the link, clicking the button. Now it's just copy and paste. It also means if you copy a snippet of bold or underlined text then those styles will transfer over when you paste. Or do you want to make something bold? Simply highlight and press Ctrl+B. Or maybe you want to post the news and you copy a block of text complete with an image and hyperlink. When you paste everything is retained for you just like it was on the site you're copying from. Just sit back and think about how much time you'll save and how much better your posting experience will be.
    If you can believe it the features I've just walked you through are only the tip of the iceberg and we're also still implementing new ones here and there. So now I'll leave you guys to explore a little on your own because the experience has always been worth a thousand words. Let me rewelcome you to the forums. If you're having any issues and could use some assistance then I'm here as always to walk you through them. First and foremost this reload of your favorite forum is dedicated to all the awesome people that have made it their home all these years and supported us with a clear understanding of what we're trying to accomplish here. Please don't forget to show your appreciation to SAiNT who worked really hard to get everything done just right.We promised that 2015 would be marked as the year of AudioSex and I believe that we've delivered. Now that the site matches the amazing community that can be found within, we can truly begin.


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  2. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Congrats guys, this is awesome, wow :invision:
  3. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    Holy Shitballs Batman.. :headbang: Looks Damn good... Great job Guys:beg::thanks:
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  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    My hurt eyes from my 58 monitor says:
    with less bright its just Better, but the design is a great bonus:beg::break:
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  5. Disfunktion

    Disfunktion Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Fritzl's Basement
    Massive Congrats & Thanks to everyone involved getting this up and running! This is absolutely SEXY! :cheers: :thanks:
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  6. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Very nice! Congratulations on the new launch!
  7. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Yeah new site looks fantastic! Great work. I'm definitely gonna be spending more time here now :mates:
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  8. P O P

    P O P Kapellmeister

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Massive thanks guys!!! great work :drummer::beg:
    looks so nice :dancing:
  9. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    Zeus will be happy, they have :deep_facepalm: now:hahaha:
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  10. vsan

    vsan Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    The world
    This is absolutely amazing! :woot: SAiNT, congratulations for this wonderful gift to all members. And congratulations to all staff members that make AudioSex better every day.:thumbsup::mates:
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  11. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    :like: Very nice and well done job. Congratulations guys. Well chosen colors and layout.
    thanks to all involved
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  12. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    looks good, but is everybody a newbie now? LOL

    fantastic job still.
  13. AudioZombie

    AudioZombie Kapellmeister

    Sep 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    perfect ! awesome job, thanks a lot
  14. Maduka

    Maduka Kapellmeister

    Oct 17, 2012
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    Magnifico job guys. Congratulations :wink:
  15. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Great work guys :drummer: Looks immense :thanks:
  16. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Plan 9
    Nearly as good looking as me :bleh:

    Awesome job guys looks brilliant :like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like::like:
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  17. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Oh god everything is different, but in a good way. (and I'll probably be accustomed to the new design after some days)
    And the most important thing stayed! All these awesome Smilies :rofl::wink: (and the community of course)
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  18. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Highlight for 2015 will be ------> :deep_facepalm: <------ :thanks:
  19. gatus

    gatus Kapellmeister

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Thanks for your hard work:wink:
  20. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    World 1, Scene 1
    Wow. Well, have to explore this.
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