IK Multimedia announce AmpliTube MESA/Boogie - AVAILABLE NOW!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    IK Multimedia is proud to announce AmpliTube® MESA/Boogie®, a new collaboration with the R&D Team at Mesa Engineering that brings some of the most legendary tones from the original boutique manufacturer's amplifiers and cabinets to AmpliTube® 3 Custom Shop for Mac and PC.

    Now guitarists, producers, engineers and anyone needing the power of "in-the-box" professional amplifier software can enjoy modelled versions of several of MESA/Boogie's most famous high-gain sounds via 5 inspiring amplifiers and cabinets. These exciting new co-developed models deliver everything from gorgeous sparkling clean sounds to the percussive aggression and tight crunch of the Rectifier series to the violin-like sustain of the Mark series to the ultra-flexible mid-gain British leanings of the TransAtlantic TA-30, and everything in between.


    This first-ever officially authorised by MESA® line-up includes the classic Boogie® V-Curve EQ'd crunch rhythm and singing lead voice of both the MARK III and MARK IV Series as well as what many refer to as the biggest sound in Rock, the crushing gain of the Dual and Triple Rectifiers - these are amps that have ruled the airwaves for almost two decades. As an added bonus, the TransAtlantic TA-30 (MESA's upscale tribute to the classic British EL84 legacy) is included as well. It roams the elusive pushed clean and medium gain territories with both finesse and attitude.

    And, like all AmpliTube virtual gear, these models have been meticulously crafted to sound, look and perform just like their hardware counterparts. Each model has been meticulously scrutinised, worked, re-worked and approved by the R&D Team at Mesa Engineering. The addition of these inspiring MESA/Boogie amp models to AmpliTube Custom Shop means the world's biggest library of officially authorised virtual guitar gear just got infinitely more versatile, and certainly more toneful.


    High-gain boogie on the desktop/laptop
    Nothing says high-gain modern guitar tone like MESA/Boogie. MESA literally invented the concept when the original boutique amp company burst on the scene in the late '60s with the now legendary MARK I Boogie®. Its innovative "cascading" tube preamp introduced guitarists to a new, never-before-possible world of sustain that was, at long last, separate from volume.

    Leap-frogging all existing guitar technologies of the day, that original tone was a defining part of the sound of golden-era greats like Carlos Santana, Pete Townshend, Keith Richards, Robben Ford, Larry Carlton, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, The Grateful Dead and countless other recording artists throughout the 70s. And that original tone has also helped to set the stage for successive waves of era-defining high-gain tones over the years thanks to amps like the MESA/Boogie MARK II, III and IV and the inimitable Rectifier Series, which again completely re-defined MESA's impact on the world of Rock. When the percussive, yet perfectly-scooped high-gain aggression of the Recto's was unleashed on the radio via the music of Limp Bizkit, Korn, Linkin' Park, Creed and other 90s greats, there was no turning back. Guitar forever more HAD to be menacing. Today the Recto's continue to widen their footprint in defining Rock and Metal, and, after 21 years, they're still in constant demand and uninterrupted production.


    AmpliTube MESA/Boogie recreates this historic and diverse legacy in virtual form. IK software engineers worked relentlessly with the Mesa Engineering R&D Team to ensure that each amplifier and cabinet has been rendered with the same degree of integrity and attention-to-detail that goes into the company's physical products - the operation of both the front and the back panel controls has been fully replicated to provide exacting performance and function. The amplifiers and cabinets available in AmpliTube MESA/Boogie include:

    MESA/Boogie Dual and Triple Rectifier: THE standard for modern high-gain heavy guitar tone and more. The Rectifier amps are aggressive amplifiers for aggressive players. They're some of the most recorded and widely visible amps on big-venue stages all across the world. Effectively two different power section versions of the same amp introduced in 1989, these amps deliver maximum tone flexibility and serious rock attitude. Both have played a major role in defining the sound of grunge, metal and countless other forms of hard and heavy music. Each amp offers 3-channel, 8-mode operation and varying levels of tube saturation, plus a virtual switchable tube/solid state rectifier section. Soul, personality and feel: the Rectifiers provide a tremendous range of sounds that can be everything from crushingly percussive to liquid and elastic. These amps provide a high-gain response that can't be found anywhere else.

    MESA/Boogie Mark III: This amp from 1984 is the first original 3-channel "Tri-Modal Amplifier" design. It features an amazing set of sonic sculpting tools; it sports the original three-channel setup: Rhythm, a distinct midrange "Crunch" Rhythm, and a Lead channel with independent gain and master volume controls. Just like on the hardware counterpart, it features a full spread of tone controls plus the vitally important Boogie 5-band Graphic EQ section. When combined, it provides for a huge range of additional tone tweaking options that make it easy for players to easily recreate the sounds they hear in their heads.

    MESA/Boogie Mark IV: An improvement on a classic, this amp from 1990 takes everything that made the Mark III the standard for Boogie tone in that era and makes it even better. Three big sounds with individual controls define the tone palette for this powerhouse of a unit. Its three channels allow it deliver an incredibly wide sonic array that stretches from sparkling clean tones to ultra high-gain lead sounds that are rich with harmonics and sustain. It's the very definition of MESA/Boogie's signature high-gain sound, and it's also the ultimate in versatility.

    MESA/Boogie TransAtlantic TA-30: A decidedly British MESA/Boogie tribute that jumps back and forth across the sonic pond, this model captures the essence of what, for MESA, was an exercise in simplicity of operation and comprehensive tonal control. It features two-channel operation and 5 distinct "Mode" voicing choices that reference several classic British and American circuits. Throw in the Gain Boost feature, and two high-gain options (HI 1 and HI 2 in Channel 2), and this model covers everything from classic 60s to crushing contemporary, and everything in between. Each channel also features the flexibility of 3 levels of output power. This allows for a full range of power response and character that adds yet another level of accuracy and authenticity to its preamp sounds! This amp may be the most versatile yet simple-to-use MESA amplifier ever made, and it covers anything and everything the other models might miss due to their higher power ranges and gain structures.


    - Standalone and plug-in software for Mac/PC
    - 5 of the most influential guitar amps of all time
    - 5 original matching cabinets
    - Incredible tonal flexibility: mix and match amps, cabinets, mics and more
    - Sound-certified and approved by MESA/Boogie®
    - 5 separate modules: Tuner, configurable Stomp pedal board, Amp head, Cabinet+Mic and Rack Effects
    - 2 fully configurable rigs with up to 32 simultaneous effects
    - Expandable with more gear models via Custom Shop

    Mark III™ Combo
    Mark IV™ Combo
    Dual Rectifier® Head
    Triple Rectifier® Head
    TransAtlantic® TA-30 Combo

    1x12" Mark III™ Combo
    1x12" Mark IV™ Combo
    2x12" Rectifier® Horizontal
    4x12" Recto® Traditional Slant
    1x12" TransAtlantic® TA-30 Combo


    Pricing and availability:
    AmpliTube MESA/Boogie is now open for preorder at a special launch price of just $/€99.99 from the IK Multimedia online store and for just 100 Custom Shop Gear Credits from the AmpliTube Custom Shop.

    The new AmpliTube MESA/Boogie bundle will be available from September 1, 2015
    AVAILABLE NOW for $/€149.99 (150 Custom Shop Gear Credits)

    More INFO: IK Multimedia | AmpliTube MESA/Boogie
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
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  3. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Can't wait to try it, I must say :)
  4. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, audio lovers,

    great news, indeed! :wink:

    all the mark series always were my favourites, just endless timbre solutions, easy to work with.

    all the best...
  5. DFox

    DFox Noisemaker

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Looks great! Too bad we will probably not get to try this one. Because of the obvious lack of good crackers (groups) and R2Rs MIA status.

    Still gonna find a way to try it tho, looks really good! :guitarhero:
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Very nice, but, aint €150 a bit too much ?!? how much is than the whole Amplitube package ??? :wow:
  7. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    my real-debrid subscription runs out in a few days, so i'm sure r2r will start to release stuff again in about a week.
  8. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    consider the following:
    Assuming this is a perfect emulation that can't be distinguished from the original, 150 euros is a steal compared to the cost of the real hardware (more than 1000 USD I guess).
  9. DFox

    DFox Noisemaker

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Haha, the same way it always goes.

    That is actually very true. But then the emulation as you say must be extremely good. But still for 150 euros if it's only a decent emulation that's still a hell of a lot cheaper than buying the real deal. :wink:
  10. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all audio lovers,

    as far as my brain is capable to recall till to the early nineties, the mark iv, with all the extras, electro-voice speaker, oil finished hardwood cabinet, wicker cane grid, tubes, stand, etc. was sold for about usd 3500, give or take some hundreds, then use it up for the flight case. :cool:

    all the best for for all of us, plus pray do include more of such news... :bow:
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
  11. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Ooooooooh this will be fun :D
  12. the real hardware is far away from the 1000$... maybe you can get a cab...
    a near mint Mark IV, nowadays, costs more than my car...
  13. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    I'll buy this without thinking twice.
  14. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    It feels a bit like when the first serious (means Gigastudio) sample libraries of a Steinway came on the market.

    It was like: OMG, we can have this sound in our production for 300 bucks!
  15. Probably as close to using my old Mark IV as I can get until I can replace her. Those were the days.
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is a big difference : we already got credible Mesa tones, like Dual Rectifier, for years and even for free.
    It means what ? Their previous Dual Recto sucked ?
    I will try Lepou's one against it :wink:

    As a side note, i really liked last high gains from them.On the other side, BIAS and Revalver are moving more air to me :wink:
  17. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Ahead of the scheduled release date:

    AmpliTube MESA/Boogie Is Available NOW!!


    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
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