Why do/did R2R release music software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by farao, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Why do/did R2R release cracked music software to the public?

    I used to think R2R wanted to supply tools for people to try and to be able to create music that otherwise could not have been made. I thought the philosophy behind it all was that poor people would not be able to buy this musical software anyway. So these people getting acess to music software would not really hurt software developers per se. I tought this because of the info files where it it stated that they dont like people to make money with their cracked releases. Now when they have stopped (paused?) releasing, I really wonder about their actual reasons for releasing cracked music software in the first place?

    I am extremely graftful for what they have done for me and other poor musiscans all over the world. With their stopping/pausing I am just confused regarding their real reasons for releasing to the public at all, if it is not helping people without money making music.

    So what are the real reasons when it comes to R2R releasing the software to the public?
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  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Questions like this, doubting their impulse are the reason they stopped publishing.

    Why would I question their intentions ?
    They are no politicians who need votes.
    They don't get any money.
    ...and fame is fading...

    No matter how good you are, there are always people not satisfied with their lives
    and bitching about others.

    If I would have my site, I would ban every sorry ass,
    saying something different then, "Thank You" !

    If you don't like something, shut the f..k up !

    I started to hate being on forums, because of people saying things,
    they would never have the balls to say in your face...

    I am now every day on Behance, watching art.
    There is no single bad word in any comments.
    Why ? They ban and delete your account and name for life if you do.

    Don't like something ? Pass on and mind your own business !
    Who are you to say what is good or bad ?

    That should be standard and the internet would become a better place again...

    R2R's intentions are not your concern !

    Have good day.
  4. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    Nothing against cracking and Reverse Engineering. It can be fun!
    The problems roll in when you start to release on open public sites as AudioZ.
    Too many trolls invading it and the "bosses" have no control over the situation.
    I don't know about the "interests" of certain Teams, most of them want to bring
    out stuff without the annoying limitations of a DEMO, Trial or payware.

    It's also a natural fact that Teams slow down, vanish and die in the end.
    Remember Team DYNAMICS that has "served" for so many years? Nowadays pretty dead!
    I see good chances for free, independent people to start learning cracking, as
    the big "ghosts" (scene release groups) vanish forever. Sadly even skilled
    individuals may get arrogant and neglecting as their level of "success" rises....

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  5. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Well, I'll try to answer you as a calm adult here because people tend to feel very emotional about this subject.

    First, in my opinion, he did what he did simply because he could. Most people do (wonderful or terrible) things simply because they can.

    Anyway, there certainly were altruistic reasons behind his releases. I really feel like he was being honest in this aspect. He wanted to help people to produce good music.

    There are also competitive reasons, of course. Cracking teams are very competitive, and what's the point in competing if nobody else knows who's winning?

    Just my two cents, anyway. I might be totally wrong.

    I have no words to express how grateful I am for what he did and I feel absolutely no resentment if he decides to stop releasing things to the public forever. He's the one who knows what's best for him.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why do you care?

    getting no new releases? :bleh:
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  7. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I guess teams release stuff for the sake of being/feeling smarter than the rest of us. It's purely academic, at least initially. Of course, as other teams spring up, competition starts and fuels the I-can-do-better-than-you-just-did spirit. That is maintained I guess. There are some individuals and a new team that have advanced a lot in the art of undemoing ware, especially in the OS X front, and they support each other. There's no bashing among crackers (There used to be, in the 90s and the turn of the century).

    It is sites like AZ that think about the poor musician. They release. Teams don't actually release. Unfortunately, as history keeps proving, start feeding a man for free, and in the long run, he will stab you for a piece of bread. It is us -the users- that have bored the scene. We screwed up. Learn the lesson for once and for all. Let's not complain about not having fresh releases. Let's be grateful for the tools we have amassed over the years and let's make some great music. Spread your art and maybe one day those scene members will hear your great music and know they played a part there. Or not. I'm just digressing now.

    Anyway, I doubt the scene is dying. It's just moving elsewhere, somewhere a little quieter, less filled with hatred, less abusive. Be well, R2R, HexWars, and everyone else involved.
  8. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    AiR stoped because of disband (death of the heart of the team if you remember).
    Assign and R2R more like tumbrl girls with #whitemanproblem hashtag.

    Nope. You're giving them. They're giving you. No matter poor or rich you are. Main message was: "If you are poor, you will not get even cracked software". Why? Because we (R2R) fell from the moon few days ago and have no idea about neither people nor world at all.

    It's weird "robin hood" story about guy who starts to help to only those people who gave him arrows in the past. And no matter that all people needs his help. He will watch them die but not help them. Why? The Bible giving you answer: it is greed.

    I'm sure i will see about 1000 warnings and bans after this message. Attention! I don't want to read BS about "respect" and the main BS about "You can buy software because you bought your PC." And i won't. Why? I know some people who living in pretty funny countries with 100$ per month budget. They are saving money FOR YEARS (living with 1$ per day) to buy cheap pc or other stuff. And now the most funny part. They are going to (as example) A-Z, and what they see? They see messages like: "you poor junk must buy this stuff OR go away from our community". Of course they didn't know that they are poor. Priceless fact. Forcing people to buy stuff on the warez portal? - Spherical absurdness in vacuum. Who the hell you think you are to tell people what they must do? No matter what sort of god you are. If you were lucky to get out of the vagina in Alabama and you don't know anything about problems in the rest part of the world - SHUT UP and live your life. Silently.

    Second funny thing is this Illuminati wannabe circus. Means internal releases for most nasty ass leakers. Want to be a part of this? Sure! Just forget about dignity and give us your money.

    I'm pretty sure that wheel will turn again. And i hope that this time it will turn right into your faces.
    This community deserves retards like hydrogen and union.
    And of course the best thing that could happen with warez is death of audioz.

  9. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Without people cracking music software, I never would have discovered that I loved making music so much.

    I'm eternally indebted to them, all of them.
  10. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    what this all comes down to in the end is someone just changing a few letters in the right places
    google tuts4you leard a bit from Lena and of ya go :bow:
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If it were just that easy we wouldn't have to read so much nonsense every day :rofl:
  12. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    i think they slowly got out of puberty and became old. They must do something serious to pay their bills :rofl:
  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Some people above... please calm down and take your superiority, your hate and rudeness elsewere. Read my post and understand that I mean nothing inflammatory. It is a calm reasonable question out of curiosty and for seeking knowledge. What was/were the reasons for R2R releasing music software to the public?

    I don't need any more releases, I have enough for making music. I am just curious about the reasons behind R2Rs decisions. If you know, great, enlighten me, so I can be as knowing as you already are. If you don't know, well my question is no really asked to you, so why bothering answering with rudeness.

    Let me add though that if noone have knowledge about R2Rs decisions, by all means speculation might get closer to the truth. Just please be civil speculating. Rudeness thrown my way for asking a pretty basic question is really uncalled for.
  14. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Probably they wanted an audience. Doesn't mean there weren't good intentions behind it too, but getting too much attention can make you cynical/jaded.

    I think the more important question is: why do you give a shit? Surely we've all adjusted to not having the new releases? Didn't change my life at all - when they quit I was already at the point of only downloading newer versions of stuff I already use but can't afford or the (very) occasional tidbit that looked super useful. Who has time to try out all that new stuff and make music?
  15. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Pretty sure he answered that in his previous post

    Isn't that fundamentally why any question is asked?
  16. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Cav Emp... Did you read my post, I don't need any more releases, nor am I asking for any.

    Why "I give a shit"? I find my inquiry a quite reasonable question. It is asked out of curiosity. You yourself speculated about the reasons above giving it your attention and time.

    (Bored with hostile remarks. Bored with unfriendly people who cant read and focus on the subject or question actually brought up, want to discuss something else why not start another thread about it.)
  17. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    It not that hard realy all you need is
    a good teacher to start you of a good reason why you want to learn and a good name for your team.
    most people get stuck coming up with a cool name do. :lmao:

    @ farao
    why did the chicken cross the road ?

    A Because he wanted to.

    B To get to the other side,

    C Thats what chickens do.

    Somethings are best left to the imagination and some things that can be spoken are better off not said *yes*
  18. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Ha Ha! I think this might be the case ArticStorm lol
  19. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @momo I respect your quest for ignorance. Please respect me asking questions for wanting to know about the facts.


    Please read someone's posts before you criticize them. Or did you read what I wrote, and somehow got to the concusion that I actually did not mean it? Well, I actually meant what I wrote. What made you think otherwise?

    Funny how some people go nuts just cause someone ask about the reasons R2R released cracked software to the public. I think it is a reasonable and interesting question. To me it is not obvious why they ever did.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
  20. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Probably for the fun of it.

    And for the challenge.

    Don't expect Robin Hood's arguments-like "for the poor musicians.. bla bla"

    They probably do because it's fun to search, guess, research, learn, find... about a protection scheme. :wink:
  21. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    You will not get that answer here, nor at AudioZ... I have posted the same question several times, but got no answer... just the usual arrogant a*sholes and smartasses making stupid remarks from high above.

    So I came to the conclusion that here nobody knows a shit about, or they are just arsholes that do not want to answer. (that much about sharing knowledge)
    Up to them to choose (or to answer).

    ...I gave up the curiosity

    AudioZ has become such a circus that I really do not have any joy to read it any more.
    "Long time ago" it was a site that made me really happy to visit with a morning coffe and a good pipe, but that times are gone... some new gangs with a new culture have taken over, so my visits now, are only because of old habits... No more joy there :sad:

    IMHO moderators have failed big time there... pity :dunno:

    Luckily there is AudioSEX that is still in the domain of "old school culture" and polite conversation, but even here the rudeness and untastefull bitching is showing up more and more often...
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