Wave Alchemy PRO II

Discussion in 'PC' started by dorian_xq, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. dorian_xq

    dorian_xq Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I have downloaded Kontakt 5, about 500mb, is that what i need for Wave Alchemy PRO II? Problem is when i unpack Wave Alchemy PRO II there is no setup file,so when i open Kontakt in the database menu i can add something but that is just maybe 19 sounds, what em i do wrong, i wont to use full Wave Alchemy PRO II but i dont know how to do that. I watch one video and there men change the sound very easy and all is on one place,but i cant do that, and when i open one of that 19 sounds it write its demo. Please if someone can help me
  3. iownu1000

    iownu1000 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2011
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    the presets should work obo...like right when you drag and drop they should be full version. Your version of kontakt 5 isn't properly cracked, either uninstal and recrack or download one of the newer versions and crack it...

    btw your not suppose to talk about warez on this forum
  4. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Since when?
  5. dorian_xq

    dorian_xq Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I dont know, i just like that staff, i m not use that for make money,if i Do i will bay it,:)
  6. dorian_xq

    dorian_xq Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Drag and drop, what to drag and where to drop?:) I really dont know,. I will try what you said before.
  7. dorian_xq

    dorian_xq Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I do it,and now sounds are good,all is good,but i still dont know em i load everything from Pro 2 in Kontakt
  8. iownu1000

    iownu1000 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2011
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    if you click "rules" on the top bar next to settings, content etc it says no warez...i mean im not a moderator or anything nor do i have anything against the use of warez...but the rules specifically say not to...

    i mean do what you want juss sayin
  9. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Dont that just mean as in posting links or sharing? There is loads of threads/topics on here about warez and its scene.
  10. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hi Dorian,

    Kontakt seems new for you, isn't it ?

    The first thing to know is that you don't need any installer for libraries.

    The second is that there is two kind of libraries you can use in Kontakt :

    - libraries which contains an .NKX file => they will be registered via the N.I. Service Center (no need to be online) => click on "Add library" under the "Libraries" tab => once the library is registered, double-click on any instrument (.NKI file) or multi (.NKM file) or drag and drop it in the Multi Rack window.

    - libraries which NOT contains any .NKX file => these ones can NOT be registered via the N.I. Service Center => click on the "Files" tab => double-click on any instrument (.NKI file) or multi (.NKM file) or drag and drop it in the Multi Rack window.

    Note that there is a workaround for libraries that normally can not be registered :

    1. Open Regedit (Start->Run...->type regedit)

    2. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content

    3. Right click and add a new "String" value. Give it a name, it has to be named k2libxxxx, where xxxx is a number, any 4 digit number (needs to be below 5000, I suggest starting from values above 3000). Be careful not to use a number that's already used. Double-click on the string value, and enter the name of the library you want to show, for example Cinematic Strings.

    NOTE: Since Kontakt 5.0.1., you have to use numbers smaller than 1000 for this hack to work. This is potentially dangerous, as NI might use some of those numbers. I suggest starting from 0010 (0000-0009 do NOT work), and don't overdo it with library tabs, because eventually NI's going to take all these numbers in.

    4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments.

    5. Right click on this folder and select Create New Key. It's important that the name of the new key in the this branch is the same as the name/value you entered above, so in this example it would be Cinematic Strings as well.

    6. Select this newly created branch, and right click to add two more values inside of it.

    7. The first value is String value, and it must be called ContentDir. Double click on it when you create it, and enter the path to the library root folder on your hard drive. I suggest organizing your non-KP libraries so that each library has two folders inside the library root folder, Instruments and Multis, as it's normally shown in Kontakt Player libraries. You can also optionally add Documentation folder. If you put any PDF or TXT files inside that folder, they will be shown on the Libraries tab as well. So, for example, the ContentDir string could and should look something like this:

    F:\Samples\Cinematic Strings\

    8. The second value is DWORD value, it must be called Visibility. Double click on it when you create it, and set its value to 3.

    9. Now, add the wallpaper for your library tab. It must be located in the root folder of your library (that is, the folder you wrote in ContentDir). JPG, PNG and TGA images will work, however I advise using PNG. I use image with dimensions 331x98 pixels.

    TEMPLATES FOR SMALL, MID AND BIG WALLPAPER SIZE: available in the archive below, as PSD files, with ruler guidelines!

    NOTE: There will be an archive containing ALL the wallpapers, refreshed once a month, so check back from time to time!

    DOWNLOAD THE ARCHIVE WITH ALL WALLPAPERS (226 currently) HERE (last updated Apr 12th 2010) :
    Gurgur's wallpaper pack :
    Wallpaper update pack :

    (Thanks to zmaj666 from AN)

    One last advice... use this version : "Native.Instruments.Kontakt.5.STANDALONE.VSTi.RTAS.v5.0.1.x86.x64-ASSiGN"

    Hope it helps.

    (BTW, I think "No Warez" in the rules means that we can not post any download link related to copyrighted material, but talking about warez is allowed. Am I wrong ?)
  11. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Haven't even switched to 5 yet, just updated 4 to 4.2.4 and happy with that.

    Just wondering though is K5 worth the switch anyone? Anything revolutionary going on? :wink:

    A bit off topic, sorry. :bow:
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