Migrating from Studio One to....

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by RMorgan, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    Well, there's no perfect DAW existing yet that covers all my needs & tastes.
    I use LOGIC 8 and 9 'cause I have a Mac-background in my history.
    A mix of Pro Tools (without hassling RTAS AAX stuff!), MOTU DP and LOGIC
    would be fine to test/use but that's future music, probably......
  2. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    When we wanna change something we must have an open mind...
    I am on pc its just lazy for me, anyone can transform pc in a hackintosh.
    The fight for Mac and pc is the same of fender vs gibson or roland vs korg.
    I worked with só many DAWs in 35 years of music and Logic stands out.
    The internal plugins and midi have no competidor.
    Its insane the entusiast for the new DAWs because really develop a good thing take years..
    Next coice is Cubase and Live.
    But the important thing is the man behind the machine, and the man must know the tools.
    Also I think that is really important the resulta and workflow...
    Because of GUI people choose something? If you intend to be a plastic arstist thats ok :bleh:
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Because of GUI people choose something?

    More than u might believe.. trust me.

    Doesn't make one a plastic artist, *no* thats a very close minded thing to say. *yes*
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Since you mentioned Samplitude, I'll take advantage of the rare opportunity to discuss it. Things that are great about Samplitude:

    Customization options are as close as you'll get to REAPER, probably. The tab button changes to a selectable secondary arrangement view. I chose to have the tab key show all my tracks as spectral content which is editable right on the arrangement view. Very handy for eliminating that one rogue plosive that made it through the pop filter. Keyboard shortcuts are fully customizable right down to mousewheel behavior.

    Object oriented editing. Double click an object within a track and an Object Editor pops up. This object can hold its own plugins, automation, panning, gain, and whatever else you can think of.

    Take comping options. This is where Samplitude is stronger than any other daw I've used. You can do comping across multiple tracks. When you open up the take composer it actually launches as a separate, saveable project within your project. Then there's revolver tracks, which allows for multiple instances of a track to be swapped with one another. For swapping different comps in and out, the only feature I've seen on any DAW that's arguably more convenient is Pro Tools's playlists (which admittedly is great, but I'm not a big fan of Pro Tools as a whole.)

    Routing. The routing is very flexible and can suit more than one approach, as you can access each track's I/O from multiple places. I especially like the routing manager that displays a matrix of inputs, outputs, aux. Plugins with sidechains have an option for 'Sidechain Input' right there on the wrapper.

    Bit bridge. Enough said.

    Extensive, customizable metering is a key combination away. You can choose visualization for the whole project or for individual tracks, which is also switchable by a key combination.

    Things I don't like about Samplitude:

    The Interface tries to be 3-D and kind of hardware-ish, which makes it feel very cluttered to me.

    If you were disappointed with S1's plugin management and organization, don't look for anything better here. This is one of Samp's weakest points.

    I haven't found a way to open multiple automation lanes, nor seen anyone with an answer. I'm guessing it's just not possible. Automation parameters are a headache to select on plugs with lots of parameters since you just select them from a menu. Writing automation feels a little clumsy to me as well. You have to double click to insert a point and then click again to start dragging.(edit: i should clarify. this is just with universal mouse mode. there are automation mouse modes which I never use but should start. I just looked it up :) )
  5. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Listen pal, I started with fasttracker on dos so I think 25 years later a design that enhances usability instead from lowering it is not too much to ask for.
    Yes, I choose my DAW because of the gui, and sure as hell choose which DAW I don't use.
    Gui doesn't mean only graphics and bling, it's the central element that translates between artist and machine. It's what helps you as artist to express your ideas.
    As you say, who's behind the machine is important and if the person is a coder, fine, he can code his or her music, but it it's an artist with no coding knowledge, there has to be a gui, the nicer the better.
  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    In addition to that, GUI can have a lot of impact on how you 'feel' while working in your DAW. Everything too cluttered and you're starting to feel kind of tense and frustrated for no real reason?
  7. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey guys,

    So, I now own Mixbus 3. So far, it's unusable. It just crashes 300 times per minute. I hope Harrison will be able to fix this instability issue during the next updates, otherwise I'll sell it.

    Honestly, I don't see myself using it as my main DAW unless they suddenly make it rock solid, which I really doubt, judging by the current state of affairs. It's really embarrassing. It's like they've released an Alpha version of it, not even a Beta.

    Regarding the GUI debate, yes, of course the GUI matters. A Lot. We're emotional beings, not robots. A quality, well designed interface is a highly influential factor regarding perception, specially when art is involved, and music is art after all.
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  8. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I am joking guys... A little :rofl:
    Also I never sair thats not important, I mean that have an over value.
    Thats why I have a 4k 58 monitor and others 2.
    I have problem in my eyes because I use high doses do corticoid, nothing that a help from flux and a video tuning do not solve.
    But for me its just the last thing of a long list.
    The main problem of cluttering things is the little monitor.
    With lógic x they made more refined gui and it leads that I can see lesser things, its the future, so no scape from that.
    In a world that many DAWs have pooor stock plugins.
    Also closed mind its just a way to say I do not care about your opinion.
    Over the years I saw a lot of musicians spending more money with clothes than with instruments.
    About open mind:
    All the open minded test all DAWs in Windows, OS X and Linux?
    i always test everything and I am not lazy to have multiple boots *yes*
    Included kontakt and plugins too.
    Also the flood of JERKS in this beloved site that do not tolerate another subject (for me is a science of spending a lot of time testing) without call someone with pejorative name its just childish right?
    Also I have 2 university degrees in music.
    As the people I deal in the studio newbies and amateurs
    do not respect experience and always are mesuring dicks... Its só insegure *yes*
    Almost all the major magazines vote Logic as the best... Kook sais right... A mix of 2 or 3 daws is the best choice :wink:

    Last lesson to not be a jerk anymore :excl:
    Test yourself and do not ask for shortcuts
    Do not believe in my opinion but respect
    Be a man to recognize when you act like a jerk
    Read all the manuals
    Download, install, test, and the things you do not like delete.

    Also this kind of post its repeated every week, intead that its better to read older posts and google.

    Cracker and good people are leaving, wondering why?
  9. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, RMorgan,

    sad news... it means five cycles per second... :sad:

    for mixing purposes only, you could use one of the earlier releases (just ask support about the possibilities), at least until all your problems seem to be solved. *yes*

    at the moment, still using the 32 bit v3.0.0 version on my experimentation workhorse, but it is rock solid on this somewhat old notebook, even with the asio4all driver. *yes*

    hoping to hear better news about your new purchase, wish you all the best... :bow:
  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Sorry to hear that!
    There has to be a reason why there is no demo, now we know it :(
  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    So the crackers are leaving because people post repeat threads? The "use the search function" thing is a moot point. Unless it's a question about a bug that can be simply asked and answered, some people want to have a conversation. Searching doesn't help that.

    I'm not sure where all the being-a-jerk stuff is coming from. As far as I can tell, the only one in this thread who's said anything that could even be taken as an insult to was you. And even that blew right over with civil conversation.

    I don't get why people complain about certain types of threads. What's wrong with this guy asking others' opinions of DAWs? It doesn't cost you anything to give your opinion, and if you don't like it you don't have to read or reply. You're not obligated to give advice to anyone. People take their online forums very seriously. I'll never wrap my head around how people can complain about the 'quality' of a thread.

    Some people just like to talk about recording, mixing, producing, DAWs, plugins, etc. For those of us who don't make our living in music, it's not easy to find people who can hold a conversation full of music jargon.
  12. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Studio one failed on the v3 GUI imo, it looks flat and hard to define. The old one was ugly but this one is even uglier if that's possible.?
    Did you know you can change them under preferences in the audio setup page, theres a shit load of presets, gui changes that are awesome looking
  13. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    No, thee jerk thing is for ONEREASON that call me close minded. Thats why people are leaving.
    In this site I was called so many things, this is not a place to judge people with pejorative names right? Its no civil too right?
    With you I do not have problems, but being jerk came almost in every post, so my protest.
    I came here to contribute and do not tolerate jerks.
    When I wrote was not about you, so why get personal.
    I work with midi daws for 35 years and you guess how many people I see saying that other daw is better? All eventually goes to Logic, Protools, Cubase and Ableton (the oldest ones).
    AAlmost every Daw looks good and have mods to change the gui..
    Also I spend doing test more than I should, so ONEREASON can calm close mind?
    As I said, I respect opinions since I have the same respect.
    Opinions are subjetive, but many people do not know every Daw or OSs. I have almost done that.
    I am here to help you, but technical words are needed to talk/achive technical results.
    When you do not understand just ask, as I always do in the university knowed as a pain in the ass for professors, but some come often in my house to learn, its something right?
    The only points for me in this site, and ares not negotiable, are help/teach/learn/contribute and RESPECT :wink:
    My advice: dual boot win and OS X. :mates:
  14. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Great...I don't wont to seem opinionated, but it seems that most of people forget what are the main requiremnts in a DAW.
    These are the main reasons of Studio one success. (version 2, at least, I didn't try 3 till now becouse I want to buy it and at present I have not so much money in my pockets)
    And please, unless you're suffering from vision problems or from an unquestionable inclination towards the beautiful, put INTERFACE from 5th position forward (downward.....).
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Sorry, I wasn't getting personal with you or coming at you or anything. It's hard to convey this in text, but my post had no bad feelings behind it. I was just trying to point out the senselessness of people complaining about certain thread types (not you specifically. it happens all the time). I didn't really pay attention to the bit about being close-minded from one reason, but I've seen that interface is very important to him, who I believe is a graphic designer. And you did basically suggest that if GUI is important to you, you are a lesser musician. From the perspective of an outside observer, you threw the first stone whether you meant to be offensive or not.

    Not pointing fingers. I don't care about the argument or blaming anyone. Just trying to offer some neutral insight.

    Frankly I just want to get along with everyone so I can talk about music. I like the small, personal atmosphere where I can bullshit with people whom I'm at least somewhat familiar with. I never come at anyone who hasn't directly insulted me.

    Take care.
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    About several DAWs, yes it is the key...when you spend your life on them :wink:
    If you want a single DAW for virtual instruments, record a full metal band, full mastered album, mixing...there are very few.
    And of course, it will be a compromise.

    Studio One, Cubase, Logic, Sonar fill the bill to me. They are more balanced than those mix/recording oriented (Protools, Mixbus, Samplitude, Reaper...) and those composition/arrangement oriented (FL studio, Ableton...).

    @Mostwest : why FL Studio ? Because it get the best piano roll features, along Cubase. S1 and Logic are just behind, MIDI/Piano roll wise.
    But FL Studio mixing is horrible, that's why it is not going to replace Cubase...may be FL 13 ? :wink:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The bottom line is that every DAW is gonna have some features (or implementations of features) that you're not gonna be thrilled with. I think the best approach is to find something that mostly fulfills the criteria important to you and just get working. You're not gonna find a perfect DAW and Studio One ticks the important boxes in the areas of workflow, stability, etc. A lot of producers get this "grass is greener on the other side" mentality which is oftentimes just procrastination and the reality is that every DAW has some features that either don't exist or aren't implemented like one would prefer. Personally I think Studio One is excellent and I highly recommend sticking it out. Also give Reaper a shot. I haven't used version 5 but they made a lot of changes. Still unless it's out of this world, I don't see it as being worth the hassle.
  18. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    The :bleh: its self explanatory right? Its a joke.
    I love Logics gui and its important for me as My main monitor is 58 inches.
    35 years ago the gui was a joke and I done great orchestral integral serial music with that (obvious was too complicated for real musicians to play)
    But todays people must know that most DAWs are amazing.
    Also, as said before, the best thing is to use more than one Daw, It depends what you want.
    Take care you too :mates:
  19. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    OH my gosh...........
    It was only a suggestion, and I clearly said before that I didn't wont to be opinionated (in this case better pedantic...).
    And if you read better, I didn't say that GUI is not important, but only that it should be less important than other requirements.
    FOR ME.
    But if you (or somebody else)feel offended: I humbly ask forgiveness.
    But let me say, what a waste of time and space :dunno:
  20. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    he was talking with me :rofl:
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