Posting on AZ = real pain!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MozartEstLa, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I don't understand the reason I get "Hacking attempt! Not logged" (stupid) message everytime I'll try to delete my own post (already posted, but on approval) on AudioZ :dunno:

    Edit feature also is catastrophic (as long as you don't have copy of the code in .txt side file, when editing "as is", all post presentation is broken when preview or post).

    Also I never saw any option such BBCode or checkbox about "Mirror Policy" as described in FAQ/rules (for me, outdated). Where I'm wrong?

    Really any sugestions are welcome, thanks in advance for them (except PMs to Catalyst or SAiNT because they remain unread during couple of days, understanding they're busy)

  3. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    You get that Hacking attempt message because only approvers, admin and mod have the ability to delete posts, even if they are still pending.

    Also, the NO mirror policy is not visible to regular users, so you need to state that at the end of your post via a small message or text, like "No Mirrors, please", and then the person in charge of approvals will activate it for you.

    About the edit feature, yeah, it's not very smooth, but you better have everything set up before pushing the Submit post, or you'll be in trouble. Higher level users don't have any problems editing posts, but regular and residents get in trouble because the system is not really prepared for that, so a higher level user needs to do the work for them.

    Just use the preview button as many times as you need before you hit the Submit one and it will be okay.
  4. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks for your explanations, Zeus, they're very clear for me (I precise: English isn't my main language).

    However I don't understand why the owner of post can't delete it, yes for me it's understandable! The REMOVE button (from menu above post title) is useless, aren't?

    Also understandable about "Mirror Policy"... mysterious for me. I precise I'm Resident.

    By the way, I've added messages just below peeplink, exactly like this: hope it will be enough (and not rejected by approver). EDIT > post edited, removed! (see below)

    Thanks for your precious help, really appreciated! :wink: :bow:
  5. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Reply from Zeger Wu, the joke of the year!


    All easy. Just read..
    From "faq / GUIDE FOR POSTERS" in "Mirror Policy":
    @unchecking the "Mirrors" checkbox on Submit Post page..@

    But you want posted home-made?
    Read rules about home-made stuff?


    Okay, the guy will consider me as douche, "l'abruti de première qui devrait acheter une bonne paire de lunettes (ou un labrador)" -> use FR2EN translator...

    I don't have this Mirror checkbox, but he replies "All easy. Just Read" blabla, followed by his circus (or "additional layer") about homemade stuff... one word: Ridiculous!

    I'm tied!

    ADDED: please compare my screen copy and this from faq... hum... exactly like "hidden objects" games, sure you'll find many differences between them!!! (Fortunately) I'm neither blind nor imbecile (I can presume)... ouf! I'm saved! :bleh: :rofl:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I understand how you feel my friend and I'm sorry for the inconvenience but there are reasons that things operate as they do and these rules have been developed and refined over more than a decade of trial and error. Only certain groups can see the mirrors checkbox so it's not your fault Mozart. What I usually instruct members to do is to preface the title of their post with [NO MIRRORS] and either Zeger or I will disable them for you. Keep in mind though that if you're an uploader that has a track record of not reuploading your posts then mirrors may not be disabled. The reason is that because most uploaders don't reup the experience for the end user is negative because of dead links. That's why it's stated that you can only ask to lock mirrors.

  7. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    The mirrors locking section is not available to Members or Residents. Only to Contributors and up.
  8. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Catalyst, thanks and I consider you as true Administator / Moderator, sure you've understood my problem. Thanks anyway!
  9. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I've undersand your previous reply Zeus (even I'm French - nobody is perfect) but unfortunately, Zeger Wu doesn't understand me IMO... :rofl:
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You're very welcome. I've offered to help with approvals but SAiNT wants us to focus each on our own area. I didn't need the extra work, I just know that we can do better in this department because things often get backed up or lost in translation. It's hard for one person to manage all the posts every day especially since a lot of things need to be checked on every post. This would have allowed us to provide a better posting experience but my help has been rejected so my hands are tied in this department. I'll tell you what I'll do for you though: if you message me with one or two words such as New Post and I'll disable the mirrors for you and will look over it to make sure it will be approved.
  11. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Of course Catalyst, and really I can understand about SAiNT opinion you're keeping the focus about each area, that is quite logical and normal.

    Also I can understand it difficult for one person to handle all incoming posts. I'm human guy and not like a robot *no* btw it's not difficult to understand. But like I've said previously in my French language, I'm not an "first-class" idiot who must buy glasses (or guide dog) *no*

    Assuming I'm in Resident group, btw it's one of my roles, as indicated in the faq, aren't? *yes*

    Please report this quote to your guy... hope in the future, he will think twice prior writting crap like this... (see above about his PM, copy/paste in blue font)

    I've never seen about [NO MIRRORS] preface for title anywhere in AZ faq/rules... *no* (nor elsewhere). Instead I've looked desperately about the checkbox on "Submit Post" page... Okay I've updated my post (again) to add [NO MIRRORS] as prefix just before post title... really hope it will work... also hope my post will not return at the start of approval "pipe" after last edit (it was posted 24 hours ago).

    Finally what about his "rules remainder" (second part of PM) concerning home-made? this concerns : 9. "ALL in ONE" home-made "Plugin Collections" dump packs are prohibited. Even I'm French and my English isn't perfect, it's not my imagination, but a "copy/paste" from actual faq/rules (section "Guide for Posters", sub section "Posting Conditions", point #9) yes my web browser - Firefox - have a nice feature named "Search" (using Ctrl+F) then: "home", "made" and "stuff" as search keywords across all (dusty) faq/rules pages... no more about these keywords elsewhere. @Zeger, have you considered my post prior to write your "lines"? I precise my post concerns a Windows software (tool), not a dumped plugin folder (or something like)...

    Thanks Cat :mates: :bow: but like I've wrote to friend (Resident like me on AZ, one of my beta testers - thx again if you read it), I've wrote to him "I'm tied" (surely like many other users on AZ). We want to share our work with the community, and you can see the final result. These messages (like PM I've received) sincerely will discourage to post anything else on AZ in the future. Please keep this in mind: without our posts, contributors, releasers, developers (a bit like me), etc... be sure AZ will never exist, it's a real fact!
  12. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I must say (and already posted it before) that AudioZ site and page does work really bad
    and boring slow
    , at least on old browsers like mine! Don't waste your time with telling
    me to update because it is NOT possible for me to do it.

    You can imagine what a pain in the ass it would be for me to post @ AudioZ...
    I'm sorry for all the (old) mates but I do my posts now on another site.
    Take care bros!

  13. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hi Kookaboo, first nice to meet you here!

    Fortunately, I've two conclusions: 1/ I'm not alone 2/ Problems aren't new.

    I'm using modern PC (see my signature), excepted OS (Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 - sure I'm an "has been" guy lol), using lastest Mozilla Firefox v39.00 (lastest in date, updated last afternoon!), all Firefox plugins/extensions are fine...

    Be sure it was for me the lastest contribution @ AZ, really I don't matter if my post (now in "stack" - pending for approval) will be accepted or rejected (assuming 48 hours - maybe more? - about approval/reject delay, even if it's very calm period actually - sometimes they're around couple of hours between two published posts on AZ, believe me, I'm not a liar, anybody can verify this! Of course, as "Resident" I can admit I don't see all posts - e.g. posts limited to higher "grades").

    If it will be accepted (published), of course I'll verify (often) about my links (remain alive, or fix them if some are dead or on "reupload request"), Residents are responsible about their own links, must fix dead links etc... (already said above). Also I precise I'm using two files providers: and MEGA (can't have multiple Premium, I'm unemployed guy and, btw, it's too expensive for me).

    Otherwise, I don't worry, the life will continue, however, this tool will stay on my PC only for personal usage (shared with some friends I've choosen), in fact exactly like R2R are doing (restricted committee or selected group, VIPs, etc - but it's another story don't wanna expand about this).

    I can understand your decision to post elsewhere, Kookaboo. :bow:
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Have you tried on Chrome or if you're privacy conscious on SRWare Iron? Performance is better on these browsers mainly because though Firefox is good they have a hard time competing with the likes of Google. Especially if you consider that people often use more browser add-ons in Firefox. On my system there's no comparison. Much better experience on Chrome or SRWare Iron x64. Not a single crash since a few releases into the 64-bit fork. I'm sorry that it's laggy on your system but you have to realize that we need to push forward not cripple AudioZ so it can forever be stuck in the past. It's a resource intensive site and in the future if we add more features it will be even more so. We already go far and beyond to provide a consistent experience. We even use CloudFlare and they have great positioning delivering content with less latency and as needed. It used to be that images loaded on the page all at once but now it loads as needed. This is also good from a bandwidth perspective. The crypto will obviously slow things down a little as well but it was implemented for more important considerations. There's a lot of things for us to consider. Maybe one day we will audit the code and see if we can make some improvements but for now we're mostly focusing on getting the new AudioSex out there for the world to enjoy.

    I can only answer for myself. If it were me I would have looked at your status and immediately knew that you can't see the checkbox and I'd also make the distinction that this is a homemade app and not an all-in-one plug-in collection. I think that's probably my favorite part of the forums, the little niceties that some awesome member coded or put together. Those are certainly allowed. Therefore our conversation would have went differently. I'd also try to be polite with people that are polite with me. That being said, it's a tough job working there so don't take it personally. We all have our moments. Checking posts is a very tedious and repetitive job so sometimes that might seep into the dialogue. Especially when the 20 people before you didn't bother reading the FAQ or constructing their request or post properly. You also made a good point that I had thought about when I first discovered that not everyone sees this checkbox and that is that we don't do a good job explaining this subject in the FAQ and we'll rectify that when we get a chance. However if you ever have any kinds of issues you know you can always come to me and I'll always be happy to help. And you don't have to convince me about the value of a community atmosphere and this issue is a big part of what SAiNT and I were JUST talking about. My opinion is that there is simply a very tense environment there and this permeates every facet of forum life. Anyway I'm sorry that you had a bad experience on this nice share. We'll try to do better in the future. :mates:
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