How to connect these HI-FI speakers to a laptop

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Medad, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Medad

    Medad Newbie

    May 7, 2015
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    I don’t know if this is possible or not, but I want to connect my Sony HCD-RX77 HI-fi speakers to my computer.

    If you have any idea how to do it, please let me know how.

    The connectors are just wire & no jacks.

    Another thing, do you think it’s good for monitoring sound (mixing, mastering) ?

    Thank you!

    p.s I've attached the specifications for the speaker and amplifier.

    Attached Files:


    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    First you need an amp, I'm assuming you have the sony one that came with them.

    Check to see if theres an RCA input or aux input. If RCA find a 1/8" to rca cable and plug that into the headphone output on your computer.

    No these are exactly the type of speakers you want to avoid using as monitors. They have anything but a flat response.
  4. axelfender

    axelfender Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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    It's impossible if you don't have a decent audio interface with at least RCA ports to hook an amplifier witch can drive these speakers!paye attention to the impedance!

    You can use them for mastering after knowing them deeply! :wink:
  5. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Hi-Fi speakers aren't monitoring speakers by nature.
    If they are all you have and you have no cash, use what you can.
    If you have cash to spend and are serious about the tracking/mixing/mastering, get some monitors, not Hi-fi stuff.

    That being said, the 'two lose wires' method you see in the picture means the speakers are _passive_ speakers, still in need of some sort of 'power amplifier'. This is normally done in the base unit of Hi-Fi systems like this, but any power amplifier that matches enough in specs (impedance and power output) should work.

    So you need to connect your computer to a power amplifier or HiFi system, and connect the speakers to that. You can't connect speakers like this directly, they need poweeeerrrrr (ahem). (That's the whole point of 'active speakers' and 'passive speakers'. Active have the amplifier built into one or both of the speakers, passive don't and need an external unit).

    So how you connect your computer to the amplifier depends on the connections of the amplifier. But if it's an HiFi setup, I assume it has some sort of RCA jacks (tulip-plugs as they are called here) or jack-input, as long as it's a line-in or aux-in (or with HiFi receivers, the place where you would hook up another HiFi devices like CD players or something). If it's a bit more serious power amplifier it will have things like 'balanced TRS jacks', which mean two of the big jacks (6.5mm) for left-and-right. Since these a are balanced, you can't just plug them into your computer (that's unbalanced output) so you need an audio interface / soundcard with proper balanced outputs.
    In the case of simple RCA jacks or 3.5mm aux-in or something, you _could_ in theory go straight from the line-out of your computer (or with a cheap 3.5mm-to-stereo-RCA-adapter) but any mixing or tracking, be it rock / recording or EDM it's advised to use a proper audio interface and not the on-board audio on your computer.

    (PS, I'm not good at reading HiFi / solid-state power amplifier specs. Am I correct that his best bet is a stereo-100watt 8ohms power amplifier since that is what the old base unit was doing?)
  6. Medad

    Medad Newbie

    May 7, 2015
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    @dipje Thanks for your help,

    Well the old base was a multimedia player (CD, Radio, cassette player...etc)


    So It's not good for mixing and mastering after all...
  7. axelfender

    axelfender Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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    This is(very low end) just good to compose your tracks,but bear in mind that the famous NS10'S were intended first only for(hi-end) hi-fi use *yes* !
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