No more Installer for an instrument GUI (Kontakt)

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by toshfox, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Hi guys

    Because i don't like to have a setup file to install the images of a kontakt instrument as some 8dio products ( adagio ... ) ,
    I have searched a way to replace it by having the images already in the root folder ( folder called resources)

    I am talking about the images of knobs, buttons, sliders, faders or else .. not the wallpaper

    It seems easy to do it

    Let's take an example : Hybrid Tools 1

    WARNING : if u do it, make first a copy of the original instruments folder ... just in case ;)

    1- Load the NKI ( it should load the UI without problem after running their installer for images)
    2- Go to the instrument options :


    At RESOURCE CONTAINER, click on CREATE then save the NKR in the root folder of Hybrid Tools
    you will get this message, click yes


    It will create two files NKR, NKC and a folder called RESOURCES ( + subfolders)

    3- Remove the images folder (by cutting) from Documents\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\pictures and paste it in the new folder RESOURCES/pictures
    4- Save the instrument
    5- Load again the instrument , that should work.

    If it doesnt work, I think it's about the path of the images

    If u check the script of the instrument , example in the script of Maasai by Sonokinetic
    you have : $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE,"Sonokinetic/Maasai/button_entry"
    That's the path of the images ( button_entry is the image file )
    If it was only : $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE,"button_entry", it means the file is in the folder RESOURCES/pictures

    The problem is it has to be done for each NKI , which is pain in the butt when there are 100 NKI to process...
    well, not exactly, we don't have to create one for each instrument, but we have to go to instrument options and load the NKR for each instrument
    Does someone know how to do it quicker ?? like a batch process with some tools
    coz i guess I didnt find something new, so maybe some people know better how it works

  3. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I just put them all in "Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\pictures", not that much of a bother.
  4. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    U mean u don't have the 8 DIO installer?

    Which library u trying to sort?

    All the NKI in one library say will read from the same NKR.

    Therefore you need all your pictures & text files in the resources folder in picture folder etc set up correctly.

    Then load one nki, if it loads correctly then overwrite the existing NKR and all the others will read from that also.

    However the problem could be far more complex in that lots of other things can also be encoded into the NKR.

    So u need to be a little more specific about which library u having bother with and take it like one at a time.

    8 Dio installers are pretty crap & many times install in wrong location anyway.

    EDIT and also consider

    Also your ideas about the script whilst somewhat correct are non important wrt this issue.

    ie I dont need to put my background.tga in the instrument options but could rather declare it in the script itself

    i.e set_control_par_str($INST_WALLPAPER_ID,$CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE,"Background")


    $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE,"Sonokinetic/Maasai/button_entry" is only declared that way due to the folder structure & that of prime importance ie normally u simply declare a slider or label in a simpler way i.e


    its only coz of their specific folder structure they declared it that way but you must remember that folder structures are fragile and commands vary between Kontakt & kontakt player libraries.

    i.e if i want midi files then I declare it maybe

    @file_path:= get_folder($GET_FOLDER_PATCH_DIR) & "/MIDI Files/" & "Grooves 01 Complete.mid"

    that would tell Kontakt to look for midi file "Grooves 01 Complete.mid" in the MIDI files folder in my Library DIR.

    So if
    *no* always

    They could all be encoded into the final NKR & since your messing with them you could have overwritten one without the resources folder as it should be or yours could be corrupt missing info etc

    So all in all none of that matters what does is your folder structure which should be the case of the resources folder be

    Data folder > NKA's for tables/values/arrays
    ir samples folder (can also be encoded into NKR)
    Pictures folder (where your stuff should be!) subsequently sometimes encoded into NKR
    Scripts folder (can be linked etc)

    So in conclusion make sure ALL the stuff u need in the right place, apply the script and it should all appear in GUI. If it doesn't you are missing something or the NKR it reading from not as it should be

    ALSO remember that whilst some nki's will share common GUI element others will not.

    However they will ALL read from the same final NKR which may or may not have IR samples/pictures encoded within therefore negating the need for any picture/ir samples in your resources folder

    Good luck *yes*
  5. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    hello Clandestine

    thank u for your post

    I think u didnt get my post tho lol
    I dont have any problem to display the GUI, i do have the installers but i want to skip them
    I created then the containers for these libs coz i move often my libs on many stations and for some computers, i can't launch exe
    So as i explained I created the NKR/NKC
    but the NKIs don't recognize it so for each instrument i have to load the NKR then resave the patch.
    It does work but it can be long to "update" every NKI manually

    your post was interesting tho ! it seems u know well about kontakt script

    allow me a question maybe u know lol
    I load a NKI , i need to delete some blue keys coz these keys don't have samples. but the script is empty, nothing is written ... any idea how to remove the blue keys?
  6. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Run installer on one computer, copy the installed images from the pictures folder and include those with your library, then make a batch file that copies them to the pictures folder on a new computer you might want to install it on :)
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Check the empty script slots for remnants other other scripts etc Colour indicates a sample placed/mapped onto that key or it is set that way by script i.e setting key clours

    Available key colours

    sets the color of the specified key (i.e. MIDI note) on the KONTAKT keyboard.
    The following colors are available:
    $KEY_COLOR_DEFAULT (sets the key to KONTAKT's standard color for mapped notes)
    $KEY_COLOR_INACTIVE (resets the key to standard black and white)
    $KEY_COLOR_NONE (resets the key to its normal KONTAKT color, e.g. red for internal keyswitches)
    For setting the key colours themselves use something along the lines of

    on init
    set_script_title("Key Colour")
    declare $i := 0
    while ($i<=23)
    end while
    while ($i<=24)
    end while
    while ($i<=25)
    end while
    while ($i<=26)
    end while
    while ($i<=54)
    end while
    while ($i<=98)
    end while
    while ($i<=120)
    end while
    end on
    Numbers represent keys obviously that would give you a mapped out range etc Vary it to suit your need etc :wink:

    So in your case change the key range that is blue to whatever u like inactive/purple/DEFAULT etc
  8. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    As for your original problem won't batch resave work if your NKR properly encoded or your resource folder properely configured. When it asks for the NKR just point it to the new one. Like I mentioned u don't need your pics/impulses ect in the resources folder if u encode them into the final NKR. Therefore on a new station it will just ask for missing NKR, point it to the one you saved and batch resave? Not 100% but would maybe work
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