Apology And Thank You

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by jonmoi, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. jonmoi

    jonmoi Noisemaker

    Nov 8, 2011
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    :wink: :mates:Hi All

    I Have no idea if this is the right place to put these comments but here goes.

    I've been a 'download king' for years, often just downloading for the sake of it and not really giving a thought as to how the programmes got there for me to download, and usually not even saying thanks.

    I don't even use most of the programmes I download..what a prat!!

    Then this R 2 R thing came up and it got me thinking about all those crackers and suppliers and uploaders that make it possible for amateur musicians like me to have access to all that great software to try and make music.

    To all of you I owe an enourmous vote of thanks and an equally enourmous apology and will think very carefully about who I need the thank when I download stuff in the future.

    One last comment, if you can't crack then don't rubbish the crackers. Some are much better than others but they all have to start somewhere and their support is absolute.

    This sentiment also applies to the people who submit comments. Some are really clued up others are rank beginners. We all have to start somewhere and some respect will go a long way.


  3. thebert

    thebert Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Hi All,

    Yes, I've been following what's been going on recently too. As many think, I also think that R2R and the other groups should not bear the financial burden of all this - they already spend so much time and possess knowledge that the rest of us don't have, which of course took tons of time to acquire. Some people are astoundingly ungrateful and truly seem to feel entitled to the fruits of others' labors. My guess is that these people are very young and/or mentally unbalanced, and I hope represent only a small, but perhaps unduly vocal, percentage of people.

    The solution R2R has come up with, to have people send files of stuff that they've bought, is unruly though, and maybe impossible to actually implement in real life, at least to the extent necessary to provide a lot of stuff, though I could be wrong. I have seen a few suggestions for a paying site, where people pay a monthly fee or something, and this seems like a good idea to me. There are people though who truly cannot afford such a fee (if they have kids to feed, etc.), and I've been wracking my brain to try to figure out a way to accommodate them as well. So far, I haven't been able to come up with any good idea about this.

    I'm not sure how paying would work though, keeping it confidential, etc. I know nothing about bitcoins, but maybe this is a solution to keep things truly private? And of course someone would have to put up the site, something else I know very little about. Perhaps Audioz could just be converted to a paying site. This might be very simple and easy. Or might not, I really don't know. I figure that the R2R folks are in touch with the people who run Audioz, so you all might be able to work something out and then post something on Audioz to let the people who can afford it join. Maybe there could be some sort of voucher system to have a paying member swear that someone is truly too poor to pay, and that way poor people could join for free. I think this would often not work though, because I think that most of the people who do this don't know each other in person, only through the internet.

    Finally, if a paying site won't work, I have heard that there is a list of programs, libraries, etc. that are needed. I don't know where this list is though, so if someone could let us know, that would be great!

    Just my two cents!
  4. Rotten.Surfer

    Rotten.Surfer Ultrasonic

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Paying for cracked software is not good idea!
  5. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Mostly it has to be paid for from somewhere & who would u suggest pay for it?

    In essence I understand what u mean but what u can do is maybe pay for a little bit of software,if able, get in touch with the guys who know & offer a supply now & again?

    Is that to much to ask for the thousands & thousands of pounds worth of software u are offered freely on a daily basis?

    No wonder teams/people are getting sick of the situation when on top of the many, many unpaid hours of highly skilled work they carry out unpaid, some expect them to bear the cost of the purchase in the first place.

    My answer would be fuck you do it yourself!

    On top of that some greedy individuals have the audacity to make money of these gestures of generosity without ever putting anything back into the system.

    If that continues to happen it becomes a non functional system & will die *yes*

    Even an offer of help no matter how small is a token that shows a willingness to function as a symbiotic member of a functioning community.

    Better that than becoming a parasite?

    If you are not able to contribute financially then there are other ways in which you can maybe help?

    A little thought can sometime go a long way & all JMO :wink:
  6. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Why the huge fucking font?

    This place gets more retarded every day...
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Yes, you should be apologizing for the font size. :thumbsup:
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