Questions & Answers For Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Mr_Amine, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    How many new sounds does Omnisphere 2 come with?
    Over 4,500 brand new sounds! (2422 new Patches + 2150 new Soundsources)

    Is everything from Omnisphere 1 included in Omnisphere 2?
    Yes, of course!

    What's the total number of patches in Omnisphere 2 now?
    12,650 and growing!


    Are Omnisphere 1 and Omnisphere 2 different instruments/products?
    No. Omnisphere 2 is simply the next major version of Omnisphere.

    Is Omnisphere 2 a Stand-alone app or a Plugin?
    It's a plug-in that works in all the major DAWs and Plug-in hosts that support VST/AU/AAX/RTAS platforms.


    Where can I purchase Omnisphere 2?
    Upgrades for existing users are available for purchase in our TECHSHOP, but all new unit sales are handled through any of our authorized International distributors and resellers.

    If I already own Omnisphere, is there an Upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
    Yes! If you already are an Omnisphere customer, you are eligible for the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade! The Omnisphere 2 Upgrade is available now in the TECHSHOP.

    How is the Upgrade delivered? Is it downloadable? How big?
    The Omnisphere 2 Upgrade package is a 20GB download which you can order through TECHSHOP.

    Will the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade be available as a physical product?
    Not at this time. Our download service is highly reliable though... even with slower connections.

    How do redeem my Free "Grace Period" Upgrade?
    Simply order the upgrade through Techshop and the price will be free for qualifying grace period users. Don't worry, you will not be charged.

    How are Spectrasonics Instruments delivered to new users?
    All Spectrasonics instruments are sold exclusively to new customers as physical boxed product through authorized resellers. Currently, Spectrasonics is shipping its instruments with multiple DVD-ROMs. However, alternative download installation options are available to registered users. See below:

    Will the full Omnisphere 2 be available for a downloadable installation? Can I get Omnisphere 2 on a drive?
    Yes! We are happy to announce that there are now alternative forms of installation available optionally to registered users in addition to the included set of 8 DVD-ROMs that come in the box.

    Spectrasonics is keenly aware that many users no longer have computers with optical drives and there are numerous scenarios when the convenience of downloading or the speed of a USB drive would be a preferred form of installation for different types of users. To address all the various user needs and scenarios, Spectrasonics has a new Support Services area of techshop that offers Alternative Installation USB Drives and Additional Download Installations for optional purchase. These services are available for purchase directly in our TECHSHOP for registered users.

    For new users, the Omnisphere 2 box includes a 25% Off discount coupon towards the purchase of either of these support services!


    Will Omnisphere 2 replace my Omnisphere plug-in?
    Yes. Omnisphere 2 is the next version of Omnisphere. When installed, the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade contents (20GB) merge with the existing Omnisphere 1 library and become one product, replacing Omnisphere 1 as a plug-in.

    What if I recently purchased Omnisphere? Do I have to pay the full upgrade price?
    No. The good news is that there’s a grace period free upgrade available from the Spectrasonics site If you purchased Omnisphere between October 2014 thru to May 2015.

    When opening older projects which uses a patch from Omni 1, will they load the same?
    Absolutely - it is still Omnisphere! Version 2 is fully backwards compatible with version 1 projects.

    Will custom saved patches/multis be effected when upgrading to Omnisphere 2?
    They will open and operate the same as always.

    Will third party patches be effected when upgrading to Omnisphere 2?
    All third-party Omnisphere v1 libraries are fully compatible with Omnisphere 2.

    What are the minimum system requirement for Omnisphere 2?
    You can view them

    • 2.4 GHz or higher processor
    • 4GB RAM minimum, 8GB or more recommended
    • Dual Layer compatible DVD-ROM drive
    • 64GB of free hard drive space

    Mac Users:

    • OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion or higher
    • AU, VST 2.4 or higher, RTAS/AAX capable host software
    • Audio Unit plugin requires host with support for "Cocoa" based plugins
    • Native 64-bit and 32-bit on OSX

    Windows Users:

    • VST 2.4 or higher, RTAS/AAX capable host software
    • Microsoft Windows 7/Vista compatible
    • Native 64-bit and 32-bit on Windows


    Can I Use My Own Audio in Omnisphere 2?
    Yes! You can now use any WAV or AIFF audio files in Omnisphere as soundsources for creating your own amazing sounds! Omnisphere 2 supports bit depths up to 24-bit files and sample rates up to 192kHz.

    Will the audio import in Omnisphere 2 be for single audio files or multi-samples?
    Omnisphere 2 supports one audio file of any length per soundsource. You can layer up to two soundsources in a patch and 8 patches in a multi. Keep in mind that Omnisphere's focus is as a synthesizer and will never be a sampler with multiple velocities, key-mapping, round-robin, etc. - there are other instruments out there that do that very well.

    Omnisphere 2 allows you to easily turn your audio files and even your audio tracks/mixes into synthesis source for Omnisphere 2s powerful oscillators. It's remarkable how much you can creatively mangle one sound and transform it into something awesome!
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  3. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fuck it, im gonna buy it...
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    You can fart into a Mic ! literally ! drag and drop into omnisphere and get some really cool, stinking sounds :wink:
  5. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    AND ADD SOME EQING And you are good to go :wink: :lmao: :rofl:
  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Somebody could explain why this synth needs 64 GB of HD space?
    If it was a sample library, I could understand but for a synth...

    Looking at the likes of Absynth, Massive, Reaktor, Sylenth, Serum, Spire... and so on: Nothing comes close to this thing (I mean for diskspace requirement).
    Basically, what can possibly justify this?
  7. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Because it has 60+ GB of sample content.

    Massive, Sylenth, SPire etc are "analog-type" (to various degrees) synths - they don't use sample content.

    Other things, Omnisphere included, can do converntional waveform synthesis (requiring no samples), but also a whole lot more using sampled sources.

    If you don't like what Omnisphere is, stay away from it. It is a massive amount of content.
  8. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    it has everything you could ever want

    i have omnisphere since 2011 it has steam engine and it has a powerful interface you can't compare it to other synth
    and you can use your own samples in it that's awesome

    listen to first album of The Weeknd it called : Kiss Land

    judge for yourself (The album was made by omnisphere only)

    believe me just look at your hard drive and ask yourself : can i make space for omnisphere ? , answer yes you can

    you will find a lot of libraries or plugins that's you don't use since a year or months
  9. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I think that depends on personal taste and genre. It's good for most of the genres but i didn't like v1 at all. I also listen to some demo sound for v2 and wow sounds so 2010 compared to what i usually make and listen nowdays.

    Let me tell ya. It's a great sampler/plugin but if you are working with Club type of music Future House, Tropical House, Big Room, Progressive House (alesso & co.)... you can get better results with Massive, Sylenth, Spire or Serum, really... but this is probably just my thoughts, there are already some demo sounds on YouTube to check out.

    Thanks anyway for people who shared this for the community like for Dune 2 (wich really sounds amazing).
  10. luizcifer

    luizcifer Ultrasonic

    Nov 14, 2013
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    sorry Mostwest i dont offense here

    ok youre right in taste and genre but i think if you look under the hood of this Synth and the posibility

    you would be this update they even included an EDM Library so there are a lot of clubsounds in it...

    that this was the weakness of Omnisphere everone thought well ok this Synth is good for Ambient or Filmscores...

    but if you look closer then and now...the options to tweak a sound in Omnisphere are endless...

    you can modulate everything with everything...taking a simple sinewave and modulate it with up to 6 LFO`s and

    the 6 Lfo`s can modulate 4 Envolopes the Amp and even Filters all at one time in Realtime idid not even mention

    to modulate the Granular or the Unison or the Waveshaper i dont know what else

    would be needed to create a the even included 400 new waveforms from well known Hardwaresynths

    plus you can modulate your own samples..i think this Synth will cross our Way in many Genres

    keep on rocking
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I tried farting into the mic as per your instructions, but it didn't go according to plan .. could you recommend a good mic cleaning service for me?
  12. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    LMFAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  13. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Of course it's not me or you, it's a about a personal thought on a plugins. Everyone has his opionion. I heard about these """" EDM """" sounds. I think that very are ok if i was in the 2010. Nothing really fresh or really edgy. I can get better sounds from scratch in Massive or another already mentioned famouse synths.

    I'm just warning people who produce Club type of music to hear the demo sounds before downloading stuff.
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    This will NOT mess with existing Trillian install right? (they share same STEAM folder content….)
  15. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    don't worry , even when they share the same folder the installation will affect the omnisphere folder only but don't forget to install Trillian update if you want to use it inside omnisphere 2
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It shouldn't. The R2R keygen initially wasn't working with the Trilian content library but later adapted after some testing. I guess it needed a new authorization or something. I believe it should work fine since like you said they share the same STEAM folder.
  17. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You got undressed to fart into the mic? That's hardcore. Props. :wink: :bleh:
  18. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    something useful maybe

    when i ran the separate installer when it was done it asked for disk "b" yes i know 2 i had to go back manually and copy the content from ISO "A" manually only then did the V2 library appear.

    i was fully expecting new presets. the only new presets seem to be the EDM stuff zzzZZZZzzz but yes a lot of new sample. and of course all the synth stuff and effects added. mind boggling the possibilities this thing has.
  19. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Trilian on its own will work just like before. Trilian inside omnisphere2 will work by using R2R keygen on Win, HEXWARS keygen on Mac. (there are hidden checks for Trilian library when used inside Omnisphere2, check defeated by R2R and HEXWARS keygens :wink:)

    Maybe Trilian even work inside DYNAMiCS cracked Omnisphere2, dunno, didn't tested it.
    Surely an install which is more similar to a legit one is done by using patched+keygen by the two mentioned groups.
    Only thing different from a legit one is the RSA public key in R2R-HW releases, cause that just must be patched.
    Not even the NSA with their CPU clusters could do it without changing the RSA2048 pubkey. (for now, and hopefully still for long time)... :wink:

    Instead if you wanna use Trilian on its own and not inside Omni, just use the good old AiR keygen, that make licenses which are 100% identical to legit ones.
  20. Qinuyen

    Qinuyen Newbie

    Feb 9, 2012
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    :excl: Hi guys, should I delete all the DVDs (~46GB) of the Omnisphere 1 off my hard drive if I have Omnisphere 2 installed? Thank you :thumbsup:
  21. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    This is a good Question Audio lover
    i don't know about that since i have legit version of omnisphere ,
    when i bought it they gave Me 6 dvds for omnisphere 1 & Now 20 GB Update to Omnsiphere 2
    i recommend to wait for answer from someone who has the cracked version & that can confirmed either you will need omnisphere 1 or not

    Note : either way don't forget to make a back up of all dvds of omnisphere 1 (burn them) in case

    Answer : I doubt that since the cracked version of omnisphere 2 now has 8 DVDS & Omnisphere 2 has the all content of omnisphere 1
    PS : I Hope someone can give you the right answer or confirm my answer
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