Windows 10

Discussion in 'PC' started by Xtra8, Jun 16, 2015.


Windows 10 yes or no?

  1. windows 10 yes, switch now

    16 vote(s)
  2. windows 10 yes, switch later

    25 vote(s)
  3. windows 10 not at all

    2 vote(s)
  1. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I've been using the technical preview for ages now and yeah it's a bit glitchy but it's not like anything simply won't work.
    Ableton sometimes won't load properly but once i'm up and running i'm golden.

    It's what 8 should have been IMO

    The only way you're gonna know is to do it.
    Not sure how you set up your system but I have my OS on a 128gig SSD by itself. All my software goes onto a seperate one and my samples, recordings, etc have their own dedicated HDD. So i just threw 10 on another SSD and changed the boot order.

    Edit: Just realized you were talking about you're laptop so obviously you don't have space to add more devices. maybe add a partition that is just for win10 to save you from having to clone everything
  2. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Searched here as well, i'm not the only one having the issues, searched a bit more, and the problem is a Microsoft DirectX coding Problem Related sooo...
  3. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Is the Windows 10 upgrade simply that - an upgrade that installs over the top of Windows 7/8 leaving your system as it is, all programs still there after and all patches and stuff done with cracks, all settings in all software all there after the upgrade?
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I gave another shot to Win10, tried Win10 TP build 10130. Most things that didn't work with Win8.1 full now works. I can say that it's already a better product than previous one. Google Chrome doesn't crash on start, Video card working and updated drivers and other stuff.
  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You
    If you are like me and really don't give two shits about the new Start Menu in Windows 10 I have some good news, Classic shell has released a Win 10 beta of their Start Menu. Installed that, disabled Cortana and did the regular Win7&8 tweaks and it looks runs and feels like win 7 but better in a lot of ways

    Classic Shell Info
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    So we can install things to change Win10 in Win7...

    Can you elaborate why for you it feels better than win7?? I have playing around a couple of days and I had to admit that new features are what's I really don't like of this "preview version". If I start removing things like notification, Cortana and stuff like that, I'll ending up having Win7. So aside from the new GUI, why this version should be better than a tweaked and optimized version of win7.

    Plus I think that all the flat GUI for OS and apps, wich is common today (s1 3), is shitty compared to the previous transparency thing.
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Way better than windows 8 imo. I've used it with my audio stuff no problems at all (Mostly :wow: )

    As far as the editions not sure what they will be like exactly & what u entitled to on certain editions etc. Huge improvement on windows 8. Can imagine a few driver problems etc so will wait & see. Think it deffo been finalised.

    Shit thing is u will probably have to re-reg all you plugs that hardware linked I guess after installing new OP. They also funny sometimes say like with certain manufacturers as to how many deactivations u can do etc. (If u have to enter new serial this prob = different hardware location etc but i not 100%)

    Some (not mentioning names) don't even cancel installed licences fro way back & seems a stupid way of doing it when u end up with like 50 licences that are no longer on Platforms u don't have any more. Is stupid imo but who am I.

    I would be careful to de-acticate all hardware based plugs B4 u install as u may end up with an active location u can't de-authour which a pain in the ass when certain Devs only offer limited slots/activations. Waves do it much better imho but i'm pretty sure they have their reasons *yes*

    Back everything up on a hard drive I guess *yes*
  8. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You
    Better Memory management than Win 7 and 8
  9. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I was astonished by the amount of data it wants to collect (and collects if left unattended, by default). In my test, it even re-activated everything I disabled after restarting (for the installation adjustments). It looks nice and less comvoluted but, in the end, I have no real use for most of the stuff I saw (and I found it confusing, despite - admittedly - only messing around for a few minutes)

    I'll watch how it goes on a laptop when it gets released.
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Are you talking about RAM or HDD memory??
  11. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You
    RAM of course. HDDs do not have memory unless you count the few megs of cashe
  12. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Ok but it's still slow compared to my system wich run a full version of Win7 Ultimate x64 with only 600 mb of ram used.

    This technical preview i'm running alongiside is using like 1.8 gb of ram.... win7 has better performance than 8.1 or 10 TP (atleast for me)
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    A repost from something I said on an earlier thread because I'm a little strapped for time:

    Also something that nobody has hit on yet which I think would be of prime importance to enthusiasts, producers and those managing networks of critical systems is that in the core version of Windows 10 you will NOT be able to opt out of automatic updates and they'll also be whenever available not specifically on Patch Tuesday, a departure from their usual practice. The idea is that core users will serve as guinea pigs for patches before they're deployed on to business customers so those running Pro or Enterprise. This is a real deal breaker for me personally because besides the forums, I also code and work in IT so I can't have this level of disarray on my system and having automatic updates switched on is just that. My issue with it is that Microsoft is notoriously bad in the area of patch deployment. Just the fact that I never have automatic updates on and pick and choose what is not known to cause any major headaches should tell you everything right there. Oftentimes they even slip updates to you that you may not want and it can cause you all sorts of issues from some little annoyances to utter havoc. For example there were updates to 8 that basically allowed your computer to automatically update to 8.1. Okay let's play this out: it was listed under the Important category so that would mean that had I had automatic updates on then it would have been installed. However I have a hidden recovery partition on my computer so what would end up happening is that because your key changes on 8.1 it would throw off the recovery partition's ability to restore to factory. That's a lot of craziness for a patch. Sure I could make a fresh image of 10 but that's not the point, the problem is that I might not have known about it beforehand and suddenly there are major changes that my system underwent and it's causing me a ton of problems. Then there are examples such as advertisement and a lot of other bs. So now I will have to either pick up Pro or Enterprise and pay the extortion charge. I thought this was really underhanded of them because I'm sure they're no stranger to their horrid patch deployment.
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That is categorically untrue. Windows 8.1 has better performance than 7 and is less resource intensive. One of the reasons is that there is no Aero in 8 and that eats up some CPU cycles. Windows 10 refines the OS even further. Also when you take in the fact that there is also better security and significantly more resiliency against infection and that's quite a feat.
  15. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    whoa, thanks cat for pointing that out. that really is a deal breaker.
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I'm just talking from my experience: installed Win7 (modded) 20 days ago, Installed Win 8.1 30 days ago, Installed Win10 TP alongside my Win7. I'm just a music producer don't care that much on security. Loved Aero from the start (if you don't like you can disable it). Never used Antivirus or anti-spyware just Win7 Firewall and Google Chrome since years (4-5). No virus or spyware. Never had problems or troubles with hardware and drivers. I had to admit that Vista for me was better than 8.1. Runned for 2 years without troubles, slower than Win7 but still solid.

    I usually don't trust review or people saying that X is better than Y, i like to try stuff out and decided myself if something is good or not. Like for or OSX and Linux distros, wich weren't for me (love logic tho).

    I think that the all METRO UI is really annoying and a step back than Aero. Windows should leave the option to get back the stock menu start like was from previous versions. ANd also strip down the all tabletish graphics. Leave the user to select it or not. Love the apps and all the Applish thing on my phone and on my tablet, but not in my working machines... again an option to disable all of them will be very important.

    Since i use a lot Studio One (2 and 3) i was able to compare them between different versions, and find that can get better performance on both Win7 HP and Win7 modded. I'm not saying that for everyone this is the rule. For me, my system and my cofigurations Win7 is still better. Still better than 8.1 (wich i wasn't able to get some drivers...) and atleast for now than 10 TP. I'll wait the final version of Win 10 but for now is behind 7. Like Vista was behind Win XP.

    With Win 8.1 some user had a good experience and some not. How many had a bad experience with Win7?? that's why Microsoft worked fast to build Win10. And still saying that win7 + win8.1 = Win10. So in some areas Win7 is still better than 8.1. Kids will love Win10, it's so tabletish.

    I think that Win10 will offer some nice features but not really audio related. The only reason i'm trying this is because i would like to sync some contents between my phone and my home pc. Tried not working properly i guess, i should wait for Win phone 10.

    That obviuosly from my point of view, a producer running Studio One as main daw and working mainly ITB.
  17. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You

    This only applies to the home version. anything above that allows one to opt out
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I know, that's what I meant when I said core version. The issue is that this will be a majority of the user base because anything preloaded on most systems will be Home and a lot of people that bought a computer in the last few years will be coming from 8 or 8.1 Home as well so the impact is far-reaching. Pro will allow you to defer updates though.
  19. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I'd probably get Windows 10 with my next computer build in the near future, that way, I get a free Windows 10 along with the new build that I intend on purchasing...

    plus, right now I really don't have time to change workflow, especially when you're really busy and have a tonne of programs that need to stay open and running
    until the project is done...

    My computer will die after I complete this project that I have to do because of how long it's going to take and how long I need to leave it turned on for :O
  20. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    hey, you forgot your usual vag-schlong-tit-comments! are you allright?