equavescent 2

Discussion in 'Software News' started by lbarratt, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Equavescent2 is here.

    We are pleased to announce Equavescent2. Current users will receive new authorisation details soon.

    The sound of Equavescent2 improves drastically on the sound of Equavescent1.

    Equavescent2 is an equaliser like no other. Our algorithms will not be heard in any other equaliser. These algorithms boast a uniquely clean and tight analog sound.

    Equavescent2 has drastically improved the algorithms of Equavescent including a new proprietary windowing algorithm that increases the tightness and clarity of the sound.
    Equavescent2 algorithms improve upon traditional equalizer maths.

    The results speak for themselves.
    The algorithms remove micro modulation errors often found in digital equalizers. These digital errors can sound ok when used in moderation to purposeful effect, but will add a digital haze which can easily ruin a mix.

    Benefits of Equavescent include:
    • a clear lack of digital granulation, especially in the high frequencies
    • clear and tight low frequency curves
    • equalized signals sound more in phase with themselves, creating a smoother analog-like transient
    • the stereo image is considerably more defined when this equalizer is used on stereo sources such as whole mixes
    • positioning of signals in a stereo field is far more distinct

    Equavescent is a ten band parallel equalizer designed for maximum clarity of sound.

    Features are:
    • resizable interface with no gimmicks, everything on the interface has a purpose
    • phase shifting of individual bands
    • mid-side controls for stereo
    • peak and analog algorithmed relative loudness VU
    • negative phase boosts shown in frequency response, version 1.0.103
    • fft mode to adjust the size of the fft used
    • supports up to 8 channels
    • sample rate up to 192kHz
    • native 32bit and 64bit Intel PC VST
    • native 32bit and 64bit VST2, VST3 and Audio Unit on OS X
    • new MIDI control

    Check it out at barrattaudio.com

  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    ok analog but why this excel interface ...i would do one for free please but its an ugly looking graphical thing ...it may sound good but presentation is also important ...no offense, my 2 cents :thumbsup:
  4. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    It is resizable with no unnecessary info. She has this amazing inner beauty.
    No offence taken.
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