Dear Audioz,

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by armyofone, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    What is up to all my Audioz brethren. Damn it's been a long time coming but I'm finally back home.

    For all the newer users I guess you're wondering who I am. For all of the older users and the guys I used to talk to I want to say how the hell are all you ladies and gents doing and I hope you're in the best of health.

    N.B. - Feel free to skip to below the arrow below if you want to get to the meat of my thread. Otherwise please keep reading on for your veg.

    Damn. Where the hell do i start. Well I was a regular Audioz user until about six months ago when my system crashed. I had the worst luck with tech imaginable and just could not get my macbook to work. Imagine the fonz from happy days but the opposite - everything I touched seemed to break. After spending months trying to figure out what the problem was I was just ready to throw my mac out the window. After losing all of my files when my macbook failed and then losing them for good when my external backup suddenly died I just got sick of it all and it still gives me high blood pressure now just thinking about the countless hours I spent and all of the combinations and diagnostics I had to run back then. I had it working for a brief time but it all crashed again at the start of the year. All I can say is that my next system will definitely be a hackintosh. I'm ready to join the dark side.

    Well I left my cousin to work on it while I travelled half way across the globe having to leave all my tech back home. So after 2 faulty rams, 2 faulty internal hard drives, a bricked external drive and a faulty motherboard later, along with apple trying to void my applecare and being useless in general I am finally up and running again. It does feel weird actually to come back and replug myself into the matrix. 6 months of having virtually no net seemed unthinkable at one point. Thanks to his help he finally got my system back up and I've just come back to a mac that doesnt restart and try to wipe my hard drive every time I turn it on. And it feels GREAT! Also how crazy is it that I lost some of the software and serials I provided on here when my hd got wiped and might need to dl the cracks of my originals just to get it working again!

    I've just put my feet up and logged on to see what is going on in the world of Audioz, on what are personally for me my favourite site and forum on the entire net. The last time that I was on was when Serum had just come out. I can see that Audioz is still going strong and so much has happened. Team HEXWARS has been killing it for Mac and all of the teams have made some stellar releases. I can see KV331s Synthmaster has finally been mastered and have read that it took 180 hours alone to crack. Crazy. What an incredible achievement that was, along with Pro Tools 10 for mac and Studio one 3 and so many incredible tutorials. So much time and dedication has been put in to the site through the tireless efforts of so many. Also I got to check out the Audioz album and everybody who was involved in that should be very proud of themselves as it is an awesome achievement. I remember the older site that was changed last year and when I look at what has been achieved in such a short space of time it truly is a gargantuan effort that I know has cost certain people a lot of sleepless nights.


    Now comes my own two cents. I am going back through time and have a lot to go through but I see that the point has been reached where R2R and some of the teams have begun to put their foot down now. And to be very honest with you I am very surprised that they decided to be so generous in leaving it this long. From what I am seeing there has been some internal leakage, a lot of disobeying the rules and a staggering amount of ingratitude. I didn't think that it could be an indefinitely sustainable model for so many to rely so long on the good natures of so few. Honestly, I myself would have been done with it a long, long time ago and kept my work internal after the parasitic behaviour I saw from some of the leechers and ingrates on a day to day basis before I left. So I guess we should all be thankful to these teams that they're not like me - and actually I'm also guessing like most of us. What's fun about doing shit for free and as soon as you extend your hand in generosity and click to upload and have your efforts appreciated there is a plethora of greedy hands reaching out to demand your next one. I have a good book for all of the ingrates to read that they used to make us read in school that sums up the situation perfectly:

    I'm sure it's available for download on 20 different hosters as well, you'll be pleased to know.

    * Here's the cliff note version: A generous elephant finds a selfish baby and decides to give the baby a ride while it keeps pilfering treats to feed the bad baby who never gives thanks until the elephant puts his foot down at the end and refuses to do anything more until the bad baby is forced to give gratitude and cries to be taken home to his mother. Seemed quite fitting to me when I thought about it.

    This thread was just to remind the owner, admin, teams, mods, contributors and members that to some of us you are still rockstars and I can only speak for myself but there aren't enough 'thanks' buttons to press that can convey my gratitude and honour your generosity. I have learned so much from these two sites and at the end of the day, what are we all here for? How many of us are going to become international superstars? How many will be able to make a living from what we have gained from here? But all of us are students of music and I truly believe that Audioz is the largest and most important library of music production that is available to anyone from around the world at almost any time (if your mac doesn't keep crashing that is).

    Also at what point is enough? When I first found the sites I was like a kid in a candy shop. When I lost everything I ever downloaded and had to start again and started to get deeper into the science of sound I saw that my approach changed drastically. I had inadvertantly become a hoarder, downloading way more than I ever had time to use and not understanding how to use it until I lost it all and found out that I only needed to have a deep understanding of 10% of what I had collected to really get great results. I just think that people should try and place a lot more emphasis on educating themselves as to what they actually possess than waiting endlessly for the next minor upgrade and recycled construction kit. How much incredible music was made with the tools that we already possess at the end of our fingertips? And which artist uses a hundred different colours on his pallette and paints by numbers to create a masterpiece rather than just the combination of a few and making his own spectrum?

    The purpose of this thread was just to re-introduce myself to the older crew on here and to send a massive thank you to all the people who make both sites what they are. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed and your efforts are more important and significant than even you know. Please feel free to add in some names and I will put them on. I am a bit out of the loop and have a lot of catching up to do. A massive shout out and thank you to:

    • Saint,
    • Catalyst,
    • R2R,
    • HEXWARS,
    • UNION,
    • Audiostrike,
    • Discover,
    • Horsemen,
    • copylefter,
    • 0rgan1c,
    • Introninja,
    • Pirat,
    • willdathrill
    • Intrinsic
    • zeus
    • e-mu1970
    • and all the generous contributors

    This thread was not intended to be a rant on moral superiority. But the community and scene is extremely important to maintain in my view and whatever I can do to contribute, you guys know that I am only at the end of a send button. And fingers crossed my mac behaves itself. Otherwise I will have a free grey frisbee for anyone to collect the pieces of if interested for your dog.

    Much love

  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    "I had inadvertently become a hoarder, downloading way more than I ever had time to use and not understanding how to use it until I lost it all and found out that I only needed to have a deep understanding of 10% of what I had collected to really get great results. I just think that people should try and place a lot more emphasis on educating themselves as to what they actually possess than waiting endlessly for the next minor upgrade and recycled construction kit."

    GOSPEL. I've been through this stage and it's a problem. A serious problem directly towards creativity, which adversely affects music: the thing we're here to make in the first place. Welcome back. bro.
  4. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Welcome back with open arms man! 100% agree with the greedy peeps abuse the handouts man.
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Great to have you back in the fold Brother. :wink: :mates: :hug: :mates: :wink:

    Ditto the sh*t heads that leach, spread and disrespect. Long may they spend in your given profile location! :snuffy:
  6. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    Well said brother, and welcome back. If u need anything that i shared among the time or that you lost, please feel free to hit me back up and ill kindly give you what you need...
    Glad your back up and running and pray this never happens to you or anyone for their sake ever again..
  7. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Glad your up and running pal. Wondered where you had been. Introninja too. Hadnt seen either of you in a while.
  8. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    glad your back bro!
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow Zeus comes back after getting hit by a car yesterday and armyofone today. It's a Festivus miracle! :rofl:

    Your posts are always an awesome read and that's an understatement. Sucks that you ran into so much trouble with your system but it's good to finally see you back in business. I was actually wondering where you went because I hadn't seen or heard from you in a while. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this message. It really means a lot to all of us in the trenches brother. We're hard at work on the new AudioSex so you came back just in time. Soon we'll be changing our host and bringing TLS here as well as AudioZ, where it was recently unveiled, so you can look forward to better security combined with a reloaded site with a new look and exciting new features. :break:
  10. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I can't believe the amount – nor the nature – of the ingratitude of some of the recipients of the Teams' hard work and generosity on Audioz. At the very least is, "At this price, why are you complaining?" - but it's even worse than that. Some of the members (leechers) seem like they're whining, stamping and pouting, like spoiled brats, that either their requests hadn't been met exactly, that something's not available for the platform they use, that that "only" the VST (or the AU) is cracked or that there's no RTAS or AAX with it. Some of the comments aren't direct complaints, they're just snarky blabla. Then there are the knuckleheads who post questions on how to use the stuff or whether it's compatible with this or that OS – when they could just be researching that info on manufacturers' sites, which would pre-empt their headache of trying to install it or to get it to run when their OS won't co-operate, or 32 Lives has to be used, or won't help, or whatever.

    It seems like the Internet itself is to blame for this. First, it enables the availability of software, music, movies, et al., for "gratis." But the gratitude gets replaced by attitude, as people expect everything for free, and whine when it's not exactly what they'd hoped for. Second, this sort of laziness leads to not having or not wanting to take responsibility for one's own tech and knowing how to use it - even things upon which one's life or livelihood depends, just whine aggressively in Mama's face when your Toy breaks, and she'll drop whatever she's doing to kiss it and get it running again. Third, there's the culture of commenting and trolling and responding, where underdeveloped a-holes have a chance to harass, slander, criticize and belittle others, and generally stir the sh*t, from behind the veil of anonymity.

    As a musician, I have felt searing resentment toward others' ingratitude, after I had sent download links for my music to people I know and who should, as artists, appreciate my work and the very gesture of letting them have it for free. Out of seven or eight recipients, I might hear from one of them, though that might be a complaint about how hard it is to download from MEGA to their iPhone via Chrome, or some other matter not only out of my control but very well within their own. How many times have I come close to saying, "Fuk you," to those people, or just, "Fuk it," in regard to music-making? I haven't kept track, but it's deflated my enthusiasm toward music-making - so it's no surprise to me that R2R, et al., are feeling similarly toward what they've put so much of their time, talent and effort into.

    The Internet of Things is about convergent integration, but the Internet of People is frickin' mess.
  11. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Well Said . :wink:

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Very well said, indeed! I sincerely hope that your message sticks. It's real easy to fall back into old habits as many sunsets come and go. Personally, I very rarely download programs, and if I do, I buy the ones that truly serve a musically creative objective. The others, I hit the "uninstall" button.
  13. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    The notion that "nobody owes you anything" seems to get lost more and more with today's generation :bow: .
  14. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Damn pardon me gents. That time difference hit me hard.

    This is what I really love about this community. I go away for so long and the respect is still the same as the day I left. Much love to all of you for your kind words.

    Damn much respect for that bro. I see you been killing it with all your contributions. Thanks for your kind gesture it's much appreciated.

    Whats happening my man. I see you've become the resident Mr. Maschine on Audioz. That's some incredible work you've been putting in. Can't wait to finally push the button and see all those rainbow lights flash across the pads and test out what you've generously put up.

    Damn that is bad news to hear about zeus. I am very glad that he's back and healthy again.

    You don't need to tell me how hard at work you are brother. I'm still convinced you're part cyborg with all the hours you put into these sites. It's fantastic news that AudioZ is going from strength to strength and I definitely feel blessed to be seeing it blossom in front of my very eyes.

    Thank you all for your kind replies. I'm looking forward to diving in and getting right back to the reason why were all on here... for the love of music.

    The drama is always going to happen. People are always going to abuse what comes to them for free. Leeches are always gonna leech and trolls are always gonna troll. But hopefully theres enough of us to at least even the odds out and make it worthwhile for all those who contribute so much to the scene not to lose heart. That's my only objective.
  15. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Thank you armyofone! Wanted to use the button ... hope it`s just my browser ...
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No it's not just you. We're currently experiencing some issues. *yes*
  17. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    "At Your Girls House"
    welcome brother just trying to give back a little, but dont hesitate to ask if u need any one them again :wink:
  18. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Welcome back armyofone, I had written a long reply but due to problems I encountered with AudioSEX lately, most of the system is broken for me, so all of the article is lost. :(

    Basically I was there as well, filling up my only 500GB HDD. But after many months I settled down on 300GB of content, all of which I know by heart.
    There's one member whose TBs of space are not going to be satisfactory for him, ever. His now obsolete phrase "share this and we'll love you more" only hints that such person is unable of eternal and unconditional love. It's all about happiness, and it doesn't matter how many GBs you manage to fill, actually less is more in this case. Happiness comes from within, materialism from outside.

    Drive force for materialism is 'filling the void inside of us', but it's impossible to achieve through these means. One has to be happy first, and with what he/she already have.
    Over the years, I've hoarded so many useless junk in my appartment and for 3 years now struggling to sell it. But I've learnt my lesson. :wink:

    Best, and again welcome back!
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The AudioSex issues must be a glitch in the matrix. :wink:
  20. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Hey Andrew hows it going my friend. Good to speak with you again. That's a shame that you lost what you were typing. I always enjoy reading what you put into words.

    And those words are so true that you wrote. I've definitely learned that its better to fully know 100% of 10% than to only know 10% of 100%. Less is most definitely more.

    Thank you for your kind words. Definitely looking forward to another stellar review whenever another good Kontakt library comes out if ever you get the time. I learned so much just from reading your articles.
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