Kontakt keeps forgetting kontakt "libraries" position

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by mrfloyd, May 31, 2015.

  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Originaly I thought this issue was related to S1 only so this topic was discussed in Studio One thread
    however me and some other users confirmed that it happens in several DAWs so I presume this is a Kontakt problem (not DAW) and here I repeat the question where hopefully some Kontakt gurus will see it.

    It used to work like this in some old 2.x version of S1 v2.x and some version of Kontakt 5.x on my WIn7 Ult 64, i7:
    you could for example open one of the Kontakt libraries (within libraries tab) and browse numerous instruments or multis, then you could go to another track and load completely different VSTi and then when you returned to Kontakt you'd see Kontakt window as you left it with you Instrument banner on the left, preset list opened.
    Then after an update and I don't know if it was S1 or Kontakt; whenever I switch window focus back to the Kontakt, the library tab refreshes. So if you (like me) have so many libraries you'd have to loose time scrolling and searching for the library that you were browsing and open instrument presets browser and continue.
    Also I think (but now I am starting to doubt myself) is that if I had a project with numerous Kontakt instrument tracks, each Kontakt would come back in window focus with it's own position in Libraries tab.

    Steps to replicate:
    1. Create an instrument track with Kontakt VSTi and open "libraries" tab in Kontakt (of course "Browse" icon the first one in Kontakt header, has to be selected to see the browser on the left side of the loaded presets), In the opened browser the second tab is "Libraries".
    2. Scroll down to one of your library banners at the bottom of your banner list and chose one that has several presets when you click on "instruments" which sits just bellow every library banner. (for example Berlin Concert Grand will have 6 patches visible)
    3. Load any one of the presets into the Kontakt and leave it there
    Note: Do not load presets through "Files" tab or any other way such as through your OS explorer/finder
    4. Now create a new instrument track in your DAW with any VSTi just not another Kontakt, for example load Sylenth or Omnisphere and
    5. load any preset
    If ypur DAW loads each VSTi in separate windows doing 4 and 5 will not close the Kontakt window (as it does in Studio One) so close it manually instead
    6. Now go back to Kontakt window and check what you see. Is it:
    a) a Library tab on the left with the banner of the loaded instrument with the instrument presets opened where you left it or
    b) you see your library banners as if you just loaded Kontakt for the 1st time and you have to scroll down within Libraries tab to find the instrument library banner that you loaded in the step 1?

    Let me know what you see

    If it is a) rejoice, you don't have this problem.
    If it is b) then at least I am not the only one with this issue and we can join forces in finding the solution ;-)

    What is the use of those beautiful banners if each time we want to look for a different preset we have to scroll through hundred of them to just find where we were a moment ago after swithing windows.
    In Studio one selecting an VST FX will close VSTi instrument as they are tabbed in one window which is great way to manage scree clutter. I might just open a reverb to see how this Kontakt piano preset would sit in the mix and go back to piano and now again I have to scroll to my Piano banner, click instruments to open preset list, scroll to find different preset.. In a busy project with lots of Kontakt instruments this becomes tiresome.

    It isn't something that can't be solved by navigating through "file" tab but if you like me have a number of hard drives where Kontakt instruments sleep navigating back and forth among different Kontakt instrument tracks is even more tiresome.
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I think u may find there is no solution. It happens in all Daw's. So u are not alone.

    Kontakt browser does not refresh. It hasn't since certain updates were introduced.

    In older versions such as 5.0.3 yes there would be no problems.

    However in more recent times this doesn't happen.

    I fear it may have something to do with the update protocol & issues with Komplete integration combined with the other advances in midi etc

    Also NI is backward compatible rather than forward which is necessary for say running programs with older scripts etc. This could have something to do with it or may be completely unrelated.

    Also quickload for instance is not meant for such purposes just creating shortcuts. I could also be completely wrong LOL!!

    There could be possibilities i.e re organising your database with meta information etc.

    Personally for me it has never been a problem.

    However I know what u mean. I fear this is just because of the update & I am not sure if a solution will be found.

    Will look deeper into it :wink:

    Ps forgot to mention If you load your library through the file tab rather than the library tab you will not have this problem and Kontakt remembers the loaded patch.

    My advice do that & forget about the pictures :wink:
  4. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Thanks for the input Clandestine.

    I knew this advice will be mentioned so at the end of original post I said:
    "It isn't something that can't be solved by navigating through "file" tab but if you like me have a number of hard drives where Kontakt instruments sleep navigating back and forth among different Kontakt instrument tracks is even more tiresome."

    If I could fit all libraries into one HD that would be bearable to some extent. Why only bearable? Because unfortunately all instances of Kontakt in the project reflect the same one file path within File tab. So if you have a folder with strings on one disk open in one instance of Folder and than want to find percussion from another disk the Strings instance will change its File path to Percussion disk as well. In third instance you might pool sample form 3rd disk for WAVs and SFX files and both previous instances will switch folder to SFX disk etc.

    Often when putting down a draft in a DAW I believe many of us might be happy with certain sounds just to catch the musical idea. Later on we would come back to sounds and try to find the perfect or better fit for the particular music piece. And changing one will influence if other will have to be changed. In a projects with 10, 30 or more Kontakt instruments this search for better instrument will take way longer due to laborious browsing process.
    And I don't want to go into even more frustrating fact that fonts in all NI stuff are way to small for comfortable work for almost all of us who ware glasses and I am sure NI will definitely help others to get to the point of needing a pair for theirs, at the moment, perfect eyes. This is one of the reason why sometimes banners may be helpful although why cant we group them (and hide groups we don't need to see), why moving those from top to bottom takes ages is beyond my comprehension for the version 5 in 2015.
    Maybe I just didn't find a better way to do it.

    I don't have time to work on music as much as I would like to so when I sit to create something I always focus primarily on music, arrangement and finding the right sound and not so much on trying to learn how rompler works (as opposed to synths).
    So I am not an expert on Kontakt and maybe some of you can suggest workarounds and faster way to come back to specific patches on different disks in projects with many Kontakt instances.
  5. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    well best then try & be as ultra organised as possible & maybe keep all your go to libraries together on one drive. There also a Quick jump feature on the view tab that u can assign to specific drives & Libraries :wink: Give it a try click on File tab then view & here u can assign specific drives & attach libraries etc to jump to
  6. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hello there

    install or update K5.5 and it works.
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Doesn't 4 me & I on legit 5.5 if I get what he means. I know there been some problems with direct install from service centre tho.

    Another option is depending on yor DAW if i use Reaper for instance all I have to do is Resize the GUI & then hit option lock in Docker.

    That way I can then scroll thru every instance of Kontakt & it will automatically show me & remember which patches are loaded
  8. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    My kontakt would not remember where i left off also. So annoying. specially when looking for a sound or chnaging a sond.
  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yep as I said if on multiple tracks in DAW say four instances of kontakt just dock each one & it will remember & u simply scroll through each track with patch, library. Other than that try the Quick Jump feature for specific drives/go to libraries. Is wierd & needs sorting unless I being totally stupid & missing the point. Sure someone else will know.
  10. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    First thing to mind - it could be something to do with Administrator Rights.
    ie. How you installed the app. And the location of where Kontakt saves it's files etc.
  11. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Lao, in my original thread you asked for solution as well
    I doubt that you found solution, probably you misunderstood the question.
    And I did mention in original post above using Kontakt 5.5 S1v3, same versions that you have
  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    This is useful tip. Thanks Clandestine.
    10 Quick jumps are the maximum?
  13. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I think so but to be honest not used it much at all myself but possibly good for say locating libraries/patches on different drives etc.

    I think to overcome your problem it would be better to say "Dock" Kontakt in your DAW if u can.

    Which DAW u on? Studio 1 V3? I'm not overly familiar but u will be able.

    That way you simply dock Kontakt with every desired patch say on however many different tracks.

    Then when u scroll back to the track it will remember the patch loaded & you be in the right area.

    If you then need to change the patch simply slect a new patch from the library & your done.

    S1 v 3 will have good workflow & am sure if u get to grips with messsing around with it & setting out the way u like to work etc it should not a major hassle for u

    Another idea would be like mentioned earlier to have all your "go to" libraries in the same location & batch compress/save etc which will drastically help with loading times etc Good luck :wink:
  14. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Yes, docking Kontakt instances will force position in Libraries tab and if we dock 10 Kontakts we have clutter on screen.
    One of the excellent features in S1 is that it hides everything that isn't in focus and usually I keep plugins window on a second monitor. Anyway it good suggestion and a good solution for simpler projects.
    Resizing Kontakt to the smallest size, browser opened, allows only two Kontakt instances fully visible and by sacrificing browser width numerous patches become indistinguishable from the closest ones as typically the last part of the preset names will be different among similar patches.
  15. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I've tested mainly on Reaper5/Pre35 & it pretty good that way i'e I can open 6,7 instances of kontakt Dock them all, Minimize them to the bottom of the screen & then just tab Across each instance, i.e Mixer, Track 1 thru 6 etc is pretty good & would work for such a situation and each patch easily retained & inter changable from outside the docker even.

    As for Presonus I'm not overly familiar with how it works that way sorry :wink:

    Plus u always have the option to hide/show dock ie ALT D on reaper, There b the same on presonus or just create your own shortcut etc