Studio One V3 crash every day

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Lao, May 28, 2015.

  1. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hello Audiosex

    After a week of using Studio One V3, it crash every day, 4 or 5 or even more in a day. Im so confused and I dont know why. It crash when Im in the midle of the song, or when I open I song, or I get a sinus tone and it never stop so I have to close Presonus. I tried to find out where the issue come from. Im using the same plugins like in the V 2.65. I never have this crash like this in the Version2.65. V2.65 runs perfect. For me it seems like that V3 is not ready yet. I know it is the first Version of V3. Yestersay I install win7 Ultimate with SP1, Kontakt 5.5, new driver,so everthing new from the bottom. But got the same issue. Crash after crash...and make me so confused.

    Im using V3 as administrator, cause im using Nexus jbridge to 64 bit. Last week I have read in a topic not to run as admin. Is this the point for the crashes all the time?

    So I want to ask all Presonus One V3 users, how does your V3 run? Do u have same crahes like me? And what of windows do u use ect. Or can someone tell me where this issue come from or any solution would be nice.

    Thanx for advantage

  3. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Could be not an answer but you could go on with 2.6.5 From my point of view the only valuable feature you lose are bezier curve... Plus clearer and less cluttered GUI. Btw will be released an update within a month
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I have tried it for a few days, and had no crashes...
    than I uninstalled it, `cause I don`t like the GUI
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  5. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Haven't pushed it to its limits yet but I managed to create a template for my orchestral projects with several instances of kontakt and a miilion outputs + vsts on individual outputs and busses. I have played around a few hours and no crash so far (I also run it as admin for Jbridge). I'm on Windows 7 by the way.
  6. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Mine crashes after I close it which is dumb... its only crashed once during use
  7. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    I know S3 is not resource heavy but what are your specs?What soundcard/interface are you using?A lot of cards have their own asio drivers but those that don't may cause issues.When you're running S3 pull up your resource manager and check for spikes.
  8. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Win 8.1 and I have no issues. I too use jbridge.

    You say it even crashes when you start it up. Are you opening a recent session when it's crashed on start up or was it a blank session? Is there a common plugin being used all your sessions that's crashed? You mentioned Nexus. For the hell of it try doing a session only using stock plugs/instruments try to get it with a ton of tracks and fx. Track doesn't need to make sense just get that CPU meter moving.

    Run that for awhile. Hit stop/start etc. Push it to the limit. If all is fine then it's a plugin your using in your other sessions that's causing it.
  9. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    @ mostwest:
    if you are not happy with update, then i really am not going to feel so bad about not being able to install it on my machine: )
    roll on updates eh? i was really looking forward to it, but now i focus on ableton live 10 instead : )
  10. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I noticed something else...

    - I happened to be using the pencil tool and accidentaly clicking on MIDI CC points/dots to move them around, the cursor temporarily changed to a left-right zooming arrowhead (like the bubble you see when push the middle mouse button to scroll but horizontal or like the narrow/normal mixer view icon) and it displayed a java error (Error 52: blablabla?) or something but functioned normally afterwards
    - I accidentally ran FL Studio while Studio One was running and it [FL] started as ReWire and Studio One's icon disappeared from the taskbar. I had to CTRL+Alt+Del to open the task manager and see that it had created three separate explorer.exe processes which I had to kill and restart explorer.exe for S1's icon to appear again
    - As for the "error" when closing it, I don't know what could be causing it. I have faced it with other apps and it seems to be random... Retarded Windows thinking that the app crashed when you just closed it yourself for whatever reason...
    - If you have a titled MIDI track and you drop a Vsti on it (Kontakt) it will keep the instrument's/added vsti's name and not the track's name in the mixer... It's weird (especially when it already shows the instrument at the top of the mixer). I drop it on an already named track, I don't need the name of what I just dropped on it nor did I create a new un-named track. (If you rename on the mixer, it will also rename the track though...)
  11. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Win 7, SP1, latest i7, S1v3 64bit is stable on my system. S1v2 uninstalled.

    I saw on Presonus forum that some have performance issues when comparing same projects on previous version.
    I don't. Did not have time to investigate it properly but it seams more efficient than v2.
    And my projects are heavy. When mixing on most of them I have to rise buffer to 1 or 2k samples to avoid pops despite 4/8 cores and SSDs (yeah, I hate freezing VSTi channels, not to mention Ozone which begs for dual CPU configuration).

    The only crashes I am getting regularly on my system are from Firefox and Flash pages
    (totally agree with Steve Jobs on flash subject).

    BTW for me the new v3 GUI is a mix of better and worse at the same time but I want/need new features so I'm sticking with v3.
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  12. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I was super happy and excited when Presonus announced the streaming. I have got some problems RAM related, so I thought that v3 would have been fix them. But nothing change from this point of view.

    They add bezier curves, my main request after the ram bug fix and they are better than I thought. Automations however need some work on since she you zoom them they are hard to work on.

    The new sketchpad is nice, but this will require more power when storing ideas. I like it but I can live without it.

    Multilayer instruments could be nicer tons of bugs, you can have more control on vsti by using folders and duplicate midi and tweak them. Multi FX chains and parallel thing is nice, but in the end of the day you will use it only on guitars and pads, linear processing is still required for most of other instruments. I like it, IMO it needs a dry/wet knobs when summing different paths to have more control on the final sound. And this feature will require more CPU power, you can't use parallel FX everywhere on the track, or you can end up Killing a 8-core cpu.
    I heard that now S1 is CPU heavier, for me it's the same.

    I like also arranger just to have a better look while arranging the track, nothing more. But it's a ok feature.

    The big problem for me on v3 is the GUI a huge step back. It isn't clear, it's all cluttered and really hard to read, to work with. Mute and solo are bigger than the track name. It's everything black. V2 GUI is 100 times clear and nicer, text was nice to read and not blurred.

    I'm always using v2 for editing purpose, for sampling stuff or work on my samples library.

    I'm not expecting that Presonus will make a new better GUI for the next 3 years, so it's all about features wich doesn't make so happy now.

    The biggest disappointment for me is that heavy RAM problems and memory leaks are still there, and Preonus isn't planning to create a 32 bit bridge between plugins like Cubase,fl studio or bitwig, wich could instantly fix all ram problems and hel users to a better transition to 64 bit realm.

    I worked some months on Logic Pro X while waiting v3 and it's really great I like it a lot, but the workflow seems a lot of slower there. Plus some basic editing stuff like transponse and stuff like that are not so easy (or fast) to use.

    So I'm planning to use v2 until they fix the ram issue or introduce new major features that will for me to change to v3. Like was for Melodyne ARA.

    If you ask me the best update of S1 was the 2.5.0 not v3.

    EDIT: Typing errors
  13. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    yes you are right and I agree with you.

    Evertime i close S1 i get this message:

    Runtime Error!
    Program:C:/ Programm files / Presonus/ STudio One 3/ Studio One .exe

    -pure virtual function call
  14. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Seeing this thread seems that Presonus has missed an opportunity:.... "to change everything because nothing changes" ... in this case even worse than existing :(
    Are we sure?
  15. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Ha, there it is. It is reproducible:
    [​IMG] /
    [​IMG] /
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Happened to me also but with v2
  17. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Could be a memory leak?
  18. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Yes could be.
  19. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I'm using DDR3 8 GB of ram (4x 2 GB). What's kind of ram are you guys using??

    Win7 x64 home premium it
  20. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    It's not a matter of type; Who is still using something different from DDR3, and brand and type are not so critical, if the system is working. I think that working with less than 16 Gb with a new sw DAW is a losing battle........ :dunno:
  21. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i just got a modded version of Win7 i will let you know...
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