Is time going faster or Is it just me ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, May 24, 2015.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Haven't been on AudioZ as much lately as i have been trying to focus on goals of mine but it seems time is going super faster and finding it hard to do all i want to do.Hours feel like minutes and days are gone so quick.. it has been almost 5 months of this year yet it feels like it has been no where near that. Am i the only one?

    P.S weird post i know
  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Yes it's one of undesirable features of this system we live in.
    Some people say time runs faster since you become adult. And to that I say nonsense.
    Time runs faster because the system force you into habits - daily jobs (always the same). With increasing age you become more and more disconnected from yourself and time starts to fly, 10 years, 20 years.
    Yes there is one. Quit being hectic and enjoy every day to the fullest just like children do.
    Perhaps take on part time job instead of full time, if you have a chance.
    Never view the tasks before you as obstacles, that's what most people do - overcome obstacles.

    Sorry, you probably wasn't expecting post like this :bleh:
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Apparently there are some psychological reasons for feeling as you do....outlined as follows

    1. We gauge time by memorable events.
    As William James hypothesized, we may be measuring past intervals of time by the number of events that can be recalled in that period. Imagine a 40-something mom experiencing the repetitive, stressful daily grind work and family life. The abundant memories of her high school years (homecoming football games, prom, first car, first kiss, graduation) may, compared to now, seem like much longer than the mere four years that they were.

    2. The amount of time passed relative to one’s age varies.
    For a 5-year-old, one year is 20% of their entire life. For a 50-year-old, however, one year is only 2% of their life. This “ratio theory,” proposed by Janet in 1877, suggests that we are constantly comparing time intervals with the total amount of time we’ve already lived.

    3. Our biological clock slows as we age.
    With aging may come the slowing of some sort of internal pacemaker. Relative to the unstoppable clocks and calendars, external time suddenly appears to pass more quickly.

    4. As we age, we pay less attention to time.
    When you’re a kid on December 1, you’re faithfully counting down the days until Santa brings your favorite Hot Wheels down the chimney. When you’re an adult on December 1, you’re a little more focused on work, bills, family life, scheduling, deadlines, travel plans, Christmas shopping, and all of that other boring adult stuff. The more attention one focuses on tasks such as these, the less one will notice the passage of time.

    5. Stress, stress, and more stress.
    As concluded by Wittmann and Lehnhoff (and replicated by Friedman and Janssen), the feeling that there is not enough time to get things done may be reinterpreted as the feeling that time is passing too quickly. Even older individuals (who are, more often than not, retired from work) may continue to feel similarly due to physical handicaps or diminished cognitive ability.

    yes this is copy pasta... from here My link

    Of course time at our speed proceeds the same for everyone, but then "preception" is reality too....

    Andrew is right , with all the goal(s) you have ... do you really have time to see them all come to fruition... focus on the stuff that makes you happy, it will be over sooner

    than later..

    Have a listen to the now OLD Pink Floyd song Time again....

    the sun is the same in relative way but you're older, plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.

    the reality is... most, or ALL of us now posting here will be dead in 70 years or so.. you may as well enjoy it while you can.. *yes*
  5. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Assuming you know what you want to enjoy and that you can actually enjoy/do it given your condition and circumstance.

    It's also what you HAVE to do for survival and what you actually WANT to do. And that is the main reason why our society is so fucked up. Because there are things that you HAVE to do but don't WANT to do.

    Technology's biggest gift to humanity could be providing more free time to do what you WANT to do and be a simple being, along with he minimisation of pain and work.

    And no... Society/humans wouldn't stop working. They'd just think more before acting and doing things that they want to do and not just "produce" for the sake of numbers. Same goes for the internet... It's not just entertainment and free stuff. It can be if that's what you want it (all) to be but it's also a platform of information, exchange and openness (for now). There's the crap, there's the gold and the in-between. But it gives you choice and the chance to sort out what you want to see.

    The sun is not the same, the pattern is the same.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Mr Anonymous,

    At a first glance, it seems that you're a bit 'Out of Sync' !!! *yes* :rofl:

    And the solution is here...

    Does Your Life Need A Digital Master Clock ?

    'About Master Clock'

    :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Rotten.Surfer

    Rotten.Surfer Ultrasonic

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I like what you wrote and quote and it gives me some new perspective on this "time is going faster" phenomenon and I'm thankful to MrAnonymous for starting this "weird post" and others as well for their participation.

    Well, my theory is this: Humanity has slipped over the edge. Now we are in the free fall knowing that we gonna crash. Similarly to the last seconds of a single human in mortal danger, our collective consciousness is forcing our (collective) memory to reveal images from our previous experiences and as a side-effect we feel that time is "going faster" and it will continue to be faster and faster as human kind is closer and closer to the (definitive) end.

    Utterly tension will remain till the last moment and just before we run out of oxygen, food and fresh water, the human flesh and technology will melt into each other and create new creature (bio-robot/android) which will "continue to live"... in the matrix.
  8. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all audio lovers,

    all well said... :wink:

    there is one thing to add, the human brain measures time also through its metabolic functions, which functioning depends on loads of factors, overall psycho-physiological state, stress level, the supply of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. from the diet, really whole loads of things, that might lead to, being the cause of, inefficiencies, deficiencies. *yes*

    nurturing your inner child, supplying her, him, with loads of positive experiences, might also help... :wink:

    as far as this here present self of mine is able to recall, chronoperception, chronophobia, have pages on wikipedia, worth to check, to read these thoroughly. *yes*

    all the best for all of us, as always, plus then some little bits of it, may yer days be merrily bright, may all sentient beings be happy, have ease of being, may the sorrow bringer never cross our ways... :bow:
  9. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    My 2 advices (myself being confronted with your problem):

    1. Do some kind of sportive activity: running, gym, whatever you can do for one hour on a 5-days/week basis. (I do gym - lifting weights).
    2. Declutter (get rid of the non-essentials - meet only the people you really care about, read only the stuff you are really interested in, it's easy to get lost in this infinite flow of information) and prioritize (creative stuff in the morning or after job, and reading news feeds, mail/newsletters, social media, audioz :) - just a couple of times a week in the evening).

    I personally won quite alot by doing this and I don't feel at all that I'm missing something.

  10. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    Once upon a time, as a very young man, I was trying to reach the ground for protection from an imminent explosion. Slightly to my right was a man twice my age on all fours [hands & feet, not hands & knees] moving unbelievably fast. Time had slowed so much that I seemed to be moving less than an inch for every second. I recall thinking that there wouldn't be enough left of me to fill a lunch-box. Thoughts... those I loved, things I would never be able to do, the absurdity of my position...

    Well as we all know, I am still here. Afterwards I asked the old-timers what had happened & most said they had experienced similar things. I reflected on that incident quite a lot over the next year or so. I concluded that time is relative to our mental state. I had been so filled with "Oh no!" that all other concerns were ignored. In other words I think that I was experiencing REAL TIME. I think that all other awareness of time is filtered through the pile of daily thoughts feelings, & concerns that accumulate through a day or are residuals & we don't sort through or eliminate them in a timely manner. [EDIT: like too high a CPU load with too many programs running simultaneously]

    Back then it was popular to speak of 'being in the now'. Just another way of saying the same thing.

    Kind of Zen but that's still how I see it. [44 years later]
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    For me, two things are real time eaters: Making music and surfing the net.
    For some reason, I'm always surprised about how slow time goes when I focus on one thing like doing mechanical work, cleaning up or organizing things. Like I could do much more in less time, and that shows me what a subjective scale time can be.

    Great thread btw, lots of wise comments here :bow:
  12. mindpassfilter

    mindpassfilter Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Just smoke a little bud and time slows down big time *yes*

    I dabble with meditation and that helps too - but nothing compares to bud.
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  13. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Many times the solution's in the question. Want less, makes it less hard. :bow:
  14. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Here is the cure, for all troubles [​IMG] :rofl: