(u-he.com) Hive 1.0 Ready

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, May 19, 2015.

  1. u-he

    u-he Noisemaker

    Sep 4, 2013
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    If that was true, why have we sold more copies of Bazille in 6 months than we did with ACE in 6 years?
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  2. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Well that only shows that a lot of preset designers benefit from cracked software. And of course the "Trinity of fanboy synths" (Sylenth, Spire, Serum) are most popular because of that.
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Got to agree. Who give two shits if it's cracked? Obviously the people using cracked spire are gonna download spire banks.

    etc loads of 3rd party banks work in cracked or legit. All NI ones do?

    Maybe not in a few they don't but in most they do so a measure of how many soundbanks are out there for download is not a measure of a synth or it's capabilities.

    I thought the whole point was to create your own presets?

    Not just simply download a load of lame presets that u will possibly never use because they work in your 'legit' copy of whatever. Like mentioned above some of those designers most probably using cracked copies to create those preset banks.

    Why do you need 5 thousand soundbanks etc? Does that make it a measure of how useful it is in a real world scenario?

    You can do just as much with a really good synth that you are comfortable with and maybe a couple of preset banks.

    Doesn't make sense to me personally but maybe I missing the point
  4. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Collecting presets is very similar to collecting VSTs - some people can never get enought. It's often just a means of procrastination.

    Others just work with what they have and make tracks.
  5. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I was once affected by this "all you can store" plague, collecting everything that has remotely something to do with the music i was doing. I ended up storing "country music" even though i would never have a listen to it in a zillion years. *no*

    At one point, it was obvious i was only using a dozen synths on a regular basis and another dozen from time to time.
    I felt ashamed of using stuff, making some money and not rewarding the provider.
    So i did what i thought i would never do because they were freely available. I bought them starting with the DAW. *yes*

    And this changed my behaviour from the ground up. I started to feel like they were mine. Not rental. Mine. ANd i gave them another look. A deeper one.
    It's always like that nowadays. I deepdive into the synths i buy and only those. Or the FX for that matter.

    And above all.

    I now have time to make a hundred times more music. :grooves:
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  6. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Is deffo addictive but also counter productive imho.

    Sometimes the fewer tools u have to work with the better. Deffo a few essential tools but not myriads of every available plugin/synth/sample/ etc etc

    Freeware getting better by the day also.

    Country music rocks btw :wink:
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    totally agree clandestine, i find myself getting more done with less, but i have "hoarder" built into me on a physical and virtual level....hard habit to break... but give me one synth, one guitar, one mic, and one daw... i will at least try and find a way.... that's the way i did it for years.... of course have gotten spoiled by some of our friends, and it has come in REAL handy sometimes... but agree with you 200%!
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  8. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I too agree. :like: I was also victim of this plague. :dunno:

    Thanks to R2R and Hexwars for their limited releases now... This will surely help new (most of) producers who wishes to get everything in their harddrives.

    Limited resources and necessity to live with what is available are parents of innovation and creativity.. !!
  9. lordauricle

    lordauricle Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    for me its just the matter of "control" how you make use of those stuffs yall talking about it doesnt matter how many how less you have as long as you know how to manage
  10. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Scene releases or not, if you are a collector...you will collect freewares and demo/free banks instead :wink:

    About sells and cracks, we will never know the truth because devs don't want us to know the REAL numbers behind the transactions.
    Do a simple Google Trends search on Cubase, and you will see what i mean.

    And about less releases, i'm very happy too. Don't have time to test everything. And if it is not full unlimited demo, i just don't care about the product.
    I wish the whole scene collapse sometimes :dunno:
    At least, it would stop hypocrisy on both sides :wink:
  11. I don't know why, but something about Hive appealed to me when I saw it, audio unheard. I think I wiil get a demo and give it a try.
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Now full price is 149.
    I would check Serum and Spire too at this price ;)
    Hive was more a no-brainer (not for me) at 99.
    Inspiration from sound engine still the most important. I never clicked on Zebra sounds, even if it is full of features and sound engines ;) And never liked Diversion and more and more.
    Features on paper will never inspire you, but sound will.
  13. tjgoa

    tjgoa Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Hive is good. I made 500 presets. Here is a track using 100% hive. Bank out soon! Cheers

  14. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Agree, also ease of use, comfort, speed, effort, overall feel of getting something out of it, that's most important aspect for me, when you just "click" with it and that interaction results awesome outcome. :yes:

    Having said all that, that's why Spire is still undefeated for me, I can make something awesome out of it not even trying, same goes for Charlatan and TAL 101, just love to tweak those synths, fire up sequence and than just go for it, pure fun, can't say that for majority of others. :no:
  15. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    @u-he : i'm happy you sold more Bazille than ACE :wink: Didn't expected that.
    ACE, on the other side, was "under the radar" for whatever reason i still don't understand (to me, it sounds very good and still a very good option).
    I remember this era, when i was REALLY impressed by plugins sound for the first time : ACE and FXPansion Synth Squad :woot:
    Those filters, envelops...i couldn't tell hardware vs software for the first time :wink:

    So your protection scheme is working better and really gives you more sells on Hive and Bazille ? I'm happy to read it.
    I love effective protection schemes :wink:
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    @xsze : that's the reason why Studio One is raising, even against Logic (witch is already easy on the workflow side).
    Less mouse clicks, no sub menu mess (Reaper anyone ?), you don't need to read anything before starting...
    I'm really uninspired when i feel like in front of a plane cabin :rofl:
  17. Gave it a shot, but for me it was uninspiring. But then again, these daze not much is.
  18. kaspy003

    kaspy003 Newbie

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Bitwig and Dune2 already cracked :D
  19. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Like almost all products in the whole world :wink:
    Dune 2 was probably hard to do. And may be some ppl were reluctant to crack it fast.
    On my side, no cracked product changed anything in my life...nor uncracked one.
    i can live without Hive, Bazille, Vengeance, Cubase...in fact, everything apart friends and family :mates:
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  20. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Do not belittle yourself. Did you not learn things from making ACE which made Bazille better?

    Ok maybe i am wrong, maybe ACE and Bazille is same code and nothing new only better copy protection.

    G'luck with sales.
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