Sonic Flavours R66 Reverb

Discussion in 'Software' started by superliquidsunshine, May 15, 2015.

  1. If one could love a virtual reverb with the passion that Romeo had for Juliet, for me it would be the oldie but goodie and no longer in production or distributed Sonic Flavours R66 Reverb. Silky smooth and sounding something like what my ear would believe a long tail reverb would sound like in heaven, the 666 meter virtual simulation had smiles upon smiles upon goofy grins on my face whenever I would have the pleasure to heed it's virtue, but alas, it has given up the ghost on me since I switched to 64bit Windows 8. It's sister, the equally tantalizing and magnificent Sonic Flavours DP5 Delay still has her legs although goes through spastic GUI shudders from time to time for no apparent reason. I read somewhere some place that 112db had bought the algorithm and used it in their Redline Reverb. Since the R66 will no longer load in my FL Studio 32 bit wrapper I cannot assert that the two have the same sound. Redline's voice clangs phenomenally mondo but I would love to get the R66 back into the musical equation. Is there somebody here that might have a trick up their sleeve to help once again make it possible for the masses (I, one of the throng) to bath in the light of it's sonic glory? Sisters and brothers I beseech thee. :hug:
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Superliquid23,

    I get exactly the same trouble when trying to get that 'Sonic Flavours R66' available within 'FL Studio 12 Producer Suite v12.0.1' (by 'Team R2R) ! :sad: , and this even using 'jBridge' to get it available under a '64bit' environment.
    By cons, I get it working properly within 'Reaper 5 Beta', as well as within 'Ableton LIVE 9' ('v9.1.8'), both in their 'x64-64bit' Versions, so the only suggestion that I can give you right now, is to use your 'beloved' 'Sonic Flavours R66' within any other DAW which can support it... *yes*
  4. Thanks Studio 555, I actually meant jbridge bridged. It doesn't work in FLS 11 as well. Since I am migrating to Studio One 2 (hopefully 3 by months end) I will try my luck there. Have a good evening.
  5. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Can I suggest BREVERB2? It has 64bit & can do some smooth long reverbs iirc.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Superliquid23,

    If I was you, and if you nevertheless want to get your 'Sonic Flavours R66' available within your 'FL Studio Producer 12', I'll make again a 'Full Scan' of the specific 'VST Plugins' Folder(s) where is located your 'R66', because I finally get it available and working properly, as well as the two other 'Sonic Flavours' Plugins available : 'DP5 Delay' & 'DQ7 EQ', as you can see it :


    Good Luck and Good Evening to you too ! :wink: :mates:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Also are you using a legitimate JBridge version because the last warez release is quite old.
  8. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    It's a great Reverb i still use, i bought it back in the day and still love it and it uses very little CPU unlike most others who claim to use little but this one actually does.
  9. Thanks everybody and sorry for taking long to get back to my post. All is good to go in 12.2, and since I heeded Studio 555's direction, R66 once again has a spot in my sends. Aloha.
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