I must be doin' it wrong FL Studio 11

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Herr Durr, May 14, 2015.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Have started to try some projects in FL Studio lately, and have some questions.

    I have seen the complaints about midi here, and I have my own too. I have a simple midi key controller
    that FL doesn't seem to play well with. Well, it works but really had to look into settings
    to get it working, and time on net research etc.. Then after got that solved I find it doesn't play
    well with an m-audio driver I used and had to go back to asio4all,
    which seems to respond slower with my controller.

    Sooooo I thought hey.. I'll just use the virtual keyboard in the program to get my
    midi notes onto the piano roll. I tried it using my limited knowledge, no dice.
    I watched some guy on youtube do it on FL Studio 9, tried it again, and no workie..

    I searched the net and saw some griping about this ( among other things midi in FL Studio ).

    If there is a way to use the virtual keyboard that opens with the channel... how does it work? :dunno:

    I'd like to give this software a chance again and learn something, I'm just not a fan of drawing notes in a piano
    roll except for drums,which isn't even necessary with the channel sequencer,
    and the slow asio response with asio4all just aggravates me. :snuffy:

    All this just reminds me why I drifted away from
    this thing.. and settled in with reaper, where the midi stuff I do and learn to do just works !!

    any thoughts on working around these issues in FL ?
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I think the m-audio driver is a dedicated asio driver, in what kind of way does it not play well?

    and when u use the asio one have you tried lowering buffering settings in asio4all? this should make it respond faster...
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    It's not asio4all fault. I use them both Studio One and FL. With FL is too slower and makes my keyboard unusable with it while with S1 and Logic everything is fine. Dig it more
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    Not sure what the meaning exactly of dedicated, but I use an m-audio device with the driver in
    both reaper and FL studio, as with all things avid/PT economy line, it won't do anything w/o a piece of hardware.

    To your question... won't play well means... as soon as I choose M audio usb asio... I get the sample rate
    not supported pop-up and the audio device will not open, and then FL studio promptly crashes.

    Will fiddle with the asio4all settings some more, and see if any better, BUT

    why , when every other DAW I have used, reaper, PT versions, Mixcraft, they have a virtual keyboard
    that actually writes midi notes to the track, and FL studio won't? gaaaaaah... :dont:
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Why cant u just use FL's Piano roll? Its probably the best there is.

    anyway.. cheap M-audio cards don't play well with lots of things in my experience.
  7. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    maybe a bit too simple, but did you try setting the ASIO Buffer Size to a lower value?
    Maybe installing FL12 might also help as they added a special FL-ASIO device

    And if you want to write midi you can use your computer-keyboard. It does not compare to a midi controller but works fine.
  8. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Sorry, English is not my native language :bleh: , I meant that your m-audio driver is just a fork of asio4all
    with some minor changes and a different interface.

    In the audio settings section in fl studio you should set the same sample rate as in your asio/m-audio settings.

    Well, I don't have a awnser to that, In my opnion the option to use your keyboard as an piano is sufficient.

    Hope this helps, If your midi still won't play nice let us know
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I guess yo' fine azz has an Apollo Quad ..but many of us ain't quite there yet... :bleh:

    that said, it does work very well with reaper, and strangely enough I chose another CHEAP
    M-audio driver NOT associated with the particular hardware I am using, and that one works fine now.. go figure...

    I have managed to record to the piano roll .. and may be on my way with these jerry-rigged settings...
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    The thing is, the sample rate settings were matched !! :lmao:

    Your English was fine by the way, maybe just different terms
  11. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    What model of M-AUDIO audio interface are you using?

    Have you downloaded the latest drivers for it? If not, then totally uninstall drivers and install the fresh new ones. (try it)

    Just for the record, I've been using FRUITY LOOPS sinve v1.5 and have never had any problems since they implemented ASIO capability, so don't give up on it.

    R U sure that ur using the M-AUDIO ASIO driver and not some MME (etc...) M-AUDIO driver? (selected in FL audio options)

    What model midi controller are you using? Is it USB or does it hook up MIDI IN/OUT through your audio interface?

    Your buffer settings - with only a few VST i instruments running - should be as low as you can make it (eg. 4ms) before you start hearing clicks & pops.
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    It's some old CHEAP dongle thing, that simply allows me to use the M-audio drivers, as they are hardware dependent.

    They have ceased updating the drivers for it, it's as current as it will ever be. I have some other hardware devices

    with good stable ASIO drivers, I just don't keep them connected to my workstation all the time, as it's not a music only setup.

    I am pretty much there, with getting midi in and out of FL at this point... so I think ready to roll with the fun stuff now.

    Yes it is an M-Audio. I have used it in most DAW I have tried, with some weird behavior, but still getting it to work.

    It only worked seamlessly with the dumbed down versions of PT that came with it. I don't use anything but ASIO.

    Never really liked asio4all, it was ok in FL without using any external controller.

    The controller is a simple USB 49 key that works fine with everything else.

    Sure the piano roll is cool and all, but writing bass or melodic blips into it is about

    the most unmusical way to make music I can think of. No offense to those who like it... I just like the controller better. *yes*

    Not really having probs once the driver starts running, I keep using the M-audio coz the latency

    is low enough that I can't detect any lag, such as I can using a controller with asio4all. :wink:
  13. Hey Brother, maybe this exerpt from the manual will help, that is if I understand your question correctly.

    Recording note data

    While this may look like a lot of complicated steps, it covers all the note recording options. Once set, the next time you want to record notes it should be a case of steps 1, 6 and 8. Three mouse clicks.

    Select the Pattern - The note data will be recorded into the selected Pattern. You can only record into one pattern at a time. NOTE: You have the following two options as to how to record your MIDI data:
    In Pattern mode - MIDI data will be recorded into the currently selected pattern and appear in the selected Channels Piano roll preview window. Double-click the preview to display the Piano roll.
    In Song mode - The Pattern Clip will be automatically placed at the point where Playback started from after recording is stopped. If you have a specific Playlist track that you want the Clip to appear on, place an empty Pattern Clip for the pattern being recorded in the Playlist at the point where you plan to start recording. The Pattern Clip will automatically expand to fit any data recorded, so don't worry about its length.
    Input quantizing - Use the Global Snap selector on the Recording panel to set input quantizing. Input quantizing will align notes to a precise timing, on beats or exact fractions of beats. Set to 'Line', 'Cell' or '(none)' if you don't want input quantizing.
    Turn on the Score recording filter - Right-click the Record button and make sure 'Score' is selected as a recording type (all data types with a tick will be recorded).
    Piano roll or Stepsequencer? - Usually you will want to record into a Piano roll. The MIDI settings option 'Record to step sequencer' should be off.
    Recording countdown - If you want a 'count in' select the Recording Countdown option on the Recording panel.
    Arm for recording - Select the Record button in the Transport panel. It will turn red to show it is ready to record.
    Select an Instrument Channel - Click on the Channel button of the instrument you want to record notes for. The selected Instrument Channel will also receive the note data and the instrument will respond to the controller keyboard.
    Press the Play button - FL Studio will play the project and record any note events received from your controller keyboard. When recording it's generally a good idea to turn on the Recording Countdown feature so that you have at least one bar lead-in metronome.

    Where is my note data stored?

    Generally note/score data is saved to a Piano roll. You may need to click on the channel and open the Piano roll to see your data. It is also possible to record the melody into the Step Sequencer (see the MIDI settings page, 'Record to Step Sequencer' option) associated with the instrument channel.

    NOTE: If you are in song mode recorded patterns will automatically appear in the Playlist clip-tracks after pressing stop.
    Score Logger
    Always on: Never lose the perfect performance again. A three minute buffer records all note activity from external controllers and Typing Keyboard to Piano. This can be dumped to the Piano roll at any time with the Dump score log to selected pattern command on the Tools Menu. Perfect for retrieving those inspired improvised performances from the 4th dimension.
  14. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Hello yo,
    I can parti parly understand the problem you have with the M-Audio and the midi-keyboard inside FL-Studio.
    For many years I used an M-Audio Ultra Track Ultra as soundcard and used the midi ports hooked up to my masterkeyboard which in this case was an Alesis.
    I used the latest M-Audio drivers for Windows 7 X64 and yes things went really well. I could record via the Alesis. Since that Alesis keyboard wasn't supported in FL-Studio I used Generic keyboard, which worked excellent.

    After some years the M-Audio started to act weird. I had to turn it on and off many times. Quite many times I had to manually changed the samplerate forth and back 44/48 KHz, to get the damned thing even play sounds. This failure was ongoing in many other applications, such as VLC, Soundforge and such.
    Nothing wrong with the midi-controller since I could perfectly run it with my old trusty Delta1010 and Audiophile 2496.

    Anyhow my experiences tells me that there might be some issues with the M-Audio interface.
    Because when I upgraded to a Komplete Audio, things ran smoothly again! No artifacts with the audio or any hocus pocus.

    Maybe you should try another audio interface?

    Best regards,
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @ Super , Xiny

    thanks guise... this is some good food for thought.... cool of you to pull up that info from the manual Senor Superliquid :wink:

    I am a big believer in RTDB... haha... I did try to pull up a manual for FL 11, but it's all 12.. maybe I should just update too..

    not that it's changed that much..(?) just didn't see that when I was searching
  16. Ha, nobody ever confused me with a sausage before. I hope this isn't the beginning of a trend.
  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    whoops... must be getting late.. or i need reading glasses ..sorry m8 :wow:
  18. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Dude s1 v3 will be here on 20 may. Just wait a little bit. V2 was already great, step recording is one of the new features. Just saying...
  19. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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  20. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    fl studio acts weird with sample rate changes(bug?), I once checked different sample rate,s if there was any quality difference to my ears,
    if I had a sample rate mismatch I had to set the good sample rate and switch the sound driver to primary and then back to fire-face. (so M-audio in your case)

    It's very ugly you have this problems, it's realy demotivating... :hug:

    are those tits? :wow:
  21. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    yes. Yes they are.