AATranslator, DAW/editor project translator

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, May 8, 2015.

  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    This traslates projects from one digital audio workstation/non-linear editor to another.
    In detail:
    Convert sessions to/from ProTools, Nuendo, Ableton Live, Ardour, Audiofile, Audition, Auria, Cool Edit Pro, Capture, Cubase, DAR, Digital Performer, Fairlight, Final Cut Pro, Grass Valley, Harrison Mixbus, i-Movie, Lightworks, Logic, Logic Pro, Media Composer/Adrenaline, N-Track, Paris, Premiere, Pyramix, Reaper, Sadie, Samplitude/Sequoia, SAW Studio, Sonar, Soundscape, Soundtrack Pro, Studio Live, Studio One, Symphony, Tascam MX2424, Tracktion, TripleDat, Vegas, Waveframe, Wavelab.

    AATranslator was originally developed to take advantage of Adobe Audition's excellent editing capability where the result was to be mixed in a ProTools equipped facility.
    Since then we have continually improved AATranslator to the point where it now converts more formats (including PTF, OMF & AAF) than any other session conversion program.
    So if you have either a commercial or practical reason that makes it necessary to move a session from one DAW to another then AATranslator is probably your best solution.

    AATranslator is being constantly developed with additional formats and revisions to accomodate the latest versions of formats we already support.

    Does AATranslator convert everything?
    The short answer is no.
    DAW/NLE capabilities vary so enormously that a complete conversion between every session format is impossible.
    We do convert far more detail than any session conversion program has offered so far but we do not convert either plugins/fx or midi.
    Our focus is audio plus one or more video tracks (download our conversion guide for more detail).
    While we do extract audio from many video files if your session consists of mainly video files then it's advisable to contact us as to suitability.
    We will happily convert a test session for you, answer any of your questions and possibly add additional functionality.
    * Check out Raymond Radet's tutorial on converting a Premiere CS6 session to Reaper using AATranslator *

    To check if AATranslator suits your needs we are happy to run a test conversion before you buy.

    AATranslator is a PC program but is known to run very well under emulators like Wine for Mac & Linux users (winebottler)
    Mac users can contact us for detailed installation instructions

    We are happy to convert a test session before you purchase

    * the 'standard' version does not support any version of ProTools (PTX, PTF, PTS or PT5), OMF or AAF.
    If your conversions involve these formats then you need to purchase the 'enhanced' version *

    Standard Version $59USD (does not include PT, OMF or AAF)
    Enhanced Version $199USD
    Upgrade from Standard Version $140USD

    What do you think?

  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    lil known fact, Chicken Systems is what N.I. uses as their proprietary built in sample convertor for Konatkt since version 3 and has been a staple in my arsenal for years, Very worth the money. That is what I think. I'm shocked that this software has not been brought up a bunch of times by now
  4. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I had no succes with AiR version back in time(v5?). Needed to import sessions from Logic 9 audio recorded tracks(.aif with no time stamp) into Reaper(condition: maintaining time stamp of recorded audio regions). No succes thru AAF exported files. Best option was Logic --> AAF --> Sequoia --> EDL(edit list) --> Reaper. :wink:
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