My Dog Benji recently got cancer...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Micke123, May 2, 2015.

  1. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    Hi, My name is Micke.

    My dog Benji is a 5 year old mixed bread little boy with recently discovered Lymphoma cancer...

    It's thanks to him I got thru my deep depression, he was the only reason to stay on this planet. When I found the lumps on his throat I just thought that It was an infection but after a week and the lumps growing bigger, I called the veterinary and got a time a couple of days later.

    They took som tests and 8 days later I found out that it was Lymfoma cancer...

    Me and my girlfriend dont got the money for the treatment he need's so I'm asking for help, from you! I just cant live without him, he's my everything and I need help... He's fine now but It can go so fast...

    Please help us with this. With the treatment he'll be able to live from one to plenty of years to comes!

    To Donate:

    Kind Regards / Micke & Benji.
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Micke123 is a very good friend of AudioZ (under different nickname). He has been a member since 2012 and was the first human in history who made a donation to the site.
    I hope that together we can help.
  4. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Money shouldn't be the reason why your nice dog dies too early, Micke. *no*

    I can feel you man. Lily, my favorite Golden Retriver she dog, died all to early last year.... :(
    Unconditional love, that's what dogs can teach us, among other things.
    All the best for you both from the bottom of my heart! May the luck be on your side! Donated.
  5. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    My condolences man and thank you so much for the donation, Alraun! :mates: :bow: I dont even want to think about that happening, not yet! He's still so young! He's laying here to my right eating a pig-ear. =) Yeah, he's my everything and my girlfriend has accepted that. *yes*

    A BIG thank you to Saint for helping me! :mates:

    I just hope that people keep on donating so i can help him with the treatment.
    He's fine now, just like allways but with lymfoma you never know how long they got.

    Kind Regards / Micke

    Here's som pics on him and our little girl Meliina! =)

    Attached Files:

  6. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    This soes not look good... The only person helping out is Alraun and I'm greatful for that but It doesn't look good.
    Benji will get the treatment but the medical bills will make me and my family go under, maybe loosing our apartment.

    Please people, help us out! :(
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I had a dog that had cancer and had no choice but to put him to sleep. You're not necessarily doing the dog a service if it's really sick keeping him alive. A lot of these vets will just drain you of all your money and in the end the dog won't make it far anyway. Not to mention it will be in agonizing pain the whole way. I guess it depends on if it's really viable to save him and then factor in his age. Anyway I know what you're going through, it really sucks so my condolences. :(

    That's really cool. Guys please donate if you can, every little bit helps.
  8. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    Hi Catalyst.

    I know, I know. He's feeling well and all that. I've read ALOT about this illness and talked to 3 veterinarians all in all and explained everything.
    All of them told me to do it considered that he has been living with it for a while now and are still feeling well. I've got a time tomorrow for the first treatment. He got the best Onkologist in Europe so we're in safe hands!

    I will get in dept considering that Alraun is the only one that has helped out. I have put it up on another forum and of hundreds of people, the only one that has donated is Alraun. :(

    It's sad to see that 99.9% of the people wont help another one in need in situations like this. I've would of done it in a heartbeat if I'd got the money. Just a 5£ is something.


    Benji is in good shape, eating and drinking so the prognoses aint that dark but like I wrote before. You never know with cancer. Hopefully he'll be able to live plenty of painless years to come!

    The person that is reading this. Put yourself in my shoes. Would'nt you want help if you could get it? I mean, It's about a family member. It's not just a dog! I hate people that are saying that. Feel like punching them in the face... :excl:


    I'll do an update after I've been at the clinic with him. :mates:
  9. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    Everything went well yesterday! It was a looong day in Uppsala...

    His lymfnodes is alot smaller today.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's great news Micke. I hope things continue to get better.
  11. Micke123

    Micke123 Noisemaker

    May 2, 2015
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    Thank you man! :mates:
  12. doof

    doof Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Dude stop feeding your dog those pig-ears and rawhide snacks!
    they are often created without human health & safety precautions, the processing of cow hide etc can involve heavy metals and other carcinogens left behind in trace amounts! not for eating but they dont care!
    had an amazing old lab cross who died with very heavy cancer in her head, she loved those rawhide snacks her whole life.

    best of lick to your doggie, tjabba peace

  13. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    i know its hard man, i had a big dog 15 years ago, she died in my arms :(( i wouldnt be the same person i think if i hadnt had her
  14. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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    My Dog has Also some lumps growing bigger and multiplying My old Husky Dog Died also from That But She was 14 My new dog is 8 and I m so afraid To go to the vet cause I feel I know the Answer For Now he doesn't suffer at All I m gonna be helped for the Money So I feel better but the idea of Losing him is killing me & I ve never fed him with pig-ears and rawhide snacks I tried Not to repeat Errors That I thought I did With the first one
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I hope Benji is feeling fine Micke123. It's been months since your last post.