Soundtoys alternatives

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by frisbi, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Soundtoys new product can be activated with out ilok (Dongle) and next update V5 out very soon

    and Phase mister are juste the best Phaser plugin in the market and Echoboy are just my favorite delay so if you like and use this plugin a lot you have to buy them and give a way to sound-toys developer to give next level to this

    amazing plugin .

    if you make money with your cracked plugin juste buy them progressively cause it's juste your weapon.

    be pro and stop bull shit ;)
  2. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Indeed it is!
    I'm currently toying around with vintage BBD delays, MobMuPlat, a circuit-bent Behringer VP-1, two Korg Pandoras and a Zoom MS-100BT.
    Great fun! :wink:
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    4.02 is the last stable version out there, and I too had some problems a few years ago with the "updated" versions, time bombs, etc..., but after removing every trace on my system, reinstalling 4,02, and NOT being online with them ever, I have had no problems whatsoever, obviously blocking daw etc with LS.... (which is redundant being offline, but...).. I haven't found anything to replicate their sound, sure there are things that come close, but I love echo boy and decapitator so much, probably some of the klanghelm or izotopes trash can come close etc for decapitator etc, but haven't found anything as "musical"(?) as echo boy.... I know you didn't ask so much about ask about those plugins, I don't use phase mistress or filter freak as much, but I imagine FabFilters offerings would be pretty close, although a totally different type of gui and user interaction... For some reason they haven't gelled with me, but that's all subjective....
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Your right the key is to ALWAYS be offline i think most people who have problems with Soundtoys have been online.

    On windows you can have 4.2 i think it is and they work like a charm as long as you NEVER go online

    But on some DAW that version have timebombs Studio One i.e

    I did a test with Echoboy some years ago had a loop and let it run and inserted Echoboy.

    In Cubase 5 Air version it could run forever i believe i stopped after 20 hours or so.

    In Studio One it timebombed after some time dont remember how long and i think it did the same in Reaper 3
  5. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    are they really that good? or is it possibly a case of reputation influencing opinions?

    they way everyone goes on about sound toys, 500 bucks is incredible value for money
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    i think that i have spent enough time with plugins (since the first one ((bonus points to anyone who can name the first "plugin" :) )).... but that sounds wrong, sorry, not trying to sound like an arrogant douche, but absolutely, Soundtoys is grade A+ stuff...... It's not reputation... its for real. Few devs get that recommendation,... and are worth the money... they are not snake oil.... they are musical instruments....
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Do you mean the FIRST plugin ever for a DAW?
    Or do you mean the FIRST Soundtoys plugin?
    Or FIRST third party plugin?

    Q1 i say maybe a Digidesign plugin for Soundesigner II? I dont know which one
    For the Vst models it is the early Cubase plugins Espacial Choirus Stereo Echo or Audio Panner.

    Q2 Tremolo for Pro Tools

    Q3 Again i guess some Digidesign plugins Waves was also pretty early
  8. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Sisyphus, are you talking about Mac version 4.0.2?
    Are you totally sure that 4.0.2 (Mac OS) are stable if I stay offline?
    If so, I'll give it a try...

    Soundtoys are the best plugins on the net, that's for sure, they sound absolutely musical even a Tremolator which is the most easy effect sounds better compared to the others
    I guess they worked on saturations, anyway they really sound great

    well, if you are sure about 4.0.2 working fine offline, I'll give it a try...
  9. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I don't know if you ment to sound like a dick, but you do... and you are wrong, we are allowed to talk about warez. just not to share
  10. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Guitarmanic! I was talking about the first plugin for digi I guess, which was DiNR!! Cost an arm and a leg, but was "Digidesigns Intelligent Noise Reduction"... (I think).... I may be wrong, but that was the first add on plugin that I remember.... the only use I got out of it was abusing it's bad aliasing and warbling to make new sounds....
    but again, I could be wrong, but that was prior to VST format etc... I usually used the first protools (or sounds tools) as a front end for the fledgling Opcode's Studio Vision, which did not have any audio fx built in real time (except normalization, strip silence etc)... didn't even have a crossfade tool! which sucked ,, because there ended up being clicks on everything, and you would manually have to go in and draw zero crossings etc..... :rofl: ...oh boy, those were the days! )
  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yup, i am talking about osx version frisbi! It's 32bit (but with 32lives it works fine in 64bit Ableton etc...)... I have had no problems in 3 years or so with it, sure would like a newer version, and plan on buying V5, but as long as you are offline etc... I have been fine.... (although since I have been burnt before like you, i DO make a habit of bouncing as audio just in case :) )....
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Bouncing audio tracks is always a good habit IMO as you preserve a lot of CPU and you can easily move rendered tracks to other DAWs, play with them etc. Bouncing has become actually part of my workflow since the old days when I made music with a Pentium 233. ;) Gradually I render all the tracks to WAV when I'm satisfied with how they sound and my projects contain both MIDI/VST tracks and WAV tracks. Then you can split the project into MIDI and WAV ones, WAV one being ready for mixing and mastering. ;) Well, it's just my workflow anyway.

    Soundtoys plugins do sound unique and really good. Only rendering through outboard hardware can sound better, which is subjective. I cannot see a guy making classical and jazz recordings really like Soundtoys plugins. As I said, you can emulate Soundtoys plugins somehow. It's also a matter of taste - you might not like the gritty quality of their plugins. I do. But I just don't have a need for them. Oh, and their GUIs are so nicely user friendly and nicely coloured.

    This is a really nice chorus plugin that I often use, but it's Windows only: Distorque makes some really interesting FX.

    Speaking of SoundToys alternatives, I like Valhalla Ubermod to death. ;) It's a really great plugin that you have to give some time to grow on you. It's incredible and unique.

    I'm dribbling. Must-go-offline. :headbang: :rofl:
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ALL great points SineWave.... I think bouncing as audio makes me also commit earlier, (why have so many choices later? we can all go down the rabbit hole:))... and it also future proofs stuff, nothing like having some session from 2008 where the plugin no longer exists or can't run on current os etc.... with a .wav file, well, it's there at least. and I'm with you, I save the midi, label it accordingly, so if on the off chance I DO need to backtrack, I can.....
  14. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    ok thanks so much Sisyphus, that's a very useful hint...
    I was a bit sad to quit with Soundtoys, I love them so much...

    Long life to Audiosex
  15. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Yes Axelfender, I think you're definetly on the wrong forum...
    Please don't waste our time...
  16. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i can understand how someone might think that rule means we can't discuss warez here. but if you look around on this forum you will see plenty of discussions about warez. it's only the links and the requests that are no-nos.
  17. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Mate that's good enough for me.
    I can't afford to buy them right now but I know what's going to the top of my chrissie list.

    It seems to me that they're worth paying for. would i like to be able to use them now and pay for it when i can? hell yeah!
    but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I do have plugins I have no intention of paying for, but then I don't use them and laziness is the main reason I still have them.

    I love the concept of warez cos i would have wasted a lot of money on stuff that looks good rather than sounding good.
    but i also believe in putting money back into the development of quality software.
  18. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Waves H-Delay is comparable to Echoboy. Simple, sounds great and versatile.
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