Tone2 Legit software shutting down my computer

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by real, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    After using the cracked version of Tone2 products for a while, I saved up money and purchased their 5 flagship synths...Saurus, Rayblaster, Gladiator, Nemesis, ElectaX

    All but Electax shuts down my computer upon loading them

    This is crazy. This is wrong. I just wasted a lot of money on these shills. Punishing me for doing the right thing and spending money on them when I could finally afford it.

    I've figured out that certain other cracked softwares trigger this protection scheme. Plugins by Fabfilter, Sugar Bytes, reFX, and of course their own plugins...I'm not sure if they scan the entire computer for this, or just folders that you named "vst" or something...not sure what the best way is to get around this besides literally deleting ALL of my cracked plugs, which I'm NOT going to do...I'm not taking money away from them, as I can't afford them anyway...when I can afford, I buy...I've built a large collection of legit softwares up like this and have spent a lot of money I worked hard for. Hell, if it wasn't for that, I would never have wanted to pay Tone2 for their plugins at all.

    Anybody else got experience with how to use LEGIT Tone2 software without them shutting down your freakin computer? Maybe list which plugins indeed trigger their bomb? I'm all ears.
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  3. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    you should wright to Markus and tell him what a noob he is for doing this to you.

    Then you should delete your tone2 vst folder and try installing them again *yes*
  4. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    No FabFilter and no sugar bytes. ReFX is known to be involved with tone2 malware shit, that for sure.
    Sorry I can't help, I never used their stuff legit or not. Good luck mate, this really sucks :(
  5. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Well I know that Fabfilter and Sugar Bytes set it off because I can open my DAW (Studio One) and pull up an empty song and add all five tone2 products and use them no problem...until I load up fabfilter or sugar bytes products. Then, when I go to open the tone2 product I loaded, it will be a blank screen. The next time I load another instance of it, shutdown...

    I'm trying to figure out what ALL the triggers are. I've figured out that with fabfilter, the vst3 plugins are the only triggers...
    With sugar bytes, it seemed to actually DELETE the .dll files associated, but left the ones it didn't pick up, I guess...I'm able to load them in a song with tone2 products now.

    even refx Nexus I can load...granted I'm using 64bit Studio One, and 32bit Nexus using Jbridge...I already separate my 32 & 64 bit vst plugins folders that must have something to do with that.

    I wonder if there is a list somewhere of all the plugins tone2 looks for.
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's such a shame that going legit with some plugins at least can give you so many problems. You're not alone. Some of my clients have experienced similar things, and hardships with going legit. Like really painful and troublesome registrations and having to use stupid "service centre" apps. That's one of the reasons I collect warez because I never know if I could use them rather than legit, paid for version. :sad: Whatever someone says, well cracked software often works better than the legit versions. :sad: I really like that some cracked software like IK Multimedia T-RackS can work without all the bloat you have to install to use the legit version.

    I don't use any Tone2 and ReFX plugins, though, nor I recommend them to anyone. Mr. Markus is just too much bad news for a computer, legit or cracked, and that's nothing he should be proud of, but quite ashamed of. But I bet he thinks he's so cool. :sad: What I've been able to demo from Tone2 I didn't particularly like anyway. They're not worth a hassle IMO. Great shame that you already bought all these plugins and you can't return them, and you probably don't want to anyway, I guess.

  7. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Isn't that ridiculous?
    And some devs seem to invest more manpower into protection than into features and CPU efficiency.
    Sometimes I wonder what exactly I'm really paying for :dunno:
  8. tjgoa

    tjgoa Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2014
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    put tone 2 in seperate folder
  9. Spud

    Spud Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2011
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    OK, well here's the thing. Somewhere on your system is a keyfile that isn't legitimate for a Tone2 product. It doesn't have to be in your plugins folder. Tone2 looks in your registry first of all for all installed Tone2 products. Just because you may have uninstalled some the reg keys won't have been removed. From there he derives your installation paths and once he has those he will check those paths for keys. It won't stop there however, he also calls the FindFirstFile API and will look for keys as well.

    You cannot for instance have any DOA keys that he will find, if he finds you have bad shit then he calls ExitWindowsEx API which is what is shutting down your machine without your permission.

    Best bet, install something like RegistryWorkshop (which has an brilliant registry search function) and remove anything associated with Tone2. Search your entire hard drive and get rid of any illegal keys. Put them in a rar file if you want to keep them somewhere. Try again. Good luck!
  10. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    format your hd and start over, thats what i would do, and yeh Mr Markus should sit in prison for about 20yrs for crimes he committed ! Loser Carma is a M_other F_ _ _ _ _r
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I use all of these all together, no issues on WIn 7 64 Live 9

    Easy fix for Tone2, as mentioned earlier, put all Tone2 plugs in their OWN folder, inside a Tone2 Folder.

    Never had a problem with them after I did that :wink: :wink:
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  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Some ppl here forget ONE thing :
    Tone2 guy worked for ReFX.

    Quote :
    "MK: I programmed the audio engines for reFX JunoX, Vanguard, PlastiCZ and Slayer."

    So if you use (or used) a cracked JunoX, Vanguard, PlastiCZ and know what is triggering Tone2 protection.
    Because Tone2 protection check for ALL plugs he worked on. Not only Tone2 ones.

    Clean all the Tone2/ReFX crap is going to be a lot of manual work, because there are dropped files/keys everywhere in the system.
    Good luck !!! :wink:
  13. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    So I should just delete every tone2 registry entry? even the legit ones? will the plugins still work without the registry entries?

    Thanks everybody for your responses. I installed the 32 bit versions of the plugins and then just used JBridge to bridge them to my 64 bit version of Studio One. They work that way without a hitch so far. We'll see what happens.
  14. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    What you are reporting to me sound just some weird condition that trigger that API call,
    it's not related to SugarBytes or FabFilter cause I know them pretty well and are not such assholes, really.
    Just the fact that it only happens on some formats/architecture means that it can't be SugarBytes/FabFilter CODE triggering, rather some specific condition.

    Like Pipotron said as well, ReFX worked together with Tone2 to conceive this criminal "protection" (read malware) after he left ReFX and started Tone2.
    Tone2 checks for blacklisted ReFX licenses as well and fuck up if find ReFX non-legit stuff, even if all Tone2 is legit, and vice-versa.
    No need to run the specific plug, each plug scan on its own if I remember well AiR nfo on that release years ago.

    Just don't want people to think bad about FF and SB, which are two honest companies which make awesome products, without these bullshit.
    I analyzed them both, and both are two good protection, and with good I mean no bullshit, smart concept, decently hard to crack and quite hard/hard to keygen respectively,
    no excessive resource hit, and more important no shady stuff like the shit we're talking about here with this clown.
    Nothing personal, but I would love to see Tone2 out of the market night to day. *yes*
    (together with every other idiot who might be out there who think is acceptable to fuck up user machine, be the user legit or not.)
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    They scan the vstfolder only and search for other tk2 licencse files
    If you are on windows you should have clean the register from anything saying Tone2 before you installed your plugins do that and you will be fine
  16. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    disconnect your daw from the internet, does it still crash?

    As others have said make sure Tone2 are kept in their own separate folder and each plugin its is own sub folder, Tone2 checks for legit keyfiles in the same location as the plugin

    and send a complaint to Tone2 concerning the use of malware within their products, their plugins should not be accessing and changing other parts of your puter's files
  17. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)
    I got a question here: isn't it illegal what Markus, the Tone2 guy is doing??

    I mean, he is selling software products, virtual instruments (and some FX-plugs I guess) and they should be there for only one reason: making music with. They are not supposed to be detection/scanning-tools for illegal VST's or any other bullsh*t. I've read somewhere that his plugs are even editing a user's hostfile and other things like that. Doesn't he at least have to declare it somewhere, like "Hey folks, my plugins have some nice additional malware-alike features like scanning your computer for illegal stuff, editing your hostfile etc blabla...."? His software is doing things it should not do, and that's illegal to me. Every developer has the right to protect his very own products, no question. But what he's doing goes far beyond that.

    My point is: can't this guy somehow be charged for what he's doing? (and be kicked out of business... :bleh: )
  18. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    From what I understand, its in the EULA. And who among laymen is gonna whip that thing out and read all of that small print? I'm screwed, plain and simple.

    If what some of you are saying is true, I should be able to move these .dll files to say, their own folder within my documents or onto my desktop and I'll be fine. I've done multiple uninstalls and registry cleanings with CCleaner, then reinstalled. That doesn't work. Like I said, just using the 32bit versions seem to work SO FAR...we'll see what happens...

    And I'm still confused? Are some of you asking me to search my registry for ALL tone2 associated files and delete them? Wouldn't that make them not work? Clarify please, thanks!
  19. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I'm fairly new to using plugins and decided to purchase Tone2 Nemesis, installed it and when opening it in Ableton 9 Live there is an awful feedback noise, I'm guessing the plugin is crashing, nothing I can do with it. Has anyone else had this same problem and if so how do I rectify it? I've tried contact Tone support but no reply yet. Are these people willing to help with this problems or are they a cowboy outfit? Please help with this problem. Oh I must mention that the demo version worked fine.
  20. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    download reaper and check it using that, if problem still exists, you need to wait for contact with tone2

    ableton can also be a bit of a prob when it comes to vst plugins, check their forum as well
  21. nospectre

    nospectre Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    yes, everything. program files as well, everything. no, they won't work. install the legit ones again and it "should be" fine n dandy.
    or a quick reformat might be even easier, cuz of that crack head. (he must be on crack, right?)
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