guitar pedals: analogue vs digital

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by RMorgan, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hello everyone,

    Well, It's been a while since I last played through a multi-fx pedal. So, last time I tried one, about 15 years ago, they used to sound very fizzy/artificial/tiny and lifeless compared to their analogue counterparts.

    However, I'm aware that technology has evolved tremendously in this field, but I didn't have the chance to test one of those new units in person.

    Anyway, I'm interest to know if it's worth buying one. I'm talking mostly in terms of tone and feel, which is what worries me the most.

    I'm particularly interested in the Digitech RP360 XP and the Zoom G3X...Maybe even the Zoom G5.

    Which one sounds better? Should I buy one of these? Or should I buy a handful of Joyo pedals instead?

    I have another question about these multi-fx pedals.

    How do they sound and feel compared to Amplitube, Guitar Rig, Revalver, etc?

    I'm very familiar with those programs and I'm aware that they can sound excellent in the context of a mix, but in terms of feel and dynamics they don't get anywhere close to the real thing, in my opinion.

    So, these multi-fx units sound any better than their PC counterparts? Is it a waste of money to buy one since I already own a bunch of VST guitar effects/amp simulation suites?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ RMorgan,

    Always the same dilemma !!! :rofl:

    Oh Yes ! *yes*

    Unfortunately, I don't have tried any of these... By cons, you can certainly find on 'YouTube' many Demos of these Units, as many Guitar Players frequently post some Videos about their (own) tested Gear. *yes*

    The main 'dilemma' is here ! You'll always find some Guitar Players that only want to have 'Stompboxes', 'Pedals',... at their feet, whereas some are rather inclined toward some 'All-In-One' Boxes, as can be the 'Multi-FX' you're talking.

    Maybe some advantages about some 'Stompboxes' and/or 'Pedals' are that some of these are (and can sound !) more 'original', more 'unique', more performant,... , as 'single' Outboard Pedals than their counterparts found in all these 'Multi-FX'. Here, I'm thinking at some specific Brands as can be 'Electro-Harmonix', 'MXR',... or even the specific 'Boutique' Pedals. *yes*

    Here also, and as you already know some of these Soft Synths, the better is to try by yourself. However, with a little work around (for example, by using either some 'Factory' Presets, or the hundreds of User Presets available here and there as starting points), I was (and I'm !) very surprised with some of these 'Plugins' : 'Guitar Rig', 'Peavey ReValver', 'AmpliTube',... *yes*

    Here, you can also have a look (if not already done !) at some of the various FREE Plugins that you can find and which emulate 'Amps', 'Preamps',..., as for instance : 'LePou Plugins', 'Nick Crow Labs', 'Ignite Amps', 'Mercuriall Plugins' (some rather impressive emulations of well-known 'Marshall' Amps),...
    Some of these not only sound really Great, but in some cases, even better than their 'commercial' counterparts ! *yes*
    By also using some 'VST FX Plugins' which emulate 'classic' Stompboxes and/or Pedals, you can build your own 'FX Chains', as if you was playing with all your 'real' (Hardware) Stompboxes/Pedals at your feet ! *yes*

    Perhaps one advantage of these 'modern' 'Multi-FX' is that these are provided with 'USB' connections, thus you only need to 'plug' it (them) to your Computer/Laptop and you guess... :thumbsup:
  4. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    for distortions, overdrives stick with analogue, but for other uses their not dissimilar from plugins so can sound good enough and versatile especially if it goes through a amp and having amp sims in them too can give you a broader range of tones than just using analogue, as always though trying and demoing is only way you will know for sure if it's what your after, but they have been useful and passable for a few years now. good luck and hope it's not hard finding your ideal setup. also wouldn't consider it a waste a it gives you no latency real time feedback to playing live, makes a lot of difference to how you play rather than adding fx to a track
  5. DowJones

    DowJones Newbie

    Mar 5, 2015
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    i love the peavy revolver plugin it has such a nice tone to it honestly software vs hardware nobody will tell the difference well maybe hardcore mix engineers and guitar players but at the end of the day are you playing for engineers or the people that buy records?
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I still use analog (single) compressor, distortion, EQ and phaser pedals. Never got along with the digital distortion multi-fx (back in the days..and the feeling lingers on).
    However, I use digital effects like reverb and delay (TC Electronic and Strymon).
    I tend to stay away from Joyo/Mooer/Biyang/etc, but that's just me.
  7. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your input.

    Well, like some of you, I also love playing around with software amp simulation. I'm aware that they can sound amazing in the context of a mix, but honestly, playing guitar through them is not even close to the real thing, in my opinion.

    Anyway, this was the video that motivated me to start looking for digital guitar stuff. This guy makes a blind test of a analogue vs digital tube screamer. Can you guess which one is the analogue?

  8. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    The Line-6 pedal-modelers (some older stomp boxes with lots of stomp boxes in them :P) are still very good.

    And 'digital' or analog, think of it this way. The TC Electronic Hall-of-Fame is respected as a (very) good reverb... and it's digital.
    The Strymon stuff is very expensive top-of-the-line stuff and it's all digital.

    You won't find analog reverb in a pedal, it would need to house a spring or a plate and as far as I know that's hard to do in a stompbox, if not impossible :P.

    Now, if you're talking about emulations of gear (like in multi-fx and the line6 multi-stomp stuff) it all depends. There are bad ones out there, for sure.. but less and less and very much at the bottom of the price range. I think all the FX are very well done in multi-modelers these days, enough that I wouldn't worry about it.
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    I don't want to contradict you in any way, mainly because you certainly have (and had !) your experiments with some 'Analog Reverb Pedals', but I recently heard about a Pedal :


    'T-Rex Tonebugs'

    After the reviews of some of its Users, this 'T-Rex Tonebugs' sounds rather great and almost close to what it try to replicate !
    I don't have tried it myself, but some Users stated that with some settings almost at their maximum, the Engineers of 'T-Rex' have pushed the detail till reproduce the noise induced by the 'Springs' of a 'Real Spring' Reverb !!! :wow: *yes*

    It seems to me also that some Analog 'Electro-Harmonix' Pedals oriented toward 'Reverbs' sound rather realistic, and even 'huge' in some cases... *yes*

    As examples :

    'Electro-Harmonix Cathedral'

    'Electro-Harmonix Saint Graal Max' (This one combines a Distortion and a Reverb)

    'Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail Plus'



    The following 'All-In-One' 'Multi-FX' can also be of great interest in case you absolutely want to get an external 'Multi-FX' Engine :


    'T.C.Electronic : TC NOVA System'

    The CONS could be its price (as new), compared to other less 'prestigious' 'Multi-FX' available, as this which 'Fiction' is talking about : 'Zoom MS-100BT'

    The PROS... you guess, the undeniable Quality of 'T.C.Electronic' Products, all this enclosed in a small Box ! *yes*
    I don't have tried this one myself, but some Users only swear by the quality of the Reverbs, Delays, Choruses,..., included. :thumbsup:
    It don't provide you an 'USB' Connection :sad: but you get 'S/PDIF' Connections, and I heard about an Option to be able to 'bypass' your Amp if you use it with an external Amp (Preamp).

    EDIT :

    To get an idea of its available Connections :

  10. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well, you didn't write what sounds you are looking for. Distortion? Amp Sim? Delays? Flangers? Chorus? Reverbs?

    Recently I went through the exact same process of finding the right one and your current options seem reasonable. I myself was about to decide between Digitech and Zoom, and the Eventide H9 by the way.
    No question the Eventide H9 is a great box, but I'd question if the high amount of extra money will give you much advantage in everyday use.

    What I was looking for is Amp Sim, Modulation FX, Delays and Reverbs.
    I ended up buying the Zoom MS-100BT because of its sound. Unlike many digital stomps the 100BT sounds quite "analog", "warm" and smooth, which is also valid for the distortion algorithms. It has many FX on board, most are very usable, some are missing additional controls here and there, but I'd say it's a very decent device for both keys and guitars.
    It also has smooth and dense reverbs on board, which was another big surprise for me.
    (@dipje: You should really try the Spring and Plate reverbs of the Zoom!)
    I don't use its Amp simulations, that's where I still prefer my little Korg PX4.
    Because the box can do a lot, editing sounds needs a bit getting used to.
    Up to 6 different FX simultaneously is fantastic if you like to construct new FX chains.
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I prefer the sound of analog but i also prefer that i have everything in one unit.

    I got a Pod HD Desktop with a Midipedal and a Boss Gt100 the Boss is hooked up with 4 cable method to my tube amp.

    It is NOT the best solution but for the price and the simplicity i prefer it as i can make hundreds of patches and save them
    And i can access those patches with only one press on a switch with my foot.

    The best thing is Live i can make patches so it follows the setlist exactly so i just have to step on the bank up switch and then switch 1-4 then bank up again and switch 1-4 again etc etc.

    I.e song 1 has a delay a chorus in the clean gtr part i save patch 1 with those effects the solo in the song has a wha thats patch 2
    Song 2 has a phaser in the distsound (Van halen style) thats patch 3 the solo has delay thats patch 4 etc etc..

    That is impossible to do with only stompboxes.
    (well not really but how many stomps do you think i would need to achieve the same result?)
    So for now i think i stay with digital
    But i really want some analog stomps instead of the digital equivalence.
  12. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey brother. Thanks for the input.

    Did you compare it to the G5? I guess they use the same algorithms and processor, right?

    By the way, I'm mostly into the bluesy overdriven sounds and smooth delays stuff. However, the looping function of the G5 is also very tempting; It must be awesome for practicing.
  13. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    A really good swiss army digital pedal to have is zoom ms 100.

    This has the same engine/chip as the G3, 92 effects 8 amp models and you can d/l more for it.

    They can be had for around 100 bucks on ebay used. Look up the reviews.
    It may not be the best at everything but versatility of this thing is amazing.

    I would buy it again

    Tips: Im liking the red compressor by focusrite in front of a amp simulator, Ive tried hardware and they amp up the noise.
    Speaking of noise... Mr Noise by wave arts is a great way to calm things down and is very transparent.
  14. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    There a lot of confusion about the old analogue vs digital.

    When it comes to guitar the only way you are really going to find what u like is by trying stuff out.

    For example for me personally everything is about finding that elusive tone. This comes from the wood your guitar is made from, String choice/gauge, technique & much more.

    Firstly I would try & decide what route you are going to go down WRT amplification as this will to some degree effect what pedals u use. Certain pedals don't like certain guitars & certain AMP's, placeas in FX chain etc.

    For me personally it will always be a good tube AMP mesa boogie/Engl etc etc with a pedal chain. However that just MY choice.

    For many the digital modelling now & excellent choice such as the AXE FX II which if you decide upon will have many if not all the FX you need built in allready with integrated chip etc. Some rack FX are great but I find they can sometimes "suck" tone i.e TC G-MAJOR 2 & others.

    As for pedals well you just gonna have to try them out. When it comes to Reverb, go as high as your budget lets you i.e Eventide/Lexicon etc. However thats not to say you can't get fantastic reverb from a fender amp coz u can *yes*.

    TC make some great pedals & some not so great, as for distortion etc Xotic Range is great, obviously Tube Screamer great but u can get huge results with say the BOSS DS 1 or OS 2.

    I use a Keeley Arlon Prince compressor & while pricey it blows away all other up front compression pedals away for me but there many other great ones.

    Wah pedals like Buddah Budwah or Robert Keeley Modded V847 Mello Wah Pedal are top end but you can get great results from a simple crybaby.

    Strymon are amazing in general & make fantastic pedals but they a little pricey. As for phase well MXR phase 90 the only choice for me.

    Too many great pedals out there & the only way is to get down to the music shop & see what fit's your style or gives u the sound you want.

    As for pedal plugs & guitar rig etc for me they a complete waste of time though that just me & others love them & get some good results.

    Is all up to u really.

    Good luck :wink:
  15. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ RMorgan,

    In this case, why don't stay 'Analog' for the 'Overdriven' part of your Sounds (including Stompboxes, Pedals, Amps, Preamps,... ), then perphaps include some 'Digital' stuff to the 'Effected' part of your Sounds ("smooth delays stuff").
  16. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    :bow: Very, very wise words and ascertainments !!! *yes* :thumbsup:

    It exists some 'Stompboxes/Pedals' that have a great reputation since decades and that sound amazing with such Amps, and sound almost totally dull with other ones... *yes* ...but don't ask me why ! :dunno: :rofl:
  17. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    G3, G5, MS-50G, MS-100BT - they all share the same processor. But not completely the same algos. Yes, many are shared, but the 100BT has different factory set of FX and you can purchase many additional FX and transfer them to the 100BT if you have an iDevice (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad) with at least iOS5.1.1.
    Some of them are free, and some you'll have to purchase.
    PM me if you want to know more details.

    If you like bluesy, overdriven sounds and delays you might be more happy with any of these Zoom units instead of the Digitech.
    I was drawn to the Digitechs for a while because of the pitch shifter, but when I found out that it's relatively slow, I got a Whammy V instead, which has a dedicated, higher-powered DSP just for that purpose.
  18. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    I'm starting to believe this is the path I'm going to follow, my friend. :)

    However, I think I'm going to buy the G5 anyway, for delay, modulation and all the nice extras (60 second looper, drum machine, direct usb connection, amp simulation).
  19. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Kemper Profiler - used by the best producers in the best recording studios worldwide in place of real amps and FX :wink:
  20. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my bugdet, brother! :)
  21. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Think long term bud, hundreds of amps, pedals, mics and preamps, all at professional studio quality, plus reamping is a killer :wink:
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