Fl studio 11 / 3party plugins data-base sharing

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by mono, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hi all these were made in fl studio 11 and will work in fl 11 and 12
    the pack consist of bmp for 3party 32-bit plugins using a x64 pc,
    knowing as snap-shots/ add to plugins data-base / flag as favorite /
    they will save you a lot of time searching for your 3party plugins in fl studio,

    To get any of these to work you must have a x64 pc
    and the 32-bit plugins you want to use installed already or will even install one day
    as well as fl studio.

    It dont matter what subfolder the 3party plugins were installed into
    as long as they were installed into your defalt x64 plugins folder.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins

    some packs will be handy for you and some not depending on what plugins you use of course.

    A few names from the pack are.



    Plugin Alliance

    Blue Cat




    but remember there for 3party 32-bit plugins on a x64 pc

    If anyone has any snap shots like these made for 3party plugins x86 or a x64 pc
    feel free to post them here so all fl studio users can make the mose of them as well as save some time.

    i only have the waves v8 32 bit vs3 bmp in this.
    so if anyone has the v9 vst or vs3/ x64 and or x86 made up
    could you share them as well as any other x64 or x86 3party plugins databases you have.
    for any newbees to fl this will be a great start for them.

    ok hope use find something that comes in handy :bow:

  3. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Very nice!
    btw you are also able to use png files like exported images from icons with transparency.
    You just have to edit the respective nfo file with any txt editor like ms notepad.

    I'm using png files when plugins look very similar to each other like the old ewql stuff
    which is running in the old ni kompakt player.

    This looks like this:

  4. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    i had a few plugins bmp that wouldnt go into the same folder as well
    ended up putting them into there own folders,what you did was cool nice job at fixing them,
    ill try change a few nfo file from x86 to x64 plugins and see if they open the x64 version
    i tryed change a few fl 11 info files back to fl 10 befor but keep getting a error
    ill try it with the waves plugin version 8 to waves 9 and see how it goes :wink:
  5. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    To change from x86 to x64 or from v8 to v9 you have to edit the fst file with a hex editor.


    But this could damage the file also.

    This way I edited my old flp files to change the samples path from D:\Samples to E:\Samples
    so I didn't have to wait for FL locating my samples.

    btw. I created a little routine to backup the plugin database.
    Now I just copy the plugin database folder into my routine folder,
    run a batch script which copies all files to the correct path and
    changes the file attributes and then I compile my setup script.

    Next time I install FL Studio,
    I just have to run the created installer and hit the install button.
    It deletes the factory database and installs my own automatically
    into the right path.

    This also works for projects, samles and settings.
    If you want it, I could upload it.
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    am going to try a batch folder convert on the nfo file with a hex editor and see if that works,
    just have to keep the bits the same size for them to open again,adding x64 could mess them up do.
    it will take 3hrs to remake them from the waves plugins using fl ,what i dont realy want to redo again.
    was hopeing there were alot of fl studio users that would share there bmp database with eveyone here like myself.
    so with a bit of luck there will be a few more users that will share them and save eveyone having to do them,

    its realy all the plugins we need to sort out togeter
    32 bit and vs3 plugs on a x86 pc
    x64 and vs3 plugins on a x64 pc and x86 and vs3 plugs on a x64 pc what i did most of already,

    ho there is also a chance of just renameing the wave 9 shell to 8 and it could work as well
    a long as the path is the same as the name in the nfo files.but still have to install them to test it out.
    if you want to share your batch script would like to have a look at it thanks,
  7. mat

    mat Noisemaker

    Nov 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Thanks mono. Also works on x32 and loading or VST3 or VST2.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    The hex eddit bach convert v8 to v9 plan did not work :dunno:
    ill wait for v 10 to redo them again.
  9. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Maybe I'll install waves and test some stuff.
  10. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
  11. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    sorted it out by just making a copy of the waves shell 9 and renaming it to wave shell 8. :rofl:
    im also findind alot of new plugins or updates will not make snapshots in fl studio
    and you end up with a black box instead of a pic of the plugins,
    so you can just take the pic of the plugin from this
    and drop it into your pluging database to fix your blank black snapshots
    this will work on any version of your plugins x64 x86 and vs3 as long as you keep your own fst files
    and dont over right it with these ones,

    ps fl 12.1 will be out soon and there going back to the way the plugins list was in fl 11
    now they just need to fix the time signature and make fl so that you can make it any color you like, :wink:
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