Ableton 9 incompatible VST's?

Discussion in 'Software' started by afroherbalist, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    I've recently moved up to Ableton 9 after upgrading to Win7, but to my disappointment, I've noticed that a few VST's are no longer detected when scanned. I'm seeing this during the LOOONG process of reinstalling all of my VST's after the clean slate reformat. So far, the VST's which Ableton 9 can't see are all part of the Audio Damage collection. I got hold of a more upto date AD collection which has many that I didn't have before, but its also lacking ones I used to have (such as Ronin, which was pretty sick!).

    Basically they just dont appear in the plugins list despite being installed. Its as if Ableton 9 dropped support for an old version of the VST format or something. Luckily so far these are the only VST's that I've had to mourn (althouth Alchemy is now playing up too, even with Live 8, but in a very different way), but I've only installed about 6 out of 50 VST's ATM, so theres no telling how many others wont be hopping on the Ableton 9 train... Thankfully all the Fabfilter plugs still work!

    Does anybody know of any other VST's which are invisible to Ableton 9.1.7? Just so I know which ones to avoid. I still have Ableton 8, but I want to stay with 9 now I have it because it seems to perform more smoothly than 8, apparently has a better audio engine, and after getting used to new browser, I think I prefer it.

    Thanks in advance!
  3. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    As I know, every plugin work correctly in Live 9... ofcourse if you Live is x64 that's the main reason why some of x86 plugins are not recognized ...
  4. Config

    Config Kapellmeister

    Nov 29, 2014
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    If you upgraded to Live 9 Suite i would strongly advice to install the 32bit version, because of all the limitations that Max for Live has with 64bit systems.

    Even the latest Max for Live (7.03)

    Besides that still most VST's are 32bit.

    Maybe Ableton 10 will have a system like Bitwig has that doesn't matter whether you use 32/64 bit plugins (you can install them all!), Bitwig handles it for you, that's great.
    You can use 32bit and 64bit plugins together and Bitwig will run it (this technology is called "VST plugin bridging").

    (if you're a Mac user you can solve this issue by buying ($99 USD) "32 lives"
    I would rather save the cash and buy Bitwig instead (sometimes there are Bitwig deals for $199) ;)
  5. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I have not run into anything that wont run in max live..
    Im sure there are things that exist but I dont use that much in there.. maybe the reverb etc. how much do you use in max live??

    Config wrote: Besides that still most VST's are 32bit. < This is NOT TRUE. Absolutely disagree..
    I cannot think of any new vst's in the last 6 months or even a year that was 32bit only. There maybe a few but its def a minority.

    Look for a little program called Jbridge. It worked with all the 32bit ones that wouldn't load for me in ableton 64. Its easy to use!!

    I think there are some chaining programs that will do it as well but the jbridge works wonders and is easy. If you look around you can find it elsewhere.
  6. Config

    Config Kapellmeister

    Nov 29, 2014
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    I don't create patches myself, download them from and use them in Ableton 9 Suite.
    If you want to -create- Max for Live patches yourself then you'll have to pay another $299.

    You disagree that "most" VST still are 32bit????
    So you're saying that "most" VST plugin are 64bit???

    I'm not only talking about Waves, iZotope and other big names.
    Most VST's are still 32bit.

    I'll look into Jbridge, thanks for the info.

    Oh, another advantages (besides VST bridging) in Bitwig is their VST Sandbox (crash protection).

    Ableton 10 should really fully support these 2 big important things, vst bridging and vst crash protection.
  7. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    Thakns for the replies, I'm actually using the 32-bit copy already because like you said, most (or atleast most of mine) VST's are still 32bit. I couldn't bring myself to sacrifice 40+ VST's just for the ability break the 4GB RAM limit. I have a few VST's that have 64bit versions too, (Fabfilter Pro bundle & Alchemy to name a few), but the majority for me are 32bit. Its a shame, I'd like to use the 64-bit Ableton, I mean I have a 64-bit PC, but seeing as almost everything handles smooth as butter after getting a Focusrite 2i2, I'm guessing RAM was never the issue for my setup (maybe it's because I use mostly VST's with MIDI information rather than a million gigabytes of audio from 24-bit recordings and stuff).

    I've done some reading on bridging too, specifically, there was a thread on Live forums about JBridger I came across after getting shocked that 32-bit Live can't handle 64-bit plugins, but I've heard a few people say it can be hit & miss in terms of performance & stability, plus I only have 4GB's of RAM right now anyway. VST bridging should've been a native, day one feature I agree.

    Does Live 9 support 3rd party VST sidechaining/bussing yet? PLEASE don't tell me they 'forgot' this 200% essential feature after all the requests for it since years ago! I haven't tried it myself yet, I've almost gone into tune building withdrawal now that Alchemy doesn't let me save patches anymore. I've not made a tune in about 5 days, I feel dirty...
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Well, as the guys before aready stated - it's not an issue of live. Live loads even Waldorf's D-Pole from 1998 like a charm, so the ball is really not in their court. And you cannot simply "drop" support for certain vsts. That would imply that there is a list somewhere integrated in Live which plugins are supported and which are not. It doesn't work that way. The VST technology is an universal interface, and anybody can programm stuff that works in every vst-supporting platform. That's the beauty of it.
    The problem has to be something else.

    External sidechaining can easily be done:
  9. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    Cheers, when I mentioned dropping support for older versions of the VST format, I mean't revisions of the format as a whole rather than individual plugins (as in VST-1, 2 & 3), but of course, it WOULD be a stretch to assume they'd just cut out a potentially huge range of plugins that were discontinued before this point in time (which luckily never happened!). I was picking at straws you see! To be honest though, my knowledge of the VST architecture is minimal, I just play with them and make these babies sing for me, I know most of the erogenous zones, plus they dont get angry if you touch the wrong place so learning was so much easier haha.

    Yea this is the same method of 3rd party chaining I've been using myself, and I was actually using Pro-C at the time of finding it, fancy that lol! I think I was given the link off Youtube a while ago. I found it a bit of a frustrating workaround and the necessity to create extra channels with every separate chain eventually puts the weight on your CPU meter (sometimes I get a bit... 'irresponsible', with chaining) but atleast it works and we aren't left completely without a paddle. Is there any particular reason Ableton isn't supporting VST3? Are Steinberg keeping it exclusive to Cubase and their other programs? There has to be a good reason that makes you say "yea of course, now it all makes perfect sense!".

    As for the topic question though, its okay, I got updated versions of Ronin, Deverb, Replicant (great for experimenting with on classic Jungle loops, but almost completely unpredictable!) and now I'm back in business!
  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Additional audio channel should add little to none load to the cpu. But it's not that bad using that method. Have you ever sidechained on a real mixing console? Now that's a drag... And in fact mostly similar to the workaround :)
    But why not use ableton's built in compressor? For simple sidechaining it's more than adequate...
  11. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    I found another of my old VST's which seems to be incopatible with either Ableton 9, Win7 or 64 bit OS's: 'String Studio' by AAS. I'm guessing this means Strum Acoustic & Lounge Lizard won't work either... Ah man!
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    waves isnt working properly with ableton, they adressed this a few times already, but its always making problems again.

    everything else should work. AAS stuff works here all.
  13. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    are you converting these files into 62 bit, i have so many vsts and I have never had an issue with ableton,any 32 bit vst must be bridged to work, i use jbridge and i run all AAS, i even run freebie 32 bit vsts from centuries ago, once they are bridged.....some also wont appear if you stick them in a folder in your vst document....i am even running old stuff like DCota and Tera, way back Waldorf, some vsts are 5 years old and run perfect
  14. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Waves and AAS stuff work fine here. JBridge is DEFINITELY your friend :)
  15. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    Oh man, I just don't understand... On my computer (with Live 9) when I reinstalled String Studio, it said everything went well, but the VST just doesn't appear in the plugins list. I have a Waves bundle I haven't reinstalled yet, I'll try it out soon to see if its the same for me!

    Sorry I forgot to mention I'm using the 32bit version of Live 9. I have an old Waldorf too, I think its Largo but I haven't reinstalled it yet.

    Theres been so many weird little problems since I upgraded to Win7 & Live 9... ARGH!
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
  16. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    i would install the 64 bit, ive been running 64 in windows 7 for a couple of years now, jbridge is easy to convert.... waves also works fine for me, jbridge,live 9 and 64...cosmic smooth :]

    all the 32 bit vsts you need to install in a vst 32 bit fiolder then convert them using jbridge from there to your 64 bit file, its a move you wont regret!
  17. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    also, when installing are you installing to the right folder, they all go different places unless you tell them where to go.....and check the location in your live 9 preferences as well....sometimes i forget to chwck location and it goes to stienberg or vst 86...
  18. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Afroherbalist - If you're sure you've installed the x64 plug ins/bridge files

    Sometimes to get VSTs to appear, I've had to go into the preferences and turn "OFF" the folder for my VSTs and then turn it back on. Try that :)
  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    here is a screenshot, well i am using ableton 9.2 x86 on windows 7 x64 Sp1 with the last AAS Loung lizard. i see no point to use the x64 version of ableton, because i barely reach 2.5GB ram per session.

  20. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I'm running Live 9 64 bits on Windows and 32 bits on Mac. There are no issues with my vst's but you will have to keep them up to date as well as make shure you got the latest Live version.

    I have legal plugins as well as from this great site.

    Why have you not updated Live to 9.2? What plugins does it concern other than Audio Damage? Did you try a deep scan (rescan the plugin folder with "use vst pugin folder turned off")?
  21. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    When I install my VST's I always stick them in my VST Plugins folder (I've never really understood why a lot of VST's have to be installed in 2 different locations at once though, so for those VST's I just put "both" in the same location). Sometimes you dont get the option though and it automatically installs all the data & presets into "Documents" or "My Documents" which is a pain if you want to keep everything together on the same HDD! As for the 64bit version, right now I only have 4Gb RAM (yea lol, in 2015!) so it might not be worth it just yet for me, but when I get an extra 4Gb I'll give it a try to see if performance improves.

    That version of Lounge Lizard looks COMPLETELY different to mine, god knows how old my version is, time to update my VST's I reckon!

    SNES Pete, thanks for the suggestion I'll try it right now!


    Edit: Just tried the "deep scan" method and toggling the folder on/off but it didn't work, so I'll start looking for the latest versions of my VST's. Thanks all!
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
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