Blue II - Convert Old Presets not working!

Discussion in 'PC' started by afroherbalist, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    I recently got a collection of updated Rob Papen plugins, including the updated version of the synth I always made my basses with (Blue, why? I don't know!). I was all excited playing with some of the new souped up presets and discovering its a bit like Blue-1 on steds. Sadly though, as soon as it came to loading up my age old collection of custom presets I built up over the years, I instantly ran into a game breaking brick wall. Okay, so old Blue-1 presets & banks aren't compatible with Blue-2, fair enough, I'll just do as suggested and use the "convert old banks" tool. Low and behold, this doesn't work either. I click to convert my bass bank for example, then I look in the banks list... No bass bank. I look all over the place and nothing, but it DOES seem to be in the "quick browse" menu, so I open it up... "WTF is this!?" Only the 1st out 30+ presets has a name (the correct name), the rest look like scrambled data, as in just random letters, spaces & numbers. Also, none of the presets work, not even the 1st, correctly named one, it just gives me the same error as before I converted them.

    Has anybody else had this problem? I've reinstalled twice now to no avail, tried in both Live 8 & 9 (32bit), searched the 4 corners of the internet (even the seedy underbelly) and couldn't find any related information whatsoever... I'd love to keep using this synth, but not if I can't use any of my own sounds. I'm not really a big preset user, I love to make my own patches or heavily tweak presets. I mostly use stock presets when I'm just playing the MIDI keys to amaze myself with the sounds, just having fun digging into the synth, seeing what the best presets sound like, pulling funny faces etc!

    I have the R2R release of Blue-II, by the way. Sorry if its not cool to talk about warez on this site, it didn't say so in the rules. I'm not here to rattle any cages, I just need some help!

    Cheers all!
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    Why don't you simply use BLUE 1? :dancing:

    Well, sometimes that's a known trick of the developers to force people to buy the newest products. Few of them offer backwards compatible products, in some cases it's due to the new architectures in the programs.

  4. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The smokiest production chamber!
    I guess I could re-install Blue-1 again, the only reason I haven't is because somehow the keygen was deleted. I only noticed after it came to reinstalling everything after the upgrade to Win7. I'm guessing my AV must've eaten it as a false positive. Yea, I'll have to reinstall Blue-1 then for my old sounds, but stick with 2 for any future patches.

    I still wish I could get Blue-II to work properly though, I mean the feature is right there in the browser menu's, but for me it just doesn't work at all.
  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    The old blue banks could only save 32 presets and the new version 128,
    i converted a good few old blue banks and it went ok for me,
    you could try start of with the blank defalt blue 2 bank 99
    and see if your banks presets load into it,
    click on preset one on the preset list then
    click on the preset tab next to c3 preview, up top left
    on the list there try convert blue 1 bank to set position
    and it should load in the 32 presets from your old bank
    then click on preset 33 and do the same again with a other old bank,
    my own blue 1 banks worked out ok as well just alot a clicking to do 4 to 1,
    they should of made it alot easer for us like just load the old banks in the frist place, *yes*