Studio One is beginning to become a bad choice

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by filtersweep, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i have devoted some time recently to learning studio one and for a short while i was happy enough ( some annoyances like no working rex file support until i had reinstalled 3 times but hey, that's daws for you, right?).
    now however, every session is becoming unnecessarily laborious. main point for me, and it's a gnarly issue for me) is that the rewire does not function at all, at least it only works with reason and i need it to work with ableton and fl studio. both apps fail to work completely in any way as i expect, i.e. they do not even open when clicking "open applications" when rewire is inserted in a track. i am also experiencing a lot more crashes because i feel my projects have progressed to 'reasonably demanding' i.e. using over 8 tracks and now i am getting crashes on almost every session. i get feedback noise which means i have to go to to options to disable soundcard temporarily so that it is the only way to stop this awful noise. my other real gripe at the moment it the gui.
    when i sometimes go to the edit window i click and the mixer appears on top instead ( it also does this vice versa to). not to mention scree freeze on some vsti windows where i can hear i am altering parameters but there is no visual feedback. the fact that you cannot 'float' a plugin window outside of studio ones own plug in view is also really annoying especially as i use reaktor a lot and spend more time than i would like trying to fit and navigate windows which are just to big for the studio one workspace.
    there are other probs. but my main concern now is the rewire issue. if there is no solution to this i will have to abandon this app. which is a shame because it has so many things i want in a daw. but reliablitlity and smooth workflow are necessary and thats all there is to it. i am on windows 7 btw. i don't have issues like this in other daws... any advice?
  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    legit officially version ?
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Filtersweep,

    Well... buy 'Studio Two' then !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. audiomees33

    audiomees33 Noisemaker

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I'm Pro tools HD3 and HDx user over 7 years. Now I'm using Studio One for composing last 6 months and I love it. Some crashes happening only with bad vsti. It's very stable and can hold and use 10 times more vsti then PT 11HDx. Check your VSTi!
  6. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I left Cubase for S1 and there's no way I'm ever getting back to Cubase.

    S1 is much more intuitive and the workflow is easier and lighter compared to cubase IMO.

    Finally I'm not using Rewire and if I need some REX files then Stylus RMX is doing the trick.
  7. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    looks to me that the problem is between the keyboard and the chair. Your freezing issues sounds like you have to configure your video card properly , if you have an nvidia card, look no further, that's the way to look.
    you say i disable soundcard temporarily, so you have an audio card on an usb port, is your usb port reliable to manage traffic, did you tweak windows like it's required for audio apps? it feels like your pc is a mess with dodgy apps you grabbed here and there, and nothing got installed properly, what did you expect ?

    i run 90 tracks with Ableton AND Reason at the same time without any problem. what the config of your pc ? win 7, x86 or x64 ? how much ram etc

    good luck !
  8. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli

    Stylus RMX is a Bomb. Waiting for RMX 2 :)
  9. alboz

    alboz Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Why do u need so many daw? Like i understand u want to conect it with abelton live?

    U must use one daw that u like ,and dont spent Much time to learn many daws...

    There,s no better or best daw... Every daw can do the same things but in different way.

    If u want to change the daw u have many daw,s out there..

    Bitwig studio
    Cakewalk sonar (there is new sonar out now.
    Cubase 8 .
    Protools 12
    Reason 8
    Fl studio
  10. Anonymous363

    Anonymous363 Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Rhode Island, USA
    First, you should use a legit version in order to say that something doesn't work properly.
    If so, i'm sure that Presonus support will help you to find a solution..
    I never used rewire so i can't tell you if works or not, but i never had problem with this DAW.

    I suggest you also to post this in Studio one's facebook group there're so many ppl that will surely help you.
  11. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    What you get can't be bugs (pro/power users would have left S1 for a long time) :
    - rewire not working right
    - feedback noise (only a bad VST or bad external wiring/monitoring setting can lead to feedback...never got any from 15 years of computer producing, apart my own fault)
    - edit window i click and the mixer appears on top instead (frankly///no one would use S1 with such a behavior)
    - more than 8 tracks is just nothing for S1. You can go up to 64 even on a cheap laptop.

    Two solutions to me :
    -bad DAW install/crack
    -computer starting to fail

    So do a disk check first. Uninstall and reinstall the last S1 version.
    Verify there is no Rewire duplicate DLL on the whole computer (if you are on Windows).

    Plugin would not create behavior troubles, only bad sound/spikes/crash.
    Good luck !!!
  12. Neil

    Neil Newbie

    Nov 25, 2013
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    I'm on an old albeit, thank God, reliable laptop and I can go over 8 tracks. It's not even an i3 machine lol I'm also (still) using propellerhead balance after selling reason 6 and the problem I have with balance is that it disables sometimes especially when I also open a video or music player in conjunction with an opened daw. That's not an S1 prob though because it happens with any DAW I use.

    I don't know if I get you but I can float vsti windows outside the S1 window when I have my secondary monitors on. I understand if the program automatically disables it when I'm just using the laptop screen as the vsti window might jump from one area to another outside the screen where you can't drag it back into view. An annoyance I've had with FL Studio when you "detach" a window.

    I'm not really experienced with ReWire, I've used it with Reason and it worked as you've said. I've used it literally once with FL Studio and remember that it worked. I since disabled rewire services because it's known to cause memory leaks. That's actually my problem with S1 right now. It doesn't give me the memory back completely even when I close some vsts. When I close a project and open a new blank one it carries used memory from the first session. It might start at 20% memory on the first opened blank project and if I open another new blank song it'll be 24%, it doesn't really go down unless you restart S1.

    I think Pipotron3000 might be on to something. If you're on an old machine do a disk check. I'm using a legit copy but try and find a new installer. Maybe that'll work or uninstall using a 3rd party software. Something like the Revo Uninstaller. Be careful with that though, it might uninstall some component you might actually need for other apps to run.
  13. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I do not agree with this. 2 points windows 7 cracked is better than the MS windows 7 release.
    Read articles people have less issues with the cracked version for some reason.

    Second Cubase 5 cracked was rock solid. I bought Cubase 7 and 7.5 it's a pig.

    I am not condoning pirating just making a point as to your statement.
  14. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    There are industry standards: Cubase, Pro Tools, Logic, which are around for years and very efficient.

    But people always want more, the newest stuff bla bla bla, coz they're lazy to commit to one.
    If one thinks he can learn a soft after a month? Well, one should think again...
    You can't be a black belt after a month, except in Hollywood.

    Don't blame it on the DAW.

    An advice? Format your PC, install only one DAW (no 3rd party plugs) and STICK TO IT.
    If you can't get any results, you might want to change your hobby.
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Its the opposite for my girlfriend she used to have a "patched" win 7 alot of crap happened then she bought a legit serial nr since then nothing has happened.
    Cubase would almost never crash in itself it is always some driver issue or third party Vst (mostly cracked or very old ones) that uses Cubase to crash

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Rewire is a great in theory, but I have never been able to get it work the way I want in any DAW over the past 6 years.
  17. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I have no problem getting rewire to run on S1 (non legit), flstudio and notion load and work no probs, as others have said check your PC and its settings

    ablteon however does not work and I don't think it is totally down to presonus, do a google search
  18. Anonymous363

    Anonymous363 Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Rhode Island, USA
    There're a lot of ppl complaining that their software doesn't work properly ( check lennar digital ) and they don't have a legit software, if you have a legit one i think the support will help you to solve the problem.
    I didn't mean that cracked software are worse than the original, but sometimes can happen imo, as someone says above :thumbsup:
    Then you're comparing different version of cubase, maybe legit cubase 5 was solid as well
  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    No need to force Yourselves using it if You do not like it... there are other choices :thumbsup:

    Since all daws follows a very similar logic (workflow), learning one to later switch to another is not a waste of time... so pick another and see if You like it better.
    My choice for more than a decade is Cubase (since Cubase VSTI)... I like the way it presents itself to the user; but I tried all daws on the market and I find all of them good... I can work with all of them given few weeks to adjust my "visual" perception.

    To be honest, if something did not worked at a first try, it was almost always my fault (mistake), so, a bit of research should solve any issue.
    ...on some rare occasions some issues were triggered by bad GPU drivers, but rolling back to older ones or waiting for a fix solved even those rare problems...

    anyway, try another one and see if it feels better to You :wink:
  20. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    If something doesn't feel comfortable don't use it. Maybe you are rewiring too much things, why don't use max 1-2 daws + some extra to do your jobs?? Ableton is great, is not perfect but it's great. I've disabled "rewire service" since can cause some bugs and minor crashes, try out.

    Don't waste your time waiting for V3, when will be out you try it...

    -Official or Cracked version doesn't make any difference, i tested them both: you can run a demo mode (wich is an official release) and still have some problems

    i can comfirm for the memory leaks, i've tried everything, literally everything. it's a bug related to vsti and some vst. Let's say you load your EzKeys piano wich use 500 mb of ram. if you load 4 instance of the ezkeys you'll ending up using 2 gb of ram. then you start deleting instance one by one. S1 will not free your ram untill you have deleted all the instance related to the Ezkeys. this can happens also with other vsti. I've also discovered other major rams issues related to the 32 bit app in Windows. The solution is to switch to 64 if you like Jbrigde.

    Let's say you are new to the music world, you have started with FL Studio or Ableton and you are happy with your daw. Really who cares about what is new and waht is old. Cubase, Logic and Pro tools are better then Studio One?? Who cares, i can make good music and enjoy with studio time more than others daw. btw atleast for me Studio one is solid get less crashes than Cubase or Logic...
  21. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Did you install Power option for Audio processing....
    Get it from
    Unpack in C/.....otherwise will not work....

    hope this helps...
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