The price for using warezed software

Discussion in 'PC' started by oldor, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. oldor

    oldor Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Recently some people using a downloaded version of Xils Lab Synthix complained about several bugs in the software.
    There were problems with the modulation/LFO on Osc 1 and 2, crackles, disappearing channels and so on. In fact these problems were
    related to the copy protection, which has some hidden checks that were not cracked properly. You can figure that out comparing it to the demo
    versions, which does not have any of these problems. Of course the demo also has some bugs and a general sluggishness in the GUI, but not
    the flaws mentioned above.
    Similar things occurred in many of N.I.'s software (Kontakt not reloading the saved settings, crashes in Massive etc.), Cytomix The Glue, Soundtoys Plugins, UHE and many others.
    In these days, as protections have advanced and became more and more complex and tricky, a user of pirated software never can be sure
    if there isn't any hidden protection missed by the crackers.
    That's the price for using warezed software. These are the problems that render them useless for use in a professional environment. And I think that it is good this way. While some
    hobby enthusiast at home can live with these things, anybody having a customer sitting beneath him will have some serious stress when the "xxx has detected an installation error" message pops up for the fifth
    time. So it's good for Try before Buy, but not in places where money is made. Just remember this, the next time your DAW crashes.
  2. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
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    You would do well to remember that groups have also removed protection that steals cpu cycles, they have fixed bugs, enhanced usability, added useful features, shown how some companies install what under most sane peoples description would be spyware/malware in the name of protection, and so on.

    Just remember THAT the next time your DAW WORKS FLAWLESSLY FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS!
  3. DjPeterMunch

    DjPeterMunch Newbie

    Jun 13, 2011
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  4. Deadlok

    Deadlok Newbie

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Actually, while you are correct about Synthix, i did not encounter any problems with other softsynths i used (Arturia stuff, U-he, Rob Papen, Korg Legacy, NI stuff, etc.). They work flawlessly and although i'm not a pro, and all this synthesized music thing is just a hobby for me, i would know if they were acting strange.
  5. someonelikeyou

    someonelikeyou Newbie

    Nov 13, 2011
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    What is the difference between a "Bug" and a "Flaw?" Most of the reported Bugs with Synthix were made by people with little brains who did'nt understand how to use it. Massive now loads 3rd party presets. I have never had any problems with any of the other software mentioned. It's more likely people who don't know how to use/install k'd software than some half arsed attemt by the developers to confuse potential customers. All my k'd software nowadays is exactly the same as the retail product. It IS the retail product without copy protection. Anyway that's what I reckon. Cheers-Someonelikeyou.
  6. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well, if something's not working properly, I don't care and move on to another program which is working. Who on earth needs dozens of soft synths, compressors, EQs anyway?

    For the average hobbyist, no product is really essential, and people who make a living producing music should buy their stuff.

    So finally the heaps and layers of sophisticated copy protection which go heavy on the CPU only harm the paying customer, not the pirate. Because real pirates never buy... ;)
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I think real pro studio owner should be ashamed if they use warez.
    Hey they make so much money so they easely can afford to buy them.

    We who make music as a hobby could never afford to buy all those pro plugins unless we are very rich.

    Not to mention all the Daw we could try.

    If those group never exist we surely would have been stuck to the first daw we tried and tried plugins on a basis of what we may have read in a commersial ad in some studio mag or seen on some studio internet forum like KVR or Gearslut.

    There is demo plugins and demo/light daw but it´s not the same.

    So if i can try a warez plugin with some little bugs for months even years i much rather do that then have a demo that expire in 15 days.

    And like someone here say there is many more wares plugins (maybe 98%) that work without errors comapare to those who doesnt
  8. fresh

    fresh Newbie

    Dec 28, 2011
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    ahahah this is not true !! if you have compressor that work like a gate and synth that don t modulate very well probabily you don t know very well your gear... :) or perhaps you are too drunk after a session that when reopen it you find your project a bit different .... :)

    I ve also go around in many studios that work for advertising and they all use Nuendo 3 and i can see the Air dongle in the taskbar ... ahah this is real world not bullshit. 1500 $ for a daw??? go Cockos
  9. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Theres a simple Solution to all of this ! its Called TEAM AIR :)
  10. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well, didn't Team Air screw up Synthix?
  11. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    *yes* although hardware vendors might be in position to make nice profits from anybody.
  12. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Yes, but I have no problem buying hardware which then I use for let's say ten years.

    If I buy soft then maybe half a year later the company pushes a new version to charge again the whole price or the software is discontinued (like Kore).
  13. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Sure, but you will pay ten times more for a hardware synth... which is not upgradable.
    In fact, as with everything else, you'll always get your money's worth.
    And when this is no longer the case with a product (or a class of product), it disappears.
  14. fieldztime

    fieldztime Newbie

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I JUST Wanna thank the warez teams like air, assign, and many others, without them i would not be able to test the great softwares like NI, Flstudio, beautiful instruments, and feel the taste of having some kind like a professional studio!, thank you! im really thankful,
    i think we could in every end of year, join lots of warez users and make a huge donation to demonstrate how thankful we are, well i think 1.000 ~ 4.000 users sharing 10 dollars it would be something, thank to them i can test Waves 8 on my PC!, i really dont have U$ 900,00 to buy it!,

    i want to ask for apologize if im saying some shit, thanks for reading!

    hugs from brazil!
  15. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    "Warezed software" sounds strange.....
    Cracked is a better term for it.

    By the way: There's no perfect software.
    And what a luck that some cracks work without all the Synchrosoft, i-Lok etc...
    The only thing missing with cracks is a customer support.
    That's the reason why folks are flooding the forums with their complaints.
    Of course it's better to use software you bought if you're working in an exposed situation.
  16. mephisto

    mephisto Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Nice attempt at social engineering.

    Although I don't have any objection to the fact that people professionally using software and making money from it should buy it, that's what "Try before buy" ALWAYS has been about ever since team r@dium. You're basically accusing crackers of not being infallable, why would they? How could they? Bugs are an integral part of software development and of interfering with any of it, which is what cracking does. It is an inevitable problem even of legit software. You make crackers look like incompetent idiots which is unfair, if it takes NI 4 release versions or more to get their stuff right, how would any team get it right the first time?

    Your assumption that all legit software would spare us all the problems cracks may cause is simply disingenuous. It's not true, therefore it's a lie. Unless you're ignorant or suffer an obvious lack of perspective or have an agenda you're not telling us about.

    I personally have downloaded probably well over 100 gigabytes of audio software over the last 13 years. And I probably deleted 99 gigabytes of it after playing around with some - not even all - of it. The fact that I downloaded something is always interpreted by the anti-piracy club as being similar to a lost sale. It isn't. The implied arrogance that everybody likes their stuff is obvious but it's unreal. The simple but very common fact that somebody downloads something looks at it, listens to it and doesn't like it and deletes it again is inconceivable to most software makers. The record industry has got the same attitude towards mp3 downloads. I've downloaded terrabytes and deleted most of it again. And bought what I liked. I've downloaded just about any waves release since 1998, yet I never use waves plugins. I uninstall them again every time. I have no use for them. I get the same things done with other stuff. I would never buy then beciuase of their copy protection scheme anyway. Most NI stuff I try, and delete it again. It's bloatware in my book. I'm still using some of their old stuff PRO 53, Absynth 3 and FM7.

    I come from a hardware background, so I don't have to have the latest of the latest. Get to know what you got in depth and you'll be enjoying it for 20 years if not longer. It's odd that so many people seem obsessed with analog sounding synths, which is all vintage and old stuff, yet they waste so much time looking for new stuff that does the old stuff better. Silly isn't it?

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Thats just the way it is -- If you pay, you (usually) gain the support of the developer, unrestricted access to updates and fixes, and all those other add-ons, and goodies. If you acquire the software by 'some other means', you forfeit access to customer support and must accept the possibility of file corruption, bugs, trojans, and the like -- these are minor risks (cost). Additional DRM protections often work in the background, attempting to check registration validity against an online database -- this presents the potential for even more risk. By seeking to acquire these goods by 'other means', we wittingly accept the risks that go along with it. It is equally important to remember that this unspoken means of acquisition is illegal, and presents yet the greatest risk (cost). Software inconsistencies should be expected ! The organized crews that disassemble, patch, and liberate these Applications, while intelligent and code-friendly -- are imperfect -- the developers are imperfect, and lets face it, no one is. These crews gain no earnings for their 'works', and thus accept the greatest risk of all. I'm not here to debate moral issues concerning this form of 'distribution', but must say -- if you can afford to -- just go ahead and buy it. 'Liberation' of restrictive or prohibitively priced 'Professional Grade' software is often the 'only way' some of us could ever get to use, and experience these tools -- Yet again, if you find them indispensable and have the financial fortitude -- buy it. I do feel however, that it is most important to support fair and honest developers when at all possible. By doing this, you not only gain software support -- you support the developer, and assist in keeping the development 'alive and well'. And -- If you use your shit 'professionally' (for profit), you should probably find some way to contribute / give back to the developers that help earn your bread. (See John Dahlback) When it comes to the DAW Software --- I suggest that you 'TRY' them all, but BUY the one you like (If you have the means to do so). I believe this is key, as the DAW is likely the one constant in all your productions. Purchasing this key component will ensure full support; updates, bug fixes, and community access.

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    I know some cats that actually 'OWN' some Waves stuff -- but look to the 'liberated' stuff to get around fucking with the USB dongle-thingy
    Agreed with the NI statement -- some seriously heavy shit -- Also agreed that FM7 was a KILLER - one of my faves (Loaded those DX SYSEX files perfectly !)

    I used to have a few great Analog Synths and beat-boxes back in the day myself -- Sampled some, traded some away
    I eventually moved to the digital realm, Sold most of my vintage gear away to 'upgrade' and consolidate (taking up space and collecting dust)
    Now I wish I would have found the space to keep em' and bought some damn dust-covers -- Hehehe ! Ah well, live and learn !
  19. Drumninja

    Drumninja Member

    Oct 19, 2011
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    Hey Oldar thats a bunch of Horsepucky. Dont believe the hype.
  20. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I have not got a problem with anything that's free. :thumbsup:

    People do not see how long it takes all the teams to do what they do and they do it for fun :hug:

    Half the time its down to user error because they don't read the info. :rofl: