The World We Live In :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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  3. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    It is indeed very sad :(

    no comment...
  4. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    America IS NOT the world.
  5. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Yes...that's the sad reality...and scaring too...(being unemployed for months, you know the edge is not far..)
    While some people live in an uninhibited opulence. . .

    Justice where are you ?
  6. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Sorry but these kind of social experiments are ridiculous! They all have a assumption at the beginning and they film as long as they need to proven this assumption. BTW have you realized that in this clip the homeless guy who finally gave his jacket to the child is the same guy who sits all the time (2 hours) on the other side of the sidewalk and watches the boy freezing? Not so heroic! What if the complete movie is faked? Just imagine there where visible cameras that shot the boy? Would you stop to give him your jacket if you think they are just doing some kind of movie shot? What if the homeless guy at the end is simlpy an actor? Maybe the scene is real but maybe these guys are just assholes who make videos for making them go viral to fill their buckets with click money from youtube?
    But nevertheless your statement about the world we live in is correct...We live in a world of assholes! :sad:
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    it's like "Russia does nothing in Ukraine, but we Russians are guilty" - Americans think so....Americans are guilty in everything, not Russians...Americans always pry into other affairs...If Russians are guilty - where are proofs/evidences? only facts, words and blah-blah shit stuff...
    One Jew phones his friend in Odessa:
    - Senya, what does happen in Ukraine???!!!!
    - Ukraine slightly fight with Russia...
    - So, and what loss?
    - Yes, there is some loss...Ukraine lost the Crimea, some regions, a lot of planes, tanks, helicopters, other weapons and a lot of people....
    - So=( and what Russia lost?
    - You wouldn't believe! Russians still haven't come to war!
  8. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    That was "Black" man :lmao:
  9. Sakurahime

    Sakurahime Noisemaker

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I really don't mean to argue with you about that situation in Ukraine, but did it come to your mind, that your judgement is heavily influenced by the russian media, as you are russian.
    I myself, being German, don't trust the German media, but I try to get information from supposedly liberal media like the internet. (I know, there's a lot of shit, but I try to glance through the veil) And if you do so, you will probably recognize, that russian military groups indeed are fighting in Ukraine, and a lot of people are dying there. And I think Putin might just be an aggressor as most american presidents in the past and present, no doubt of that!
    Don't mean to be disrespectful here!
  10. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Can look at in in to ways then huh lukehh, if it's legit then well they put a boy out in the cold for 2 hours to make some money, meh "the world we live in" if it's legit then it took a homeless guy to help him out which says alot about the world we live in. You said "BTW have you realized that in this clip the homeless guy who finally gave his jacket to the child is the same guy who sits all the time (2 hours) on the other side of the sidewalk and watches the boy freezing?" If it's legit then the 2 hours of him sitting their could of been him hesitating to give him his jacket or waiting for someone else to as people (i would assume) are more likely to give a young white boy a jacket over a older black man (No im not racist, just realists) Now if it's fake and people are doing it for the sole purpose of money and views then well, The world we live in right? Anyway fake or not i posted it here just to try and change how people may think or act in their daily lives, A little kindness goes along away.
  11. remyboy20

    remyboy20 Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    mild pump milk, As an "American" It truly is the "Politicians" who pry in everyones lives including the rest of the world. The Media in America has made the Hearts of people COLD. But that's only for the idiots who don't think for themselves. This video brought tears to my eyes and as the "Black" culture in America (who has no nationality) it took one to stop and help this child(actor). That warmed my heart for black men are solely looked down upon because of how they are portrayed in the media. Not to say some don't do bad things but that's in every culture. There is only one race of people and that's "The Human" race. Just thought I'd say something. For I help the unfortunate every time I can or see someone in need. I don't have much but I'd be willing to help someone who has nothing. We have a beautiful race of people on Earth but sadly, we may never get to know them.

    -Be Kind and the Universe will respond
  12. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Really! :wow: :bleh: I assume things like this would happen in multiple country's not just one. Just because someone filmed it in america doesn't mean self centered a** holes don't exist in other country's.. please correct me if im wrong.

    P.S Hope this dont sound rude, that's not my intention.
  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    this is common behaviour in big cities all around the world... luckily, it completely changes in smaller cities and villages, so everything is hopefully not lost. could come to a conclusion here (or to a few conclusions) ?!?
  14. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Fake, half-fake or what ?
    Question is not here.

    Making videos about human troubles without really helping them is just being an a**hole making money.

    Read another story about Youtube video exploitation :

    And stop promoting those a**holes by watching their vids and giving them money by your naivety.
    I'm not going to watch this sh*t. Sorry, but i hate those ppl abusing good feeling and misery from other ppl.
  15. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Everyone need to quit saying sorry in their post.. Freedom of speech, dont be sorry for it. Thanks for linking me to that post btw, wasn't aware of it but will check it out. Promoting their video was not my intention but i guess thats what i am doing.
  16. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    As self-centered assholes are a direct result of capitalism (in its last liberal form), we can safely assume that we'll find them in every major city... but still, that would not be the world.
    There's also a lot of places where this would not happen, but usually those places are not seen on the web. There's a whole world outside of internet, and it's actually very big.

    But I do get your point, nonetheless. :mates:

    This. :wink:
  17. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Yes, "America is not the world," and New York City is not America. As an ex-New Yorker, I can tell you that New Yorkers are accustomed to assuming that anyone out begging like that is a professional mendicant; it's not because New Yorkers are heartless. Also, in a city like New York, it is necessary to turn-off the empathy that people in what's known as the Heartland take for granted and exercise more freely: there are too many people in one's way, everywhere; one's own survival requires an extreme degree of focus. On the other hand, I have known New Yorkers to be among the most loyal friends that one can have, once they have let you into their lives.

    These "social experiments" in the videos are, despite what "message" they pretend to convey, pranks. They're becoming the equivalent of "crying wolf." Is one now to presume that any public display of extreme misfortune is just some hidden-camera prank made for the sake of posting on YouTube? "Don't look, man - it's just another 'social-experiment' prank!"
  18. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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  19. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    This was not a personal attack against you...because i made the same error, more than once. And other errors to come until i die :wink: :mates:
    That's where the trap reside : ppl like you and me are good ppl, like almost all ppl on Earth.
    But some ppl are poisonous. They use OUR kindness to grow THEIR ego/power/money...

    We all think, at one moment, watching a positive message is a good thing. But WHO is behind the message ? What is the purpose ?
    All poisonous ppl use positive messages to sell things, like industries. And those "social study" ppl do the same : they use a message to sell clicks, advertisement...or just grow their ego, sometimes.

    We, good ppl, don't see at first there is a problem. Until someone else open our eyes with love.
    On my side, i try to lower my ego every day (even if it is hard). And i have nothing to sell :rofl:

    PS : i have a strange anecdote about homeless ppl, money and such. I had a job (badly paid one) in witch i needed to wear suit and tie everyday. One day, a guy (same salary than me) suggested i was earning a lot of money...until he saw my crappy 20 years old car :rofl:
    The same day, an homeless (and totally drunk) guy felt in the middle of the road when i was coming back home (after policemen helped me to start my car, because there was no more battery) :rofl:
    All cars just got around him. I stopped my car in the middle of the road, and helped him walking to the other suit/tie :rofl:
    A strange day it was...

    I just try to be that guy, not thinking twice about helping others. Like policemen done with me.
    Sometimes, i am going to do it...and fear come.
    I'm totally bored by this fear. Because it is raised by medias, politicians, industries...and of course, banks (masters of puppets).

    There is an amazing french song about being yourself, without fear, in love.
    Because the opposite of love is not hate. It is fear.
    Yoda know it :bow: : “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
    Fear is the dark side of love.

    PPS : I love you MrAnonymous, and i wish i didn't harmed you with my ego :mates:
  20. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Just to quickly add guys, they linked to a donation site where $14,719USD was raised for the homeless
  21. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    I don't think America ever said it was the world but in terms of this Video people are people no matter what skin race or faith, shit like this is sad no matter where it's filmed and I still think the majority of people are not like this . I really appreciate this post and all the comments .
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