Is there a way to store Samples Like this? Any Reccomendations for USB Hub

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by AB69, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    I would like to have all my samples on an external HD, and when it loads up it can be searched in Logic X.

    I wish to clear some / all of my samples from my hard drive to free up more space.

    I am concerned that if I do this will the sample I used in a project file go missing since sometimes I might be working on my project without the external HD plugged in?

    Also, any reccomendations on some quality USB hubs, I need 1 that is powered possibly for my AI and/or 1 USB hub for my mouse and externals that can be more mobile.
  3. eheavy

    eheavy Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Hi, This is definitely the recommended way to go.

    I don't know about Logic x but most DAWs will let you point to an external folder or drive in the preferences menu. That said (if you on a desktop) its better if you use a separate but internal disk drive to avoid having files go missing because your external hard drive decided to change drive letter. It is often better to use an external hard drive more for backups like OS, sessions and software.

    Ok if you are concerned that audio files (and plugins for that matter will go missing) then you may have to reevaluate the archiving tactics. This is more about how you save it and not where you save it. I think best practice is when you are done a song you take a little time to 1.Collect and save all the samples to the same folder. and 2
    save a frozen version where all the tracks are saved as audio, this is also the best time for harvesting your own personal samples and loops for later use too.

    One last thing is .... have you ever opened up a session and like half the plugins are missing ?????. This sometimes happens if you just made an upgrade or you decide to open a super old session, The best way to combat this is have frozen backup and most importantly, (you guessed it) use only licensed software lol :rofl: . If you paid for a plugin i can bet you will have a spare copy some ware saved, you also can down load it again through the developer site, and regular updates are provided to keep up with your DAW. yes i know some of these company's fold but they still try to give you some kind of access or in the very least the heads up that they are fraging a project.

    Nothing is 100% but the only sessions i have issues opening are the ones that contain obscure liberated plugins from 6 years back that i decided to try out..... loved.... kept in the session and never used agein :rofl: