"Logic Pro X - The Details": book update for LPX 10.1

Discussion in 'Education' started by EdgarRothermich, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I just finished the revision of my second Logic manual "Logic Pro X - The Details", which now includes the changes, new features and functionality of Logic Pro X v10.1.


    This is a major update for this book with over 50 new pages, which brings it to a total of 711 pages. The rewritten Automation chapter alone now has 100 pages. All the detailed information about the new Automation features (Trim, Relative, Absolute, Region Automation, MIDI Draw, etc) are not available in any other books. Actually, my Logic manuals are the only books available that are revised for Logic Pro X v10.1. All other books from the big publishers are still based on older versions of Logic Pro X (maybe for quite a while), which is a big problem due to the substantial changes in Logic v10.1 and even v10.0.7.

    Together with my first Logic manual "Logic Pro X - How it Works", I now provide 1,100 pages of the best Logic coverage with my "Graphically Enhanced Manuals". They also include a "free update service" to all customers who bought the pdf or iBooks version (not other publisher is doing that).


    Customers who bought the pdf version of "Logic Pro X - The Details" should have already received an email with the free download link (if not, send me an email). The printed book on Amazon is now also available as the new revised 10.1 version. It is split in part 1 and part 2 due to the size. The book cover might still show the 10.0.7 version on the Amazon website, because it takes a week or two for Amazon to update the graphics. However, all my books are print-on demand, and therefore, always reflect my most recent updates. As of today, the books are up to 43% off on Amazon.

    I hope to have the iBooks version for "Logic Pro X - The Details" available some time in April.

    Thanks for your interest

    Edgar Rothermich
  3. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Has this place became an advertising space?
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    whats wrong with that?
    you advertising your EP also in your signature and members can see it with every post you do.
  5. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    1. I was part of this community years before "advertising" anything.
    2. I'm contributing here as much as I can, helping in any conversation I can.
    3. My music is not for sale. It's a gift to the people.

    That being said, your comparaison is irrelevant.

    To make things very clear. I consider this place a community, where I'm amongst friends even if it's virtual.
    When a stranger come within my friends and try to sell us something we didn't ask for, I feel offended.

    If you don't get it... well I'm sorry for you.

    PS: Maybe we should do a poll: Do you want an advertising section in the forum?
  6. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    i see nothing wrong with a little advertising. We already have a "Software news" section where things are being advertised all the time and even from developers themselves from time to time. This is an "Audio Forum" and to purposely lock out audio app developers or educators that write\ make vids on the subject of audio or appz etc etc ..... from the site is just dumb

    MY 2cents
  7. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Like many things in life, things are not always black and white. It is not about advertising yes or now. It is more important what people consider advertising and what not.
    • If someone advertises for toothpaste in this forum - this might be an issue
    • If someone advertises for his/her music - this is somewhat related, but some people might have an issue with that
    • If someone advertises for music gear or new plugins - still advertising, but some people might find it helpful
    • If someone advertises for books (me), or posts link to tutorials - this still would be advertisement, but if that material is helpful in the context of this forum (help the user to understand an app, production procedure, or workflow that he or she has to ask for help otherwise), then this some people might find this helpful.

    Just saying...

    ... says the guy who posted the "advertising" about his Logic book