About Pro Tools 12

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by mercurysoto, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Alright. PT12 is out, fresh off the oven. However, for some reason, it's tickling me the wrong way. For years, I can recall as far aback as PT7, we've been sold the idea that your "professional" audio computer should not access the Web. Reasons manyfold, they always troubleshot you with that piece of advice up front. "Did your computer choke to death running only 5 D-Verb plugins? Alright. Were you hooked to the Web? Oh, man, you've void your guarantee."

    Alright. I may be overreacting, but if you've used Pro Tools for a while, you get my drift. Anyway, the latest incarnation of the software released yesterday, offers cloud integration and web-integrated collaboration as a primer for shelling out 200 bucks to upgrade.

    Any improvement over PT11 functionwise? Not really. New features to better your production within your own studio? Not really. Pro Tools 11 kicks ass.

    What do you think?
  3. If 11 kicks ass, then by all means stick with it.
  4. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I use PT11 and once you get past the very substantial pain of implementing the newly redesigned audio and video engines into your workflow, it's a major upgrade and the productivity improvements make it well worth the cost. I can't say the same for PT12. It's just like Adobe CC vs CS6, or Avid's Media Composer 8 vs 7 - the only real difference seems to be that you "subscribe" online - in other words another means by which to control users. Pass.
  5. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    I think it's interesting that Pro Tools / Avid / Digdesign whatever they are now were close to bankruptcy just two years ago. Can anyone say they know that many people that chose their software over everything else thats' out ? I can't say I know anyone with HDX so my question is how did they all the sudden get all the loot to be back the way they are. Not to be conspiratorial but I noticed a picture of Eric Smicht ( spelling ) from Google doing a tour of Native Instruments in Germany , found that odd . Would it be too far fetched to think Gov't Grant for Pro Tools and other companies but mandatory online access for some sort of meta data sweep ? I might sound crazy here but nothing about the internet is making a lot of sense these days . For anyone who missed the fact the FCC took the shit over without any disclosure of rules, it happened while we all blinked . If this sounds crazy have a laugh and move on but it's worth a thought .
  6. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I don't think you are crazy. I'm a computer tech for 20 years. When i started, high bandwidth internet was only for high school users...and army/government :rofl:
    Who thought in those days ppl would get their data and stats stolen and sold in the future by companies like Facebook, Google... ? Cloud computing was in SF books.
    Now Big Data is the next revolution. Governments already (mis)use it for years (Snow Den showed it).
    Why not Adobe or Avid ? You are right on that point. And i will add the "community", "open" bullsh*t to that :wink:

    They try to f*ck us : they pretend, on one side, their technology, softwares and such are copyrighted (they sell them) BUT on the other side, they try to push you on the copyleft/community/sharing... side for free to sell your work and soul. It is the usual "community" bullsh*t like Indaba and such. You give your work, create user interest, raise money with adds and internet clicks... but at the end, only a few ppl gain something. And a lot less than expected.

    There is an adverse effect to that : less and less ppl earn money with audio, music, photo...and so, they don't buy big bucks softwares as tools. We are not in the 80's anymore :rofl: Circle is tighter and tighter...until it collapse.

    Music/audio industry is a pile of sh*t (like the whole world, in fact). So think wisely friends before investing any money in anything :mates:

    Speaking about German ppl, a little song to illustrate my thoughts :grooves:
  7. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Im still on PT 10. I have 11 installed and have since the release but I still have not used it yet as I have not upgraded most plugins to AAX. I even get free upgrades for another 2 years. I just wish they included backwards compatibility to the plugins so we could enjoy the fruits of the new versions..
  8. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I used to work for the company and I know dozens of people who still do. It's complete horseshit that Avid was anywhere near insolvency - although it's certainly in their corporate interest to advance that fiction.

    As for who uses HDX, pretty much every major studio, post house and broadcaster in the world. The economic priorities of institutional users is completely different from that of individual users. Big expensive PT HD rigs make no sense for most of us, but in a lot of facilities it's worth the expense.
  9. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    All that seems to be New in PT 12 is cloud saving & collaboration.

    In contrast, I recall Audition CC13 switched to 64bit, and CC14 offered AC3 import & export.

    Adobe switched to a sub model so that the money would keep on rolling in over time, not sell whiz-bang new features to entice upgrading & letting the money dry out over the next 2 years while they rinse & repeat.
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