Kontakt scripting and sample libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by jack, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    i like that sampleplayer and use it mostly if i want a non-synth-sound also i don't use it from drum-sounds.

    1.) Drums

    I tried out many "drum-systems" one of my favs have been redrum and tatapoum. But i don't want to use reason (even if think it has some real cool features/concepts) and tatapoum is lil bit buggy (older version) or missing a simple but essential feature (skip sample). So mostly i drop the samples directly into the daw and arrange the drums there. I have seen some "groove-maschine-scipts" for kontakt.
    I guess with those scripts i may would try out again to use kontakt as a drumsampleplayer. Can't they pimp battery or let it die and pimp kontakt as a drumplayer?

    2.) Scripting and sample libraries

    I'm not sure about the situation on that market but for me it seems there is mostly everything you need (in musical context) packed into a sample libraries. And there are some nice scipts. But those scripts mostly work only with one sample library. I'm not sure if it is a marketing or a technical thing why this scripts are mostly not "open" to use with other libs. Are there any good open scripts*? And why does NI don't have such products? :unsure:

    * e.g. extended arp feature (ext. modes and pattern, keyscale, switch function via (midi-)keyboard etc.); drum-maschine (8-track-groovebox-sequencer with drawable filtergradients (freqfilter would be enough but a distortion, reverb and delay for every channel would be nice too).

    Which scripts do you use? and wouldn't you like to use it with other libs too? Do you may know some sites where i can read about this scripting (i don't think i'll go to deep with it but wanna take a look)?

    Thanks in advance.

    Greetz Jack
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i use KONTAKT 4/5 for every thing its grate drums synth vocal samples i dont know what i would do with out it now
  4. iownu1000

    iownu1000 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2011
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    kontakt is cool sounds awesome...if only anybody could figure any way to use it other then just a straight sampler...havn't seen any good tutorials for under the hood...found a few small basic ones but still make me confused...
  5. baseimpulse

    baseimpulse Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Kontakt is really amazing. Iownu... what are you trying to do with Kontakt that you wanna go for the "Under The Hood" way so to speak.
  6. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Soniccouture Scriptorium is a very nice script library, has some very useful utilities and complex effects. As far as getting into the scripting, it's basically like any other low level object oriented scripting language like Javascript or PHP. If you can use those, then you just have to learn the unique syntax for Kontakt and figure out what it is you want to do with it. This looks like a good article: http://kore.noisepages.com/2008/12/21/dive-into-kore-scripting-a-gentle-introduction-plus-script-downloads/
  7. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    thanks for your feedback.

    @lyric8, iownu100 & baseimpulse: How do you use Kontakt with drums? Do you load kits, create your own or do you use loops? and where do you arrange your drums in Kontakt or in your daw? I don't like to programming beats with Battery and Kontakt one reason is you don't see what you arrange (look at studio one and their drumsampler, if you add an sample is named in your sequencer - so you don't have do name it manually). And Battery has an advantage to Kontakt like routing your samples to individual outputs (i could remember it is possible but it seems to be a feature that is lil bit hidden). I guess i should try or use another way to make my drums. But maybe i missed some "under the hood features" from kontakt.

    @lampwiikk: Yes this is the one "open" script i have found but couldn't remember the name. Yesterday i spent some time with all this script-thing. The code doesnt't look to be to hard and there is also an editor but less documentation. Also it seems that you have to programm a lot for just easy functions. So i guess it will be to much work for me. But i'll take a second look. A nice thing is that some libs and their scripts are editable!

    So i think i hope there will come a nice and easy to use groovebox and that NI or some other brands bring more scripts or better said the rethink about developing and offering their scripts (which should not only be bundled with the lib).

    Greetz Jack
  8. iownu1000

    iownu1000 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2011
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    sorry late response...

    By "under the hood" i meant anything outside the preset filter and effect knobs you get with the presets.

    I mean all the additional sampler controlers when you press the down arrow...basically the whole synth lol....i've tried learning how to use it but it confuses me, its not intiutive like other samplers...

    i have yet to see any good kontakt tutorials in english...if anybody comes across one let me know...i've seen a few but they were limited and didnt teach much
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi Guys,
    I am a newB at this, so may be my question is sally, but I don't find an answer to it.
    This is the situation:
    I have a big Choir sample library in form of a lot of nki instruments.

    I could find the way to put the 6 midi controllers built in script that allow to see 6 buttons.
    Then, using the learn midi CC automation, I managed to control on one hand, part of a filterĀ“s parameters and, on another hand, the envelope parameters for attack and release.

    The problem is that for this library I have more than 200 nki files, so I cannot go on doing the learn midi CC automation one by one.

    How could I copy this to all the nki instruments?
    I know how to copy the script of course, but the learned midi CC automation?

    Maybe there is an other way to get the same result entirely through scripting?

    Maybe I should do a module apart from the instruments to load it together with them and control these parameters?

    Thank you in advance for your help
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