Active Members Only: Kontakt Problems with Windows? Please Post Here!!!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No not at all mate. Just frustrated that people can't read the active members only part of the title. Certainly not directed at you. :mates:
  2. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Head of a Pin
    The following solved for now...see bottom for how it happened:

    Kontakt vst 5.4.3 Timebomb?
    Offline standalone fine but Offline dll ( I have 5.2 working alongside it for Xlutop chainer) stopped working and isn't even seen in Cubase 5 but is in the vst folder.. It was the only one that worked (5.4.1 and 5.4.2 no go) 5.3.1 no probs.
    This happened to 2 PCs, this is why I think it timebombed...anyone else? It worked fine for weeks.
    Any ideas?
    Windows 7 SP1 64X OS and 32x appz.

    Solution...Offline dll 5.4.1 now works (why now? and how now brown cow?) on my music machine but not my internet one...good enough..we'll see how this developes.

    5 10 15
    Kontakt 5.5.5 Tracer offline (stereo and standalone) works on my internet PC so should be no prob on music pc too. Now lets see if that changes over time.
    6 21 15 5.5 still working on music machine

    10 13 15: offline 5.4.1 fine - 5.1 better than 5.0 but cause other weirdys....but things are working out...for the few libs that use 5.5 I over write vst 5.4.1 with 551 , save in that version then go back to 541 for the rest olf the time.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  3. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I have a question... it is actually not a problem, but rather a curiosity...

    What is the difference in registering a library, using a custom .nicnt versus using a .reg patch ? it the same ???

    I tried both methods and both works, but where is the catch ?
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    AFAIK the nicnt method is the cleanest, it's an official method used by most commercial libraries to add them to Kontakt since v4 or v5. That means you can use it on Mac as well. It's Kontakt itself that handles the process. The only drawback is you have to avoid repeated library id's and impossible ones.

    The reg method is a hack, you've to mess with the OS. It doesn't work with Mac.

    I suppose you can see the nicnt method like a key.gen and the registry one like a patch.

    Please experts correct me if I'm wrong.

    Cheers :)
  5. cralupro

    cralupro Newbie

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Hello there,

    I have a lot of legit kontakt instruments, and installed a cracked kontakt. Now, all legit kontakt instruments are in demo mode.
    When I remove the legit libaries, delete the registy keys, and add them again, it works but only until I restart kontakt (then the activate button is again there = demo mode).
    Is there a way to solve this?
  6. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    The only way ASFAIK to run encrypted libraries alongside legit kontakt id ny performing a side by side extaction (i.e .exe & dll from unlocked and rename) You can run this fine alongside legit kontakt.

    However when you add your encrypted libraries in unlocked kontakt it will create a reg entry that will be picked up by the service centre & thus when u run your legit kontakt it will ask for a serial and then if none supplied will demo time out.

    You can always run encrypted in unlocked & delete the registry key afterwards but that a pain in the arse.

    When u re-add the library it will create a new reg entry & xml so that not a way around the problem as once again legit install will pick it up and ask for a serial

    Only real solutions -

    Buy the library :yes:

    Don't use encrypted libraries & only run genuine Kontakt

    Uninstal legit and use unlocked for everything.

    Use unlocked on another machine to run your encrypted libraries.

    However no reason why your legit libaries should demo time out on legit kontakt unless u somehow modified the reg entry.

    Best advice either just use unlocked for everything or preferably use Legit and don't run any encrypted/player libraries and everything will work fine.

    There aren't that many libraries that are encrypted and you can always find an non encrypted alternative.

    P.s u say u have alot of legit kontakt instruments I take it u also have legit Kontakt :woot:

    Good luck!
  7. cralupro

    cralupro Newbie

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Sorry but I don't understand.
    I have the FREE version of komplete with some paid libaries. With the service center, this works of course. Then I tried to add new cracked libaries, but there were in demo mode.
    That's why I installed the cracked version of komplete (service center will ignored) to get them working, but all paid libaries are in demo mode now. Is there really no way to get both kinds of these libaries working?

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Hi Guys:

    I started using Kontakt Libraries about four years ago. Since that time, I have built up quite a collection. Like most Kontakt Player users (legit or otherwise) I have suffered through lots of error messages along the way; mostly due to trying to add 3rd-Party libraries To the Kontakt Player. "Library not found" messages, etc. If you're like me (or perhaps like most Kontakt users) it's nice to be able to 'see' all of your libraries neatly displayed as tabs on the left-hand side of your Kontakt Player Library window. Using the "Quick Load" option is okay -- especially when you're trying to access certain instruments that you need while working on a project you need ASAP. But, if you're like me, you want the more convenient method of simply clicking on one of those tabs to access your instruments.

    One of the most efficient methods of adding 3rd-Party libraries that I've learned to use is the KONTAKT Libraries Manager v3.0 by DoubleY. Once I learned how to use it (properly) I have encountered very few "Library not found" error messages; and have eventually eliminated the one's that I have received. It took me a while to figure out that why (on my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit system) ALL of the 3rd-Party libraries that I attempted to register using the DoubleY utility did not work. I finally discovered that the problem lied within the Windows Registry.

    After performing all of the steps outlined in the DoublY NFO file, there were times that the Kontakt Library information entered into the Windows Registry was somehow not being "registered" properly in the k2lib list. Take a look at the screenshot: Kontakt Library Content k2lib Names.jpg

    (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content). When using the DoubleY method, it is essential that each Library is designated a unique number. Sometimes, the number assigned by the DoubleY utility does not take. (For example, if the Library assigned is: "k2lib0013", you might have to assign it to a different letter/number). An example might be: "k2lib0412"; providing that this has not been already assigned to another Library. As I mentioned, it took me a little while to figure out why certain libraries were not showing up as tabs.

    In the end, (initially) this was a serious problem for me until I was able to get a handle on it. By the way, I also learned how to create nicnt files and many passable wallpaper images for the tabs that were not available using any half-ass graphics editor. Hope my experience helps someone.
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  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yes but that's not going to work on legit Kontakt or Kontakt player.
    For example you can't reg an encrypted library you don't own on legitamate Kontakt player. For that u need a serial.
    I take it u uninstalled kontakt player & just installed unlocked Kontakt which would run all your libraries without problems.
    For example you are not going to be able to run Best Service Galaxy Vintage D if you don't have a serial on legit Kontakt or any encrypted library on legit no matter what you do?

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I should have clarified. You're correct. This little procedure works for any R2R version on or past v5.3.0 of the program and its subsequent updates. That being said, it has worked (100%) for me. Thanks for your addendum info.
  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    paid libraries are in demo mode on what? Kontakt Player or unlocked kontakt?

    If u read my post I explained the only real methods.

    a.) There is no "cracked Kontakt player" ASFAIK only unlocked Kontakt

    b.) Why the paid libraries in demo mode not sure possibly as reg entries changed or for example some libraries need FULL kontakt & not player.

    c.) Best solution for your problem is completely un-install and run all your libraries thru unlocked Kontakt. However you will need to check for library updates etc and configure manually.

    Side by side would work but be a pain in the ass registry wise.

    d.) Two seperate installs i.e legit on one machine, Not so legit on another

    other than that no solution I can think of comes to mind.
  12. cralupro

    cralupro Newbie

    Aug 26, 2015
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    @Clandestine Thank you for the support!

    The solution was indeed to reinstall the libaries.
  13. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Any ideas what could be causing this? I have started with a clean install of NI Komplete Ultimate 9. All of the Komplete libraries show up fine. I have updated Kontakt to latest (5.5.1) version. I have created the nicnt file using Notepad++ and assigned in SNPID '001'. I use 'add library' and it gets 'added' by the Service Center with 2 confirmation popup windows, library shows in the tabs on the left but as soon as i try and load any instrument i get this error. I have also tried to remove the xml and reg files and then re-created the nicnt using Tracer's tool, but exactly the same results.

    When i do what the error box states, and try to re-add using the 'add library', it bring up one Service Center confirmation box and then a window stating the library has already been added to the service center.

    Just thought I would run it by here to check if there is a fault os something fundamental i have done wrong before I go on to try and add my other libraries to this clean install.


  14. Tesendence

    Tesendence Newbie

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Hello guys!
    Been lurking here for awhile but now I've run in to a problem. Tried to read all kontakt related posts here but been unable to find an answer.
    Hopefully you can shine some light on the matter!

    Been trying to install a cracked kontakt. Been using the tracer 5.5.0 version (and a bunch of other releases). Works great in standalone but when I load the vst it displays as 5.1 and everything is back to demo mode.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    Windows 7, ableton live 9
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  15. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    do you still have v5.1.0 in your vst folders?, check all vst folders and remove any older versions, you may need to reinstall again, if you can not find the newer vst dll
    The standalone works as a vst wrapper but your daws plugin directory may be using an older dll? try rescanning plugins
  16. Tesendence

    Tesendence Newbie

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I've removed all the Dlls and uninstalled previous versions with the controlpanel. Is there any hidden locations that could mess things up?
  17. Mx2

    Mx2 Newbie

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Ive deleted Kontakt 5 from my registry and even after that t keeps showing up in my registry again everyonce in awhile. I have recently reformatted so there aren't any folders either. I keep getting the error message saying there is already a full version installed even though there isn't.
  18. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i Now it is off Topic But is There a Way to Make Kontakt5.v5.5.2.Upd-MAC VST Work in 10.6.8 Mac Thanks
  19. abhizz

    abhizz Newbie

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I got this from the audioz download website ( UPD @ 6.11.2015:Reuploaded. SAiNT ) . I have downloaded everything and tried to add the library using the libraries -> Add library like the sticky post writen. But I add that it ask me like "please confirm the following to make changes permanent" done but sadly it showing "could not add the library"

    I also tried with the .nki adding via browser, it saying this patch is encrypted and cannot loaded unlessa respective library is registered properly.

    Please help me pro members.
  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Can someone better explain this one to me (I'm on Mac OS X Mavericks). I have this problem with Vir2 Electri6ity and I tried deleting the xml file in Library/Application support/Native Instruments/Service center for that library. It didn't work. I'll load it into kontakt libs tab but once I close my DAW I have to re-add it to the libs tab. If I just reload it in the project without closing it, it's still there. It's just really aggravating and it drives me insane. Lol.
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