Kontakt Cracked Vs Legitmate Explanation

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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    i have now installed komplete 10 ultimate , komplete kontrol and then cracked version 5.4.1 so i can use my unlocked as well as registered libraries
    standalone works fine. third party libraries work as well as with logic. i however have 2 problems i can't seem to solve:
    1. whilst using kontrol with logic the third party libraries get demoed. this is strange coz in contact 5 cracked they work. Is there a way around this ?
    2. for some odd reason when changes sounds in drum lab and another library from native - no audio comes out from sapphire pro. I can see levels on logic and all but no audio comes out. in standalone initiating same library and changing sound it works fine with core audio.

    any ideas ?
  2. ivandewanto

    ivandewanto Newbie

    Nov 22, 2014
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    hi guys, sorry to bother you with this silly question, i was using contact 5.3.0 and all my libraries were fine and working.. i just updated to 5.3.1 r2r and some of my library went missing.. when i try to re-load it it says nicnt file is missing. one of the library is LA scoring strings 1.. as i remember, LASS do not have nicnt, only nkx file… but it was working with 5.3.0, why didn't it work with 5.3.1 r2r? any solution?

    thx again guys
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Could be lots of things ranging from moving the library once u installed it thru to installing the update over the top. Did you uninstall or just install the update? Have u renamed anything etc

    First thing I would try is remove library, also if in quicload ect. Then check service centre for xml file then delete, Also delete all the appropriate registry keys using regedit i.e Lass Library locations in the registry. In both sections. Empty recycle bin, clean registry & try & re-add library.

    If that not work then Deffo Check if it works thru Quickload after you tried to add library etc, might not if asking for a nicnt & encypted. Don't know why it asking for one now. Did you batch resave or anything? Could also be something to do with corrupt importdata file.

    Not sure really :dunno:

    The Boring & long winded solution would maybe be remove library completly, delete library from location, clean appropriate registry keys using regedit, i.e software locations ect in Native Instruments, also delete xml file from service centre, Clean registry, empty recycle bin etc then just reinstall the library that's if u have it still?

    Check all folder contents after you unrar.

    It will work in the end

    Then re-add library & hopefully should work :wink:
  4. ivandewanto

    ivandewanto Newbie

    Nov 22, 2014
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    hi.. thx for the reply… it didnt work though.. i didnt do anything different when i used 5.3.0 and i didnt move or edit anything.. so is it possibly because of the nicnt? because as i said before, as i remembered that library like LASS and Hans Zimmer Percussion do not have nicnt file, just nkx file..
  5. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    This is off topic and you should of made a new thread, but so are alot of posts in this thread so time for a clean up.!!!!

    Did you try updating to a higher version instead then.? Version 5.3.1 had many issues for users
  6. yuka

    yuka Newbie

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Hi guys. As there is a lot of confusion on the topic of Legit vs Cracked Kontakt, and I went trough days and weeks of clearing some confusion up to finally understand myself how things work I'll write some stuff. (mostly this concerns Windows users,and Maschine legit software users etc.)

    What I did on windows was this: I already had Kontakt 5 player installed, I downloaded latest 5.4.2 R2R release, I found and extracted the .exe and .dll files. I copied the files to the respective folders renaming them to Kontakt 5C.dll and .exe

    All fine, Kontakt 5C opens and the picture of the GUI still shows Kontakt 5 player, but I can load libraries which say they need full Kontakt 5 just fine (also when you click on the NI logo in Kontakt it then shows as full version rather then player:) However if bothered by picture I don't know but there has to be a way to swap that to make it look like the full version? Without having to install stuff. This way in Service Center I don't have any unlegit cracked Kontakt's popping up. My Kontakt 5 player shows and is perfectly legit in Service Center :) (please somebody correct me if a cracked R2R kontakt 5 actually adds stuff to the registry or not? haven't tested that).

    However on Windows there is a slight problem. Whether you load Kontakt 5C or Kontakt 5 player, they both load the player .dll .. Because they both correspond to the same reg key which is of course official (service center shows which one it is). So I just deleted the player official Kontakt5.dll so there is only a cracked one from R2R. Now it always opens the full version, just the picture shows player GUI, but its basically completly unlocked full Kontakt. (tested several big libraries etc. protected\unprotected)

    This way you non legit Kontakt won't show up in registry and won't show in service center.

    LEGIT\NON LEGIT Libraries:

    - you can use both legit and unlegit libraries in Cracked Kontakt
    - The unlegit libraries which requier serials will pop up in service center and ask for register.. you can ignore this.. they could be in demo mode in your kontakt and show up same way,so they have no way of knowing that you overrided that.
    However if you're extra worried, what I do is I added all cracked libraries to my Kontakt, then went into regedit.exe, navigate to Software\NI ... there you will see the list of all software\libraries which get addded to service center. Now right click on the root (NI) choose export registry. Save that file to desktop. Now whenever you registering some stuff or wanna open service center, just delete all the cracked stuff from regedit. And once you're done just double click the exported .reg file. It will add em back in.


    IMO how I understand it from reading various debates, the watermark is actually embedded in the data part of libraries, not actually in the sound samples. IT would be particulary useless and close to impossible to actually go check for watermarks of random audio samples or songs. How will you basically know who to scan? Well ye if they use a familiar sound but that sound could be highly modulated and changed.. it's close to impossible imo for them to just go on the charts and say "oh now we will scan those 5 artist maybe they got non legit library of ours".

    The watermark was deployed and is out there so that they can find people who bought legit library, and then distributed it to a large number of people (for us to use unlegit). So basically they can see a library pop up on some tracker like this one, and they can then check the watermark and see who bought it originally and they can then persue that person, and he can have legal trouble for it. (happened before). So just using the libraries will get you in no problem even if you sold em.. I know people who sold stuff several times and had 0 problems, nobody will ever know they used unlegit stuff..

    Hope that helps. Now if somebody will be kind enough to tell me if actually installing the cracked Kontakt from R2R will it add stuff to my reg or not? Thanks
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    If u do a side by side extraction u not exactly installing it! However any encrypted libraries loaded thru the unlocked version will create a reg entry that will be picked up by your legitamate install also *yes*
  8. djlessthan

    djlessthan Newbie

    Feb 11, 2015
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    Yep another Noobie with a problem...

    I've followed these directions as closely as possible

    But when i click to open Kontakt 5k...it just doesn't open....

    Yes I've tried batChmod..as well...

    any help?

    How To Install A Cracked Version Of Kontakt On A Mac With A Legit Kontakt Version Installed

    Install your legit Kontakt Version First....

    Download a cracked Kontakt 5.3.0(or up) r2r installer for MAC(no links Here)
    Extract it,

    Extract the following with 7zip or keka:

    Extract NIKTT530U_Crack.7z
    Delete the com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist
    Change all the Kontakt files to:(or whatever you like)
    Kontakt 5K.app
    Kontakt 5K.component
    Kontakt 5K.dpm
    Kontakt 5K.vst
    (You may have to use batChmod to set permissions & to clear ACLs)

    Now copy them to their respected locations:

    Kontakt 5k.app
    Macintosh HD /Applications/Native Instruments/Kontakt 5/ or just your desktop for easy access

    Kontakt 5k.component
    Macintosh HD /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/

    Kontakt 5k.vst
    Macintosh HD /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/

    Kontakt 5k.dpm
    Macintosh HD /Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/

    Fire up Standalone, make sure every-thing's good (use batCmod if needed)
    Fire up your DAW and add the new Plugins which ever one you use, make sure every-thing's good

    Delete the folders you extracted, backup the installer rar and continue on with your day.
  9. numanoid

    numanoid Newbie

    Mar 17, 2015
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    Cracked also bypasses the usual password protection on scripts.
  10. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    It may bypass it but many of the DEV's now Hard lock their scripts so even if it does bypass it not much use unless u remotely hack it using RAM monitoring & other stuff which is pretty damn complex so certain scripts u never gonna get unless u spend a week attempting to do it which is time that would in all probability be better spent learning KSP.

    Likelehood is if u don't understand KSP in the first place in all probability u ain't gonna be able to "hack" a script that is hardlocked either :dunno:

    Must confess it useful to learn from scripts & just about all the best writers I'm aware of don't hard lock even though they all well aware of how to do it.

    Anyways if u not sure what u doing there not much point as u will be confronted by a wall of shit u don't know how to use.

    Copying & pasting scripts is useful but IMO as a learning tool & not a simple trick to simply clone as in all probability u will have to vastly modify it to get it to work with your instrument.

    Must confess that I have looked at scripts myself as a learning tool so not preaching but just saying it not always the best thing to do & of course this just my personal opinion.

    Must also say that most of the writers out there are pretty helpful of course just don't mention unlocked or anything like that :rofl:

    The longest journeys begin with tiny steps & all that stuff like on init!

    Subjective issue really but also an interesting one :wink:
  11. hedgejones

    hedgejones Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    this is my first time here. this is so awesome! didnt know there were sites like this. anyway, i checked all the pages and could not find a tutorial on installing cracked with legitimate kontakt for PC!! seen one for mac but...i know you have explained it a lot but i guess im kinda slow. im having a hard time following what yo have said so far . youre probably sick of typig it, so i was hoping you had i detailed tutorial i could follow. thanks. you guys rock
  12. kimthors

    kimthors Newbie

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Well i`ve been at this trying to get a cracked kontakt 5 working alongside a legitimate one for months.

    I´ve been going through introninja`s explanation for like 20 times, and it just doesn`t seem to work like i want it to

    1. I downloaded r2r kontakt 5 3.4.1

    2. Unzipped it with (the unarchiver) Guess this shouldnt do any difference than using keka or 7zip?

    3. Deleted the com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist, only problem is this makes my legitimate kontakt 5 go in demo mode, so i always have to replace it

    4. Renamed them all to kontakt5K and so on.

    5. Used batchmod, even though it didn`t seem to do any difference

    6. Copied them all to their respectively locations.

    Now when all this is done as explained in point 3, my legitimate kontakt5 is in demo mode because of the removal of the plist. And my second problem is
    the cracked kontakt5 won`t open, It just bounces for eternity.

    My question is, have anyone really sorted this out ? How should it be possible running a legit kontakt5 without having the plist where it should be? And how do i get the cracked kontakt5 to open ?
    Is it anything i missed ? Do i have to like install the cracked kontakt 5 before unzipping, or is it enough just unzipping the files and do as i already done ?

    If anyboy could help, it would be highly appreciated. I would kneel for u if i ever got the chance
  13. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    All u need to do (not that I encourage it :wink: ) is extract the .dll & .exe, rename them to anything i.e Kotakt5 & thats it.

    Don't touch your legit install.

    You can even keep them on a folder on your desktop if u so wish!

    Deffo works. Good luck *yes*
  14. kimthors

    kimthors Newbie

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I`m on OSX
  15. Kontatto

    Kontatto Newbie

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Hi there @ everybody,
    This my problem on kontakt:
    I had installed kontakt 5.3 cracked by Tracer, crack worked perfectly.
    A few days ago I downloaded the library "Piano Gentleman" and since it runs only on Kontakt 5.4, I downloaded the version by Tracer kontakt 5.4.3. full.
    Before installing it, I uninstalled kontakt 5.3 and run a cleaning kontakt 5 folders on the hard disk. I also clean the windows registry and optimized it by the application Wise Registry Cleaner.
    After installing kontakt 5.4.3 (by Tracer) all libraries, without a license, are in the Demo version. What should I do to make the libraries usable?.....

    On the other hand, I downloaded the packages kontakt cracked by R2R team... I'm not sure, it seems that to get the 5.4.3 r2r version (only update version), I have to start by installing the version 5.2.1 cracked by the same team, because i have not found other full versions. Which is the way to go to get the 5.4.3 version?
    thanks very much for your availability
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    For R2R simply install the 5.2.1 and update to 5.4.3. If you still have some issues we have a few in-depth threads that deal with these problems but you will have to spend some time reading.
  17. Kontatto

    Kontatto Newbie

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Thank you Catalyst.
    Please can you link these threads?
    Also, I forgot to write that the biggest problem that I have, form when I tried to install version 5.4.3, is to have big problems when opening Cubase7 projects files. In loading the project cubase crashes. To be more precise is the app vstBridge.exe (something similar) to get stuck in loading. To open the file in cubase the only way is to start the Windows Task Manager and end the process. So I lose all the settings assigned to the VST in projects that will not open normally.
  18. Kontatto

    Kontatto Newbie

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I solved the issue on kontakt 5.4.3 thanks to your advice ... Thank you.
    I can not understand why some project files are locked in Loading ... Is not determined by kontakt. I think some Waves 9 plugin no longer work well in recent days.
    I was also looking for a voice harmonizer, I tried the Antares Harmony Engine but gives me serious problems in loading and playback. Could you advise other harmonizer? My intent is to evaluate the intonation (3th, 5th etc.) before recording tracks of chorus.
    Many thanks
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    My pleasure. Linking/requesting warez is not allowed here so if you need any releases simply search for them on AudioZ. If you are having trouble with Cubase's built-in bridge then install jBridge, it's a superior bridge in my opinion and usually has less issues. Start another topic for the harmonizer question and I'm sure the community would be happy to help, I'm a little pressed for time and have a lot to get done. Melodyne should serve your purposes though.
  20. begdan

    begdan Newbie

    Aug 9, 2013
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    hello sir,

    Maybe YOU can help me understand whats going on. I have a cracked Kontakt and i have used on it HZ percussion before, successfully. THis time, after formating my computer it says Activate on my sample library. But just on hz one. The rest of them.,..just fine. Any ideas, please?

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