BFD3 and Reaper issues - anyone else?

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Demon, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hello all,

    So I've decided to give BFD3 a go. When I run it as a standalone, it works fine. No issues whatsoever. Everything loads fast and I am starting to get the hang of it.

    When I load BFD3 on Reaper, everything seems fine at first, but if I load a preset, a kit or a single drum, it freezes and then I get the "this program is not responding" message, forcing me to stop Reaper.

    I normally use EZDrummer and then, when ready to get serious, I use Superior Drummer. No complaints there, but I'm really liking BFD3 and how flexible it is; I really wanted to give it a go

    Has anyone else experienced (and hopefully solved) this issue within Reaper or any other DAW?

    My system:
    - Windows 7 Ultimate x64; 64GB RAM
    - Reaper x64
    - BFD3 x64
    - Focusrite 2i4 Audio Interface

    Thank you in advance for any responses.
  3. BFD3 makes me berserkr!
    Tried it with all my daws and never working, its a real hog...

    Last time i've contacted Fxpansion they only says that "they're workin' on some issues".

    So, I think there is somethin' wrong with the coding itself.
  4. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Always loved BFD, never had any issues with v2. V3 is kind of a CPU hog. I usually just jam standalone but I will load it up in reaper and see what happens!
  5. BDF2 it's a war-machine!
  6. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Melbourne, Australia
    Yeah, I think that's where it gets its name "Big Fucking Drums". I suddenly feel like playing Doom...
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    try the latest REAPER version 5.0pre18b, maybe it helps
  8. ablekuma

    ablekuma Noisemaker

    Sep 9, 2012
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    BFD 3.04 is almost perfect for me as vsti in Reaper 4.7 or Live 9.1, including e-drumming at 128 samples for lowest latency. Just buy it, they started 50% sale of today.
  9. you can try whatever you want... it's a bad coded dll (and Fxpansion knows it)
    in fact the only stable version, on win/by now, it's the standalone
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    yeah, their license manager is a buggy shit too)
  11. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Melbourne, Australia
    That's true. I haven't tried that. Two questions:

    - Can I have it installed while I have version 4 installed?
    - Where can I get the Reaper version 5.0pre18b?

    As STUDiO17 says, it is very buggy. Even the standalone has some bugs, but they are minor. I just want to try it out with some of my songs and see how it sounds. If it's shit I'll dump it.

    Thanks everyone.

    mild pump milk, I just found your big thread about the new Reaper! Do I just need to download the "reaper50pre18b_x64-install.exe" file from that folder system? or do I need anything else? And again, will this run next to Reaper 4, or will it be replaced?

  12. I've already buy and update it... Maybe you're a lucky one! :wink:
  13. Believe me, if you are just lookin' the sound stay with the two.
    BFD3 has almost the same engine/sounds (badly) reupdated to go with the new e-kit, controllers, etc...

    I thinkin' about to sell mine on eBay tonite :bow:
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Download, install. Crack with an old keygen/patch. 4 becomes 5
    It is stable as usual final version. Beta version are in process and testing, but final releases are buggy as well (there is no ideal code - users find new bugs everytime - new versions are released - and again and again). It is stable, they just add new features, improve & fix what REAPER already has, as usual. I'm on 5.0pre18b now - works fine as any 4.xx
    You can always update it, each new beta-version is out every week or less...Read my thread - it is always on update.
    I don't know, I think you can return back to 4.xx after 5.xx, but why do you need it? or try to install in another path if you are not sure...dunno it's ok
  15. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Melbourne, Australia
    I tried with Reaper 5. Looking good Cockos!

    But unfortunately no joy with getting BFD3 to work. What a bummer. I guess we'll have to wait and see if an update fixes this one day.

    Back to EZDrummer and Superior Drummer for now!

    Thanks everyone for responses.
  16. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Hey man!
    I have no issues with BFD 3, latest release from R2R, and Reaper v4.77, from BRD. They work fine for me!
    I actually went through and loaded every preset and audition all the sounds. No problems here.
    All I can say is the license manager is a bitch now with the legit licenses from R2R. And BFD 3 takes an ungodly amount of time to load!
    So I usually wait ten to fifteen minutes before I even try to play a kit. The license manager loads and runs every time you start it. Also the content manager runs every time you load it and runs a scan for kit pieces. I have my BFD samples on a separate hdd. Maybe that plays a role? Not taxing main hdd as much?

    But I would say make sure you have the license manager installed correctly, reinstall it maybe, and make sure you have proper licenses activated standalone in the license manager before you run the vst in a host. The license manager sucks, I had to do all kinds of tricks to activate my libraries. Still couldn't get keygen to give me a good serial for Jim Scott Rock Drums. That was the only problem I had. But I had to activate all libraries and FXpansion products individually in the license manager while running it standalone, the license manager that is. Then had to restart the license manager in between every activation of the individual products.

    Your computer specs seem way better than my computer also. So I would say, reinstall license manager and make sure all licenses are activated. Run BFD 3 in standalone and set up all the content locations. Then close and run license manager again to activate all the content libraries. Then run BFD 3 standalone again and make sure it runs all libraries ok and activated. Then load up BFD 3 in Reaper and wait like 10 minutes for it to scan license manager and all content locations. Then load a kit or preset you want and wait another 10 minutes for it to load the kit. BFD is slow at that kind of stuff. But the actual sounds, triggering, mapping, mixing, and song building are out of this world once you get it loaded!

    I do like EZ and Superior Drummer, but the midi mapping, song builder, and mixer of BFD are, and have been, light years ahead! Also, BFD is the only application I could get to properly trigger a cymbal mute from a two zone electronic cymbal. It actually chokes out the ringing cymbal properly. Very hard to do this in any other app. Only one that I found could do this is the Abbey Road Drums of NI. But I don't like the sounds of those at all.

    So, good luck. If you are already used to using toontrack, I would probably just stick with those. Not worth the trouble or the amount of hdd space need for BFD. The Evil Drum expansion is huge if you want to get some good metal sounds. The toontrack metal libraries are microscopic in comparison and sound pretty fucking good at a fraction of the size.

    Just thought of this, you might want to reset Reaper's configuration. You might have changed something in preferences by accident to load up vst differently. Like nrpn values or some shit. Anyway, its easy to reset Reaper. From the start menu in windows the Reaper folder has a reset configuration icon! Probably try that, you can back up your entire reaper config to a little tiny file too before you reset it.

    So have a good day mate, and talk to you soon!
  17. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey tater_one! I've wondered if you were around!

    I am wondering if I should just load BFD3 and wait, as you say, 10 minutes or so. Shit that's a lot of time! So what happens when you tweak a drum or effect, etc? Does it also take ages?

    In that case, would you recommend to do everything on the standalone version and then just do the wait to load it on Reaper and start working on it without changing any settings?

    The whole license thing sounds really messy man, not sure if I want to go on that path. I really want to give this thing a go, but I am not desperate. I do this just for fun.

    I'm going to load Reaper and leave BFD loading and see if it works after a few minutes. I'll let you know.

  18. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Just takes ages to load, once it loads I haven't had any issues. Also, do try and backup your reaper configuration and reset it to default. I had an issue with reaper once, it was acting weird, somehow it gave itself admin permission. Reset configuration made it easy. Set it back to normal operation.
    And ya, I love BFD. That's why I went through the trouble to make it work. For anyone else probably just easier to use EZ.
  19. rana

    rana Newbie

    Jan 23, 2014
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    i had the same problem or nearly the same with bfd3 from runs very well in standalone mode... although th elicense manager did not recognized (but it reconigze expansion packs)
    once a use for teh first time in a cubase or studio one song or proyect it also runs well, but after saving the proyect...if a want to reopen...the host freezes and cannot open the preyect or song anymore...its freezes when start to charge bfd3 or the pool etc....
  20. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Old one but as i tried ask in my own post earlier that bumped i try this way..

    Does anyone know if i go with a legit BFD3, latest version, Can i use any of the r2r keyed ones or? I really love BFD3, the sound is just out of the others league. Not to mention the control and flexibility in the mixer. But as the current version aint that satabel adn even worse now in Cubase 9 i really would like to know. Asking since its more than a year i saw something released from the "darkside" i think its time to go legit there aswell. But after using SD2 for many years and built up a desent amount of expansions on it im afraid i will be limited in options with BFD.

    Any input or knowledge and most of all if its work with a legit, latest version together with the old libs that is keyed with r2r keygen..
  21. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    @Vaijj, I haven' t tried using mixed legit and warezed BFD libraries together. But, it would seem possible as the R2R keygen generates actual licenses. I would activate all my legit stuff, then block the BFD License Manager access to the internet and activate the warezed versions! I love BFD, but don't use it anymore as it is just too expensive for me. Trying to go legit and will prolly never be able to afford BFD! I had to settle for a much cheaper drum app to be legal! You may need to do some trickery to be able to use an older version of License Manager if a newer version won't let you activate R2R version, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. Good luck!
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