Which DAW you recommend for THIS windows?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Rotten.Surfer, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Rotten.Surfer

    Rotten.Surfer Ultrasonic

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Hello everybody,
    Please help me to choose my first DAW.

    This is my situation:
    I have seven years old PC and I can't buy new, neither upgrade this one.
    This is my current system:
    Processor: AMD Sempron(tm) LE-1250 - 2,20 GHz
    RAM: 2+2 GB
    System type: 64-bit
    Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1)
    Audio interface: Steinberg UR22 (which comes with Cubase AI download version).

    And the question remains:
    What is the best DAW choice for this system? Should I start with the DAW mentioned above or there is something better which can run smoothly on my system? If you have time, please explain WHY you recommend particular software.

    I'm searching for the solution that will last at least few years - I don't want to change and migrate from one DAW to another every now and than.

    I intend to record vocals, electric and acoustic guitar and (maybe latter) bass guitar and drums - up to 3 members band - home recording and production.

    Thank you for your time and attention.
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    FL Studio or Studio One are good choices. Some people like Ableton, feels foreign to me and there are A LOT of bugs.
  4. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    check Reaper too, so http://audiosex.pro/index.php?/topic/7534-home-recording-course-for-beginners/
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Reaper is the lightest DAW on the market.
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    On a similar configuration I had Cubase SX3, and had no problems running Amplitube and recording (ONE!) Guitar with a backing track playing on one strip. (windows xp sp3 32bit stripped of everything)

    tho, some Amplitube presets were to heavy, so I had to avoid them.
    If I remember correctly it was Amplitube 2

    ...overclocking your processor could maybe help if possible ?!?

    If You use some kind of preamp or effect processor for Your guitar, and avoid Amp simulations and heavy plugins when playing, You should be fine... You can add them later is You want, after rising the buffer of Your ASIO card when "mixing"...
  7. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    +1 for Cockos - Reaper.
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I generally wouldn't have recommended Reaper before though it is a great DAW because it didn't have VST3 support but now that 5 is coming out, I'm changing my tune. And the asking price should you decide to buy is very affordable. The Cockos guys are awesome, a lot of devs should learn for those guys. THAT is giving back, not Troeles from 8Dio's story about how they make the best products they can (as opposed to those that make the worst products they can) and then charge an arm and a leg for them.
  9. d32r

    d32r Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    S1 and Ableton User here. I have not used Cubase since sx5. Until last week. I Purchased Pro 8. Absolute mammoth update from Steinberg, they really went to town on this one (most unlike them!!) It's very impressive and I am quite glad to be using Cubase again!
  10. Krypton85

    Krypton85 Ultrasonic

    Dec 30, 2014
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    I like the concept of Presonus Studio One. I installed a test version and checked it and it felt very comfortable from day one. Everything is where you expect it to be. You can use drag&drop a lot what makes some things very easy. For example you can drag&drop the insert or send effects (even the complete chain) from one channel to another. This is a very handy feature.

    I think it is all about your own workflow. So the only person who can answer your question is: you. There are so many different approaches these days when producing music that it is difficult to recommend a specific DAW.

    With the specs of your system I would recommend a system that does not eat up much cpu and is able to freeze/bounce tracks the easy way.

    I also would check out FL-Studio and Studio One (and Reaper) as mentioned above.
  11. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I suggest you to start trying several DAW, starting from the free ones.
    For every one check how many RAM it use and its CPU usage percentage
    (the more VSTs you use, more CPU usage increase). Try to understant
    which one has the GUI you think is better and which one is easy to use
    the most. Good luck. :wink:
  12. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    reaper / fl studio would be my first choice, and please watch out for vst's clogging up the system
  13. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    Just as new to you probably but I have an I7 with 8gb of memory and I would encourage you to upgrade your system with that $$ before investing anytime into learning any daw. I would also get a better interface if you are going to record a lot of Drums because there is a major problem in recording drums when you have a high RTL (round trip latency) Tascamn's 4x4 $249 and 2x2 $150, ESI $200 (pci slot interface card) offer the best bargain interfaces that have lower RTL's ESI I forget the model you can find it listed in the latest ratings for interfaces at dawbench.com The only other interfaces that would come close to these are the blackird from mackie its an onyx series and fire wire or then there is the babyface from RME which is $750 other than that you will not find a decent interface under $3000 as they all pretty much suffer from high RTL issues and drummers hear latency more than anyone else because they are right in the middle of the sound field they create. This will screw their timing up. Guitarists are use to natural latency caused by the time it takes for sound to travel to your ears from your amp. The further away from your amp that your stand the greater the natural latency. The latency for guitarists gets to be bad when RTL is over 9 or 10 ms. The tascams offer less than 5ms RTL at 64 samples recording at 96khz. That setting will make your ampsims sound better than using 48khz. I use sonar and have a lot of time involved in that DAW so I would of course recommend it to you. Reasons for this it offers a bad ass forum that has helpful people to talk you through problems. The free version that comes with those tascam interfaces may be all you need and if you go to the place we all go to there is a version of x3e available. The included goodies are probably not as big a selling point for people here but they do integrate with meoldyne which is something to consider and you may want to stay legit with your DAW and melodyne. I plan to do so and have for now. If you are looking for a good system I would recommend getting a refurb from newegg as there you can snag an I5 with a card reader and $250 would get you a noce 64 bit system with 4 gb of memory and a 250 gb HDD. I am looking into experimenting with storing stuff on the new flash memory that will run in the card readers that most computers have now. My I7 will read the new flash from PNY that for $89 offers SDD speed on a 256gb card that is removable. I think these cards will probably replace HDD in the near future. I can't believe they still use platters in new computers when flash memory is coming down in cost.
  14. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    There is no discussion that Reaper is the lightest DAW, both on resources while running and on install size.
    Then again, with a single (low power / lower-speed-than-normal-athlons) core it wouldn't matter much. I think you're not going to run that much effects, your CPU is just very light to do any kind of serious realtime fx stuff.
    So just for recording and simple EQ / compression / fixing any DAW will do.

    Nobody blames you if you say 'reaper is not my thing', but if it is your thing (or it becomes it) you will be rewarded. Cheapest for hobbyists even I believe, comes with loads of good fx, but can look very 'hardcore'. It isn't if you dare to click around though.
  15. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Zynewave Podium is as light as Cockos Reaper.
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  16. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Here is a link for you that you and everyone else curious about DAWs. Could help answering many questions.

  17. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Folks have provided many excellent options and insights for you.

    I would only add that you go to the DAW web sites and do some research of your own and see which one resonates with you best (as most all DAW's offer pretty much of the same options these days). Try and see which one meets your needs the best.

    Many dev's offer trial/demo downloads and you could go that route.

    Hope that helps and good luck with whatever DAW you choose to go with!!!
  18. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @ Old School Shred... I don't know much about roundtrip latency but I have a budget interface with input (zero latency) monitoring
  19. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I believe for your system is Studio One. Why? because i have an old laptop running AMD turion x2 2.00 ghz and works great with S1's Transform features.
  20. Rotten.Surfer

    Rotten.Surfer Ultrasonic

    Jul 27, 2014
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    People, you gave so much ideas and suggestions in such a short time. Now I understand the real power of this community.
    So much things to learn, man could spend entire life just reading about DAWs.

    Big thanks to everyone!

    This looks like exciting and promising journey :)
    Well, I guess I will start my adventure with free and trial versions.
  21. Beth

    Beth Guest

    i would definitely say Reaper !