[SOLVED] Very High CPU Load with NI Massive

Discussion in 'PC' started by mrpsanter, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I've been unable to use Massive for the last week or so because of an unusual high load of the CPU.

    When I start Massive (standalone or as a VST plugin), it already shows a load of more than 50% in the Task Manager without even doing nothing. It's getting frozen every now and then, making it impossible to play the instrument.

    What's puzzling me is that everything was working fine some times ago, obviously something changed but I have no idea what.

    My setup is:
    - Win 7 x64
    - Studio One 2 x64
    - Massive 1.4.0 x64

    Any insight are more than welcome. :)
  2. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    some software you installed latley is eating up your cpu resources cntl/alt/delete performace tab View Resource Monitor see whats spiking your cpu
    find and eliminate also make sure your running the latest Service Center Cracked or not it is relivent Good Luck
  3. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Thanks Studio5599,

    Unfortunately I already tried what you suggest: Ctrl/Alt/Del shows that the Massive process is taking immediately 55% of the CPU right after double clicking on it, even without the GUI showing up. It takes at least 20 secs for the GUI to show up after double clicking on the Massive icon.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Perhaps you should try uninstalling the program with something like Revo Uninstaller and then clearing out any remaining Massive keys in your registry and giving it a go at another installation.
  5. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Thanks Catalyst,

    I've done what you suggested (Revo Uninstall is a nice tool btw) and so far so good.

    I'm starting to get a clue about what's going on: My Massive install includes more than three hundred banks (300!), could it be the reason why everything starts working very slowly?

    Any of you has that many banks in Massive with no CPU issue?
  6. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    With 300 banks, I'd like you hear your music :wow: . I've heard very awesome music from users with less than 10 banks. You must either be super spectacular, or just another sound hoarder. :rofl:
  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Maybe a bit of both. :bleh:
    Seriously it was in the package that I downloaded from a site, I didn't really choose what was included. I was just happy (at the beginning) that my copy was working fine.

    I think I was right: After removing the entire Bank folder from Massive and reloading the whole thing, the issue kind of disapeared...
    300 banks is too much apparently. :)

    Thanks everyone for your help!
  8. grboye

    grboye Newbie

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I'm a sound and plugin hoarder. i've got a whole bunch of plugs, DAW's and sounds i will probably never used. better to be with than without.
  9. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    so I was right some software you installed latley is eating up your cpu resources 300 banks damn sam lol Kewl
  10. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    i had the same problem
    put them is a separate folder
    put only your favorites in the preset folder
    to access the separate folder : click on sounds
    it toggles between database (factory and user libaries) and HDD (Explorer at top & libraries shortcuts at bottom)

    Of course you could have let the database finish to build but it would have been laggy to browse anyway.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah keep telling yourself that. You know how many plug-in hoarders submitted tracks for the AudioSexed album? 0 That should tell you something. I have access to stuff that even you guys don't get and I still don't download that much. A waste of time that you will never get back. The more plug-ins you have the less you know about those plug-ins and instead of writing music people chase the dragon on that latest must-have that they think is going to transform them into a talented musician.
  12. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    you have no idea how professional musicians work do you? SMH. We could talk about timbaland and his TBs of sounds. Just because YOU wouldn't know what to do with TBs of sounds, doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. Stop projecting your limitations onto others. Learn to personalize, here is what you should have said
    "A waste of time that I will never get back. The more plug-ins I have the less I know about those plug-ins and instead of writing music I chase the dragon on that latest must-have that I think is going to transform me into a talented musician."

    some people's thoughts and abilities are far above and beyond yours and their aspirations are far beyond an audiosexed album, lol
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Actually that's the common denominator of tons of interviews with famous producers that talk about how in the old days they were limited in many ways and so they learned more of what they had and had to find ways to make it work but hey how can they match your superior knowledge. Oh Timbaland has tons of stuff wow I have to rethink my whole life now.[​IMG]

    Aspirations? Please. Do you know me? I ask because you're speaking like you do. When my classmates were in high school I was working for the top proxy solicitation company as a programmer making 6 figures. The AudioSexed album is one of my side-projects...I've got like a million of them going on. One of them you're browsing right now and when we relaunch it soon you can be sure I worked on that too in addition to my work helping rebuild that other forum where you go to get the subject of this conversation so maybe you should have some respect.
  14. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    There's actually no contradiction in this and Cat's comment about aimless hoarding.

    Don't you think Timbaland had a pretty good idea about what he wanted to do with all those sounds already while he were collecting them?
    My guess is he didn't just hoard them for the sake of it, thinking he may never even use them, but rather cause he knew he would use them to perfect his particular skills. That is similar to a musician learning his instruments. There's no point in getting a ton of stuff if you don't have a clear idea and are really focused about what you're gonna do with it.

    So if somebody thinks they will be the next Timbaland just by downloading 1000's of plugs and sample packs without a clear goal in mind there's a big chance they will be disappointed.
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Exactly and I've talked to people in the forums day in and day out and they tell me that this is hindering them. There's too much choice to see anymore, it's common sense just like matt said. I'd put my money on that guy that's been tweaking an ARP 2600 and that's the only gear that he's worked with over any hoarder with the latest and greatest. And if you know synthesis well then you can make most of the sounds you'd ever need with a few synths anyway. It takes time to check out what you want, download it, test it, catalog it, know what you have on your drives, etc. Time that could be spent writing a song or learning how to play the piano.
  16. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Regarding this issue I heard a good quote by Derrick May the other day:

    "My favorite keyboard was a DX-100. To program a Yamaha keyboard is a technical mystery, so there was a lot of studying, reading the manuals.
    Cause if you just used the presets you were the biggest fucking joke in the world. They're only meant as a starting point, and if you're gonna make music, make your own music. Don't make somebody else's music."

    This guy is one of the true pioneers who invented the whole EDM scene, and he just needed like one synth and a couple of drum machines to change the world of music.

    Like Matt said there will always be a few exceptions to the rule, but for 99 % of the ppl the best thing will be to do like Derrick May.
    Study and learn your tools really well if you wanna make something special.
  17. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I have exactly TWO (2) plugins in active use, and those are FabFilter Pro-Q and Kontakt VSTi, sometimes I apply some reverb through Pristine Space, but only on rare occasions.
    Other than that, I like my music to speak for itself, that's my intention so far. *yes*

    Same goes with Kontakt libs, the more you have, the less you are familiar with them *yes*
  18. grboye

    grboye Newbie

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I've did music for priority, sony and on the indie scene going back to the 90's on 2'inch reels and i can remember the days of limited effects and i never got to do the things i wanted with my music. with these new plugs, I'm doing stuff i could only accomplish in high-end studios. I'm hoarding and it feels great. talent, you either have it or you don't
  19. Tenbob

    Tenbob Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2015
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    This thread has moved off topic hasn't it!! Anyway, my two cents. I do believe too much plugins and presets can be a bad thing. In the past I spent far too long going through banks and different vst's. I recently released two tracks commercially and just used a few of my favourites. I am looking forward to my clean install of Win 7, will give me a good opportunity to streamline my DAW! On the subject of presets I am not snobby about them. I only use a few banks in Sylenth/Spire which are in my musical style and if I find one I like I will use it. I would like to learn synthesis, and when I do perhaps I will delete all my banks. Until then though, I will use them without a care on what others say. How many end users of my product will know my lead was tweaked from a preset?