VST or real amp for recording?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by venndi, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Hi :)

    What do you think, can I get better result with my marshall MG30DFX than with TSE X50 v2.0?
    Of course I know that with real HIGH END amps like the peavey 5150 I can get much better result, but with my marshall I'm not sure.

    I had try earlier recording with my amp, but the result was really bad. I follow Ola's guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WLhv0rId5k
    Where should I set my mic on marshall mg30? In the center? My gear is LTD EC-1000, marshall mg30, BOSS HM-2, shure SM57 and my audio interface scarlett 2i4.

    I try to get the tone like In flames have on The jester race album or like on Come Clarity album.

    If someone can put some EQ picture or recommendations for that sound I will very happy :)
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I still prefer to use/record with real gear. But software is catching up big-time.

    Everything matter - strings, pickups, cables, pedals/effects, preamps, converters, amp, cab/speaker, mic/mics, angle/position/offset/proximity/phasing of the mic and so on. You just have to find your own sweetspot if you are recording it yourself. If you don't have a good sound to start with, no mic setup is going to make it sound better. Same goes for when recording drums, bass (although you can record both line and mic, and phase-correct these), acoustic guitar, vocalist, etc.
    Some great guitar-sounds have been recorded with an SM57 "just put in front of the speaker" (with no real thought behind it) and still sounded great because the sound was great from the start.

    I don't think I've ever recorded with a mic straight into the center of the cone. I've always gone a bit off center and off axis (but that is me). I'm not saying that I'm right, it's just my reference/taste.

    Like I said, record a riff and then move the mic. Record the riff again (after your first recording). Move the mic again, and so forth, until you find what you are looking for.
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Kemper Profiling Amplifier
  5. macart

    macart Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2014
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    Yeah I use a Kemper .... Awesome.
  6. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    As baxter say everything matter, but that doesnt mean if you have excellent gear, that you will get excellent sound from it. You can end up with pretty average sound if you don't know what you doing and also you can end up with pretty great sound with average gear if you know what you doing. And in last case, nothing can touch real sound recording and its organic feel. But if you really have no experience or don't have all gear needed is maybe better in your case to go with vst. In under video Sylvia Massy explain preety in detail wich technique she use for recording guitar. Is interesting but i guess expensive to. Of course this doesn't mean you can't achieve good results just with one amp and one mic with some other technique, but you will probably have more work to do in your DAW. But i quite like her technique as she try to get sonic features with analog/mechanical way of thinking even before signal come to mix table. She will later not have to use a lot of additional analog/digital proccesses on guitar signal and thats why guitar will stay more organic/analog sounding. Also quite like her approach how she widening sound with adding additional recordings rather than mic positioning.

    At 46:38 she start to explaining how.
  7. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Venndi,

    As I don't know your particular 'Marshall' Model : 'Marshall MG30DFX', I done some searches through Internet to get some available pictures, mainly to have a look at all the Connections available.
    From what I can see, you have an 'emulated' 'Line Out' available to the right, next to the 'Power' Button (which can also serve as 'Headphones' Output').
    The problem now is to know exactly for what that 'emulated' definition stands, I mean it is a real '+4dB Line Out' (the Professional Standard) ?, or any other 'Level Output'. Certainly the 'Owner's Manual' can be of great help for this fact (check the 'Technical Specifications').

    In case that this 'Line Out' acts as a 'regular' Line Out ('+4dB'), my suggestion will be that you use it to 'feed' your Audio Card (--> 'Line Input', NOT 'Instrument Input' or 'Hi-Z Input', if available !).

    You'll also need to 'unplug' first the 2 Cables that are plug with the '10" Speaker' of your 'MG30DFX' (on the back of your Amp).
    This way, you'll (normally !) only have the Audio Signal of the Preamp/Amp.
    :excl: Just be a bit cautious when unplugging these 2 Cables, just to avoid to broken them !!! :excl: *yes*

    This way, you can directly send the 'Audio Signal' of your 'MG30DFX' Preamp/Amp SOLELY, to be recorded within your usual DAWs via your Audio Card.
    The next step will be to add the desired (needed) Effects (using the hundreds of 'VST Plugins' available nowadays), then to ALSO use one of the numerous 'Convolution Engines' available too, loaded with 'Impulse Responses' (hundreds of these are available) of very famous and reknowned 'Cabs', till you'll find the perfect 'Cabs' ('Cabinets') that you want, or that best suit your 'MG30DFX... *yes*

    All these suggestions are for the case that you may still not be satisfied by 'miking' your Amp the usual way... *yes* :wink:


    Here you have some images of some of these 'Cab Convolution Engines' :


    RedWirez mixIR2


    Ignite Amps nadIR


    LePou Plugins LeCab 2


    Recabinet 4


    Some are free, others are paid... Try them, and get your own opinion ! *yes* :thumbsup:
  8. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Bias Desktop
  9. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thank you very much guys! :)

    Studio 555: I had try your method, that form amp's Line out into audio interface Line in. It works fine :), I'll soon try some experiment with my Guitar->BOSS-HM2->Amp->audio interface.
    This method is between the two others? I mean, the "worse" is when I use just the VST(AMP and cab IR too), and the best quality and feel is when the recording is making with real amp and cab, or isn't not big difference between the real cab and IR?

    Maybe I'll soon put my recorded tracks, then you can help in mixing :)
  10. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I agree with Zenarcist~! I bought a Kemper and its the single best investment for guitar I've made in at least 20 years. I bought the one with the power amp cause whatever tone I use in the studio I can take on the road if need be.

    My 2ยข
  11. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    But the kemper also use softwares or not? Why would be better the kemper than the TSE X50 or recabinet?
  12. Stefan188

    Stefan188 Newbie

    Oct 8, 2011
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    after thaht i know
    there work on different ways, Kemper work on the basis of matching ur eq to the target one, u can do this on pc 2, its better known as stealing sounds

    TSE try to form u sound with the parameters to one unknown target

    And u must see the diferent point on kemper is thaht when u profile ur amp with it u still profile ur playing art
  13. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Using real gear requires more effort and also a good knowledge of mic/recording techniques.
    Lazy people (like me) or if you simply have no time or space to mic up cabs etc then software produces excellent results.

    However, many people forget that a great guitar sound also needs a great recorded bass and drums. You'll be cutting out the low end of the guitar to make room for the bass anyway, so forget it sounding amazing unless you are just jamming.
    My recording guitar tone sounds nothing like my gig sound. Real amps slaughter vsts in a real life/gig situation but on a recording there's nothing in it.

    Sneap forum have had several shootouts over the years and usually amp sims feature heavily in the top 10 and number 1 several times. Because you can get a great sound very quickly as most of the hard work has been done for you.

    Use an amp sim live and you will look like a bell end :)

    I had a Kemper and it's amazing, but you are still recording the audio... so if you want to tweak the amp sound etc after you've tracked you can't. Unlike sims, where you can change the cabs, fx, or even the valves after you've nailed a take. Kemper is only really worth it if you want a wide variety of sounds in my opinion, I just used the same old heads as I have on TH2 so it wasn't really worth the price tag.
  14. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thanks, I'll use ampsims, and my marshall amp, then just put some IR... :) I had quckly try what have studio555 recommended, and for me its better tone with my marshall amp + some IR, than ampsim + IR.
    For the price which costs the kemper, I would buy peavey 5150 and some cab...

    studio5599: I'm on MAC/Hackintosh :wink:
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I have tried almost all plugins there is on the market and find out when it comes to non effect or non cabinet "coloring" to the sound they almost all sound the same one developer seems to have put an exciter or a filter last in the signal chain as it sounded way brighter than all others and of course that make people think that this ampsim is more "real" sounding then the others when i tried to put an exciter after the others ampsim they become very similar sounding strange?

    Some years ago i did at test with all amp sim i had on my computer (now the memory is not what it used too so some statement to which ampsim it was can be wrong)

    I recorded a clean signal directly in my soundcard playing first a power chord and then another track playing arpeggios i then inserted the ampsim choosed an amp disabled the cab (if that could be done on some plugins it was impossible) as i had an redwire Mix IR2 as a cab in the second insert slot that way ALL amp was feed to the SAME cab and the cab was not gonna play a big part in the overall sound as they always do when making an ampsim "sounding good to the customers ear" exactly like tons of effects in a patch does..
    I put all controls to 12 o clock and render it to an audiofile.

    Inserted a new ampsim choosed the same amp as the ampsim before (disabled the cab) put all controls on 12 o clock render to audio and so on

    I found out that most ampsim sounded almost the same but there was some odd oners i.e Vox amp sounded completely different to the others on many of the amps so did Guitar Rig..
    And Amplitude sounded very bright compared to all other ampsim (thats why i suspect an exciter or maybe a filter in the output read above) Revalver MK III V sounded not so distorted as the others on 12 o clock on the hi gain amps especially the Marshall version if i remember correctly.

    They also have very different volyme when you compared them with the volyme on 12 o clock so some developer may have coded a limiter/comp or something similar to raise the volyme in the output.

    So my view is that buy whatever amp sim you like then buy a good cab sim and play with the cabs as it is a very imported when it comes to changing the sound also when recording a guitar try to have the best signal loud enough so it dont clip then in the amp sim raise the input very importent so the plugin is working like it should..

    You should of course try to record a REAL amp if you can it is ver educative and you will find out how important it is to have the mic in the right place and how much it changes the sound even if you move the mic very little..

    Another thing you can try is render one amp sim import the audio to your DAW insert another amp sim and choose an amp tweak a little then render it again when i tried that way i had one of the best solo sound i ever had.
  16. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    What problem?
    I guess not any computer problem as mac is the worst crap ever made i use my for internet only nowadays very expensive computer for that task..
    The ones who say mac dont have problems is liers
  17. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    if you like "tubes" and you understand how they work, and can here the nuances and play with them as you perform, than nothing beats a good old tube amp.
    I agree that it is big, hevy, inpractical, expensive to mantain, but that is the price to pay for some "audio sex" :)

    On the other hand, if You are a "matematical" player, or are not experienced enough to feel and play the nuances that the real amp offers, then the simulations are a great thing, and they are very well made (most of them).

    The amp gives You that feedback that You feel under Your fingers as You play and that interaction gets You more involved, and makes You play play better and enjoy more.
    ...tho, when just listening, there is not a big difference IMO...

    So, if You are composing or just having a good quality time improvising, I prefere a real amp; but when recording an allready known song, I see no reason not to use simulations.

    The simulations have a lot of good sides to them that no amp can beat...
    The amp has only one: "the interaction of the sound and a player when You dance with Your fingers around the tube break up point"
  18. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    You can reamp a Kemper (via SPDIF), and it's easy to record the audio and the DI at the same time :wink:

  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    And another million problems begin. I fail to see what buying a Mac has anything to do with this topic. [​IMG]
  20. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Make sure guitars setup properly, probably more important than the amp, software has come along way, so if you can't monitor your recording in isolation experiment with different bit of software chained together, some apps do some jobs better than other. I like overloud, BX and Nebula in combinations, but too many to try them all so plenty of other excellent tools for the job. And my neighbours don't get pissed
    A good starting place for mic positioning is cap edge, gives you a rough idea of a central tone and go from there for effect you want.
    Take di of guitar signal if you can if mic-ing amp, as said live monitoring helps get the feel better, then you got a bit more control when mixing, another trick is use 2 mic's with a different sound, you can then blend between the two when mixing
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