u-he DIVA pitch envelope

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Gulliver, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    A newbie in synth programming here, so please bear with me :grooves:

    In Waves Element I can assign an ADSR envelope to the global pitch.
    Is there a way to do the same in DIVA?
    I looked around, but I can't find where this option is, or if it's possible at all in DIVA.
  3. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    Interesting question you pose.

    As I have not yet delved into the world of Diva yet (still learning other synths inside out) I can not provide a simple answer.

    However, according to the manual page 39 - Modulation Sources , gives you a list.

    according to this list Envelope 1 is for Amplitude & Envelope 2 is for Modulation, which is not extremely clear. Envelope 2 maybe hard coded as a "Filter Envelope" which can sometimes often be referred to as a "Modulation Envelope", If this is not the case then it should be a freely assignable envelope & you would want to look to modulate the destination called something along the lines of Oscillator Pitch or Master Pitch.

    Hope that helps , happy programming.
  4. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    On every different VCO you can choose in the left side of the GUI there is an env2 knob that controls the pitch mod amount from env2
  5. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ah, got it now, many thanks!

    So in the case of this VCO, the little switches I highlighted control the pitch mod amount?


    The pitch also seems to get modulated when all switches are turned off (to the left?) :dunno:

    I also see now why I think Waves Element is so good for learning synthesis.
    While DIVA certainly sounds better than Element, Element has such a clear and logical interface that it's really easy to achieve the stuff you want.
  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah Element was the first synth I really learned how to use. Lately I've been trying to stay away from it to force myself to learn some others. A favorite of mine (which I almost never see mentioned) is Fabfilter Twin. I guess people don't like it because it doesn't really have built-in effects but man is it flexible. Everything is freely assignable to everything else, and it's as simple as clicking the little target button and then clicking the parameter you want to modulate.
  7. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    @Gulliver , how bad is it changing in pitch with the envelopes turnt off ? is it extreme or is it subtle ?

    It may have something to do with Divas oscillator tuning & oscillator sync, as it is aimed to be modelled towards analog which are renowned for having detuned oscillators over time & have a less hard sync feeling, its not just slight oscillator detuning is it ?

    Fabfilter Twin is a real hidden gem :wink:

    Yes I agree that I don't think Diva is the best instrument to learn synthesis on as its more focused towards being a "pad" module of sorts, hence it missing some basic features youd expect but it also has its own hmm "feature set" more specifically aimed towards pad programming.

    One of the best instruments to learn synthesis on for me has been the Virus TI, although not everyone can afford / has one , but it has all the features and great signal flow to learn synthesis on.

    Features youd expect such as , classic, wave table, hypersaw engines in 1 instrument. oscillator phase, oscillator sync, sub oscillator, noise oscillator, great sounding unison, dual filter configuration, filter saturation, multiple envelopes & lfos with positive & negative polarity. good modulation matrix, bunch of nice fx & alot of different saturations at the filter level & in the fx. Then bonus features that are always nice such as FM, Ring Modulation. & last but not least a very nice layout on both the hardware & software with no non-sense.
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