How To upgrade to Maverik

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by freebeatprod, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Hello everyone,
    I would like to switch to osx mavericks (currently I 10.8.4) but I am very afraid that doing the upgrade, some programs may not work ... I use Logic 9 (also logic X) and many plug in (some original some warez), if I do I will be updating unpleasant surprises?
    is required to make a backup of external HD before making the upgrade system?
    how do I install maveriks, taking it from the Apple Store?
    Please help me.
    Thank You
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    In order to upgrade you should click on the apple of the finder menu and choose about this mac.
    There is an option-toggle there, labeled as software update.
    That should direct you to a kind of grid where you choose what to update.
    Perhaps it would show just Yosemite as option given that is the current OSX, if this is the case go to apple store, you´ll be able to find what you are after.

    According to my experience when I upgraded last year to Yosemite I had no problems,really.It´s always difficult to take the step, but it tends to be less that it seems. I just had minor issues with 32lives but I found help on here.In few days all was back to normal.
    There is lot of info on the forum about issues with vsts.
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    logic 9 will no longer work correctly. i've tried with 9.1.7 and 9.1.8, but no luck. i Experienced graphical glitchs, eq is slower when moving knobs and stuff like that. Logic pro X works like a charm, search some common problem/errors with Logic 9 before upgrading. OSX 10.9.0
  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Apple no longer supports (offers a download of) Mavericks. They're pushing Yosemite instead. One can either download the installer application or install the update the O/S downloaded "on top of" the extant O/S (10.6.8 upward).

    Why do you want to switch to Mavericks? Are there applications that you want to use but won't run on Mountain Lion? Yosemite might be better to install - its current version, 10.10.2, is stabler than the initial release.

    As for Logic Pro 9, I've read reports of its running on Yosemite with the last update (9.1.8), but that should be triple-referenced.

    If your system drive has enough space for two partitions, keep one with Mountain Lion (and the apps you run on it), and create one for Yosemite, and try your necessary applications on it. I have my system drive configured this way; I keep the Mountain Lion partition for when I have to revert to Logic 9 or 10.0.x.

    I have not tried to install/run LP9 on Yosemite, but even if I had, I would not encourage anyone to accept "it works okay on my system" as a recommendation. LP9's performance on Yosemite seems to vary from case to case. If it does work for someone on Yosemite, I would expect LP9 to be definitely deprecated by its further updates and the version of OSX to follow.

    Anyone double-booting with Yosemite should really read this article, about how Yosemite messes with partitioning schemes, but is remediable via Terminal commands:
  6. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Logic 9 is working fine on yosemite,i have no issues.
  7. zboubi

    zboubi Newbie

    Dec 15, 2014
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    With audio and video stuff ... you should always prefer a clean install, not an update
    It ends with a cleaner system, new clean preferences
    Stay away from Yosemite ... to much compatibility problems
    and that's true 10.8 is a crap compared to 10.9. ... updated to 10.9.5
    10.9 is more memory efficient, true dual screen, new systems underground resources, ready for the future
    in fact the true real new thing in the system ... but engineer stuff is not "hot selling"

    All necessary things can be found around ... if you search
  8. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Sorry i might be more clear: Me and other users on the net experienced same graphical heavy problem running Logic 9 on Mavericks (in my case 10.9.0). In Yosemite Logic 9 can still run at 32 or it will be forced to run at 64 bit?
  9. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Me too interested to know if this works for 32bit ... but when I do the upgrade, he does a reset all data?
    I mean well, updating the system to maveriks (or Yosemite) the computer will delete all my files and programs?
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i've read that Yosemite run app only at 64bit while Mavericks can both 32bit and 64bit. Can anyone conferm this or deny?