Spitfire Audio releases: David Fanshawe - Earth Encounters Vol 1

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    "Through the adventures of music and travel, I have been privileged to experience our world as a composer
    and musical explorer. It is my humble dream to go on sharing my aspirations with future generations through
    the legacy of my sound archives.
    ” - David Fanshawe (1942-2010)


    A distinctive pattern, product, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified. So reads a typical
    dictionary definition of the word signature. Shitfire Audio’s SIGNATURE range sample library luminaries certainly have
    a signature sound — hence the apt appellation. As such, it is an absolute privilege for Spitfire Audio to add the notable
    name of David Fanshawe — best remembered for his legendary choral work African Sanctus and for his lasting legacy to
    world music.


    The Fanshawe Music Archive, about which none other than The British Library Sound Archive advances, “His collection of
    field recordings and the knowledge this imparts are invaluable..." — to that range’s lengthening lineage for all to hear and
    make their own musical explorations with. Which is a very exciting prospect for anyone — all the more so since the composer’s
    own musical excursions touched the hearts and minds of such an appreciative audience, including classical composers of
    such standing as Richard Blackford and the dearly departed Antony Hopkins, who paid tribute to the talented musician in
    question thusly: “His music is literally unique, both in conception and completion. Fanshawe is also deeply concerned lest
    the folk music of the endangered countries should be lost to future generations.”


    Antony Hopkins would surely have also appreciated the sentiment behind DAVID FANSHAWE - EARTH ENCOUNTERS VOL 1,
    the first release in a continuing collaboration between Spitfire Audio, the state of David Fanshawe, and Fanshawe
    One World Music, a unique, ear-catching collection of recordings residing under the watchful eye of Jane Fanshawe.
    For the DAVID FANSHAWE - EARTH ENCOUNTERS collection will help to support the work being undertaken to prepare the
    astonishing archive that was David Fanshawe’s generous gift to the world for its eventual establishment as the premier
    resource for researchers and musicians worldwide.


    Selections are presented in DAVID FANSHAWE - EARTH ENCOUNTERS VOL 1 in such a way that they can be pitched
    up and down, played at different tempos/speeds, and more besides. There is also a stupendous section of ‘warped’
    content where the Spitfire Audio team took the original recordings and created all manner of interesting sounds
    from them, ranging from ethereal pads to pounding distorted beats and anything and everything in-between. Such
    sounds are loaded into two differently-designed ‘engines’ — each geared up to differing sonic approaches and
    treatments. The first provides an easy way to add ‘everyday’ effects like chorus, delay, distortion, EQ, filtering,
    phasing, and reverb to the original content, together with more radical sound morphing controls (within the Wobble
    and Yoke section).


    The warped content creatively benefits from Spitfire Audio’s powerful proprietary eDNA (electronic DNA) engine — as
    devastatingly demonstrated on the earlier EDNA01 - EARTH release, which includes individual and independent modulators;
    control of trim, bend, glide, cloning, tuning, and ADSR; wobbles that modulate pitch, volume, and filters; a gating and
    sequencer section with full control over amount, shape, speed, and length; 34 custom effects and impulse responses; and
    also an ability to crossfade between two selected sounds with speed and phase control capabilities additionally at hand...
    how adventurous can you go? DAVID FANSHAWE - EARTH ENCOUNTERS VOL 1 provides users with endless creative inspiration
    while bringing its namesake celebrated composer and musical explorer’s work within reach of the music-making masses for
    the first time.


    2079 groups
    16171 zones
    11491 samples
    76797 seconds / 1280 minutes / 21.3 hours
    28047 mb / 27.39 gb (uncompressed 32bit wav)
    13.7 GB NCW compressed size

    DAVID FANSHAWE - EARTH ENCOUNTERS VOL 1 can be purchased and downloaded directly from Spitfire Audio from
    January 24, 2015 for an attractive introductory price of £149.00 GBP (around $225.00 USD) — rising to an
    RRP of £199.00 GBP (around $300.00 USD) on February 7, 2015 — from here: Products Page – All (Note that
    this is a free Native Instruments KONTAKT PLAYER library — no additional purchases necessary to run this
    product to its full potential.)

    More INFO: Spitfire Audio | Earth Encounters Vol 1
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Woow thats great news indeed!! Thanks for your head-up!! :wink:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    This guy is a posting machine. Thanks brother. :break:
  5. toni_aguirre

    toni_aguirre Newbie

    Jul 6, 2014
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    Is there any way to get his recordings independently from Spitfire? They are very interesting. I found this in the Internet but couldn't find download links http://www.fanshawe.com/africamideastasia.asp
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