latest finale portable version

Discussion in 'Software' started by old school shred, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    what is meant by the portable? Is this full version? why is there no NFO and just an exe file? When uncompressed there is 466mb.

    Also before I install should I uninstall notepad the free version? Pardon my newness to this process but my instinct says uninstall the free version first.
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ old school shred,

    As the name implies : it means that's the 'Portable' Version of a particular App/Program,... Sometimes, it's also called 'Mobile', either 'USB Portable Edition', or 'USB Mobile Edition', and it's main advantage it's that you can simply place it into one of your 'USB Key(s)', then have it with you anywhere you need/want it (i.e. another Computer, to make a Session in another place than your usual one,... ), hence it's name of 'Portable'. *yes*

    In most of the cases : YES ! *yes*

    Normally, you should find a '.nfo' File that explains you the Instructions to follow and the name of the 'Team' which has done that 'Portable' or 'Mobile' Edition. *yes*
    Anyway, the most important File is that '.exe' ('executable'), that you must simply to launch to get the App/Program,... to run propely. *yes*

    A last Info :
    I don't know about the 'Team' behind that 'Finale' Version, but 'Team BEAT' is certainly one of the most famous and well-known 'Team' to make 'Portable' or 'Mobile' Editions of existing Apps/Programs... *yes* :wink:
  4. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    Thanks for the quick response its very appreciated.

    So clean all the old documents off my USB stick and use that to run finale great idea if that works so I need to test that. Are there a lot of programs that run this way? I think I recall reading that Reaper would do this as well. How do you block it from communicating over the net and calling back home in this case or is that even needed? I guess I can shut the internet off to do that in this case.
  5. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    cool user name by the way.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ old school shred,

    As I see that you're 'on-line' right now, we'll then be 'synchro' !!! :rofl:

    I don't think that you need to absolutely 'clean' (delete) all your 'old' documents stored within your 'USB Key', because maybe some of these are of great importance for you (?) :dunno:
    By cons, if you don't have enough storage space on it, that could be a solution... *yes*

    Another thing to bear in mind is that most of these 'Portable' or 'Mobile' Editions add some 'extra' Files when you launch the '.exe' ('executable'), and this also increases the storage space necessary... so Be Aware ! *yes* And some of these added 'extra' Files must to be let like this too for a next usage !!! (hence the importance to carefully read the provided '.nfo' for a specific 'Portable' Version !) *yes*

    *yes* Yes, 'Reaper' offers you that Option during the Installation Process of the regular Version, but this is provided by the 'Reaper' Team itself, whereas as stated in my previous Comment, a Team like 'Team BEAT' makes 'Portable' or 'Mobile' Editions of other Apps/Programs that don't have that kind of Option by their own, as for instance, 'GuitarRig 5', 'AmpliTube 3', 'VOX JamVox',... *yes*
    You can also find some DAWs that were ported to 'Portable' or 'Mobile' Edition like 'Cubase 4 or 5' (if I well remember !). *yes*
  7. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Just to make it clear:

    Portable means it doesn't need to be installed using an installer (and usually avoid adding registry keys etc. and have many settings in the program folder and of course, move it around by just copying the folder). It doesn't run only from USBs. It's just a folder you can put anywhere and tranfer it without all the installation/uninstallation procedures.
  8. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Gramofon,

    *yes* Yes... BUT better to run it from your 'USB Key', because if you place the provided '.exe' ('executable') File within another Computer, for instance, you can be sure that it will leave some traces (in case that the App/Program creates additional Files, of course !) inside the Computer used for that purpose, hence my previous Comment about to pay attention and carefully read the Instructions and Info provided within the '.nfo' (when available !)... *yes* :wink: