Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Yeah since your on a MAC Use Core Audio
  2. jasonhs

    jasonhs Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Ah ok thanks!
  3. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    i'm sorry Kontakt Guru Lord to be there agin for asking help. i'm definitely not lucky with Kontakt... and have many problem since i use my new external hard drive.

    i deleted all the xml files, plist files and all the kontakt stuff and have made a full fresh install, adding libraries again but i met several problems and definitely need your precious knowledge and infinite bounty on helping noobs like me if you will.

    Problems are :

    1/Many libraries don't find files such as the pictures files for Requiem pro 1.1 (faders,knobs..i only get the background pictures), it doesn't find the wallpaper tab, and it seems Kontakt doesn't "catch" the files when i indicate to it the folders..)
    2/Spitfire Sable have the pictures and wallpaper tab but there is he same problem to get the samples : doesn't catch/see the files in the folders i point to it
    3/Albion 2 Loegria wallpaper is the old one instead of the Redux one (though it's the redux one which is in the folder !! (i don't know where it find this old wallpaper tab !)
    4/Native instrument Rise and Hit doesn't work in libraries tab too even when i indicate/locate the folder ! However there is a .nicnt so i guess it's normally made to be used in libraries tabs..)

    The numbers 3 and 4 are not that importants, it's only cosmetic/aesthetic but the points 1 and 2 make me impossible to use the libraries.

    Kontakt is so complicatedddd since the version 5.3 and 5.3.1 have been released. :(

    Thank you if you got time again for me, you've already spent so much with me that i can't reproach you anything if you can't *yes*
  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    For a few members Kontakt 5.3.1 has been nothing but problems that why i always extract the update crack dpm, vst & Au apps and rename them to test them out before doing the full update to make sure it's stable enough for me.. anyhow let's pm this problem i don't want to spam my precious Kontakt Zone and will post the fixes later once we are complete..WIN WIN lol
  5. Lynxis

    Lynxis Newbie

    May 4, 2014
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    Hello everybody,

    I kinda feel bad for adding "an other encrypted Error help request" here, but I've tried a lot already and can't find any specific hints in all discussions here (but there are so many ...)

    Im trying to add Orchestral Tools Symphonic Spheres v1.2 Kontakt, but i get the Encrypted Error - here some Infos:

    - Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
    - Logic Pro X 10.0.6
    - Kontakt v5.3.1 Update on top of Kontakt v5.2.0
    - Kontakt says now Full licence / x64 / v.
    - Used the "Symphonic Spheres Fix"

    Fix Infos
    For those who have problem running this library:
    Here is the 'Orchestral Tools Symphonic Sphere v1.2' Kontakt instruments
    which is not encrypt/protected or in demo mode.
    The instruments can run directly without the need to instal the library, and they run also without problem on the MAC.

    In case Kontakt can't find the samples directly, run 'Batch re-save' from Kontakt files manu.

    Compatible with Kontakt v5.2.0.6361 or above

    Orchestral Tools Symphonic Sphere-Unprotected Instruments v1.2

    - Added a .nicnt file, since there was non - "add library" worked properly, its showing up in the list

    my .nicnt file
    /\ NI FC MTD /\1.0––<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <ProductHints spec="1.0.9">

    <Product version="1">
    <Company>Orchestral Tools</Company>
    <Name>Symphonic Spheres</Name>
    <RegKey>Symphonic Spheres</RegKey>
    <Visibility target="Standalone">3</Visibility>
    <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>

    /\ NI FC MTD /\H‘/\ NI FC TOC /\.db.cacheH‘ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒ/\ NI FC TOC /\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <soundinfos version="110">

    but since the error shows up, no matter how i load the patch (library view list / Files List / quick Load / directly for the Mac HD directory folder), im not sure if the .nicnt has to do anything with this problem.


    Ive already tried to
    - completely reinstall Kontakt and get a clean install
    - delete all the .plist / .xml / contact related files completely etc. and start new
    - using the Batch resave function of Kontakt

    This is the first and only library not working so far, got other libraries working properly from ProjectSam / Native Instruments / Spitfireaudio (+creating new NICNT files) / other Orchestral Tools (berlin Woodwinds & Stringruns)

    Am i missing something very basic? or is this a specific 5.3.x problem, since most people a couple of months ago seemed to use that library fixed instrument files and they were good!

    Maybe somebody can help me, im glad for every hint!


    Attached Files:

  6. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Creating that custom.nicnt just open up a new can of worms for you.

    Sphere's is a Kontakt Player Exclusive library the .nicnt & library info is embedded in the nkx in the main folder, you now offically corrupted them lol.

    you need fresh files do you still have the rars?
  7. Lynxis

    Lynxis Newbie

    May 4, 2014
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    Hello and thank you for your kind reply. Unfortunately I don't have the rar files anymore, but if needed, i can redownload them.

    1) i must not create a nicnt file for this library?
    2) i created this nicnt file for using the library tab view - my understanding is that i just can't use this view, since a nicnt file currupts the nix file?
    3) by fresh files do you just mean the "Symphonic Sphere_info.nkx" & "Symphonic Sphere_info.nkc" files?

    replacing those 2 with the origin files + deleting all library related files like the .plist / .xml files will solve the problem?
  8. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Yes & yes & yes :wink:
  9. Dima Fima

    Dima Fima Newbie

    May 8, 2014
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    Hello, Kontakt Guru, I am running Kontakt5.3.1 (k) Mac 10.9.2. All is well, generally. My question is this : How can I save (back up) the order of the libraries in the library tab on the Mac. Dragging them takes up a long time, and just now after a restart they showed up in complete disarray. When you have a lot of libraries it's time consuming and annoying...
  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Welcome to the Audiosex, I'll be your host tonight, Hope you enjoy your stay & contribute to this fine Establishment :bow:

    On windows it's a combinations of locations that Kontakt reads from, like the service center & registry. And on MAC the content.plist & service center folder

    Haven't really pinpoint how Kontakt stores the library tabs :wink:
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    And with that this section is officially closed for noobies, I've posted this before but was completely ignored so I'm turning up the heat because we're honestly frustrated with the amount of new members that not only don't contribute but expect someone to attend to all their needs yet don't even introduce themselves. Introninja only provides this service for active members here and for good reason because people have no problem exploiting him and our forums for their own selfish needs. I think this is wrong and I'm putting an end to it. If push comes to shove I will lock these threads and leave a message that you have to PM me and then I will approve each request individually and only active members will get forwarded to him. Introninja isn't a Kontakt genie to be called up whenever the mood should strike you, he's a human being and it's time we started treating him like one. Of course if you're an active member here then you will continue to get the amazing level of service that you always have.
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    realizing now the nature of the "members" only provision here, I am reposting this query here to IntroNinja from the top level of this thread, apologies for double post Catalyst, as I know you are trying to keep things neat and tidy!

    re: com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist

    First of all Introninja, thanks for all your help on this. My quick question is, I'm running legit Kontakt 5.3.1, will deleting the com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist remove all my legitimate libraries (action strikes, Vir2 etc) from my legitimate Kontakt? I guess I do want to try this out as I want to check out REV etc, but I am a little concerned that Session Strings or something will disappear… I realize you have been getting ad infinitum questions on this, and have tried to read every thread before bothering you, I guess I would just like to make it as "seamless" as possible, and could not read between the lines of what I could perhaps be "losing" in this scenario..

    thanks so much for your time!
  13. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    No, just only your Komplete collection (Kontakt Factory Library)

    Yes, If you delete this file Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences >com.native-instruments.Content.plist

    Follow this thread How To Install A Cracked Version Of Kontakt On A Mac With A Legit Kontakt Version Installed and you should have nothing to worry about young jedi :wink:
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    People aren't getting the active member part of this are they? If you need to be approved to post here then you're not an active member.
  15. RAIN_MAN

    RAIN_MAN Newbie

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Haha am I approved? Just checking :) only way to check is to post

    I'm approved yeeehawwww
  16. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Welcome aboard, Rain_Man.... lol

    I send you a PM :bow:
  17. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    So I've migrated all my sample libraries from a couple different drives to one large 5th drive... (running osx)... my problem is that when I instantiate Kontakt 5 in Live, my quick load sections "appear", but do not populate with the Kontakt programs I had previously put in there.. (sees them if the old drives are connected though)... Is there an easy way to migrate these over? Thanks.
  18. cihazmihaz

    cihazmihaz Newbie

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Hi everyone,

    Having a similar and odd issue.

    I recently moved my instrument libraries to an external drive. 100% sure everything was dragged and dropped properly. I re-added my instrument libraries on Kontakt 5 and all of them except the original Kontakt 5 library works. For some reason I'm not able to add the original Kontakt 5 library, and every time I do, I get the typical "Library could not be found" notification. However, if I go through the files browser, and select the .nki file within the Kontakt 5 Library, it opens up just fine and works perfectly. I just cannot figure out why I'm not able to add the library like I used to have before. Any tips?

  19. IIIXX

    IIIXX Newbie

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hi everybody,

    I'm new to the forum and i wondered if you could possibly help? I recently updated from OSX 10.6.8 to 10.8.5 and have Kontakt 5.3.0 currently installed (cracked) but would like to upgrade to 5.4.1. Upon installation a message appears that says "installation folder not found. Please install from the original installation medium first. If the product is already installed on your computer please start service center" and install through the service center. As i'm running a patched version i'm slightly unsure and wondered if this would be ok?

  20. m0zart

    m0zart Newbie

    May 14, 2014
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    Hi, hope everyone is having a productive weekend!

    I'd like to know if there is a way to improve the "batch re-save" times.

    I've learned from reading in this forum, great tips, suggestions and even best practices overall.
    The issue I am having, I don't know if it's functioning as designed or if it's user error.

    In the past the process was relatively quick (5-15 minutes) and it would re-save the library.

    Recently I came across a library that reported the samples as missing (approximately 14k files) it took over 12 hours to batch re-save.

    Thanks in advance for any tips or simply confirming that what I am experiencing is normal … if that is the norm, at least I can plan accordingly ;)

    Happy Music Making!
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